Novel Name : Changing Only For Her Novel

Chapter 387

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She was fully aware of the circumstances Nicholas was in, but didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for


In fact, she felt that he deserved it for provoking her for no reason.

It went without saying that he had to pay the price for doing so.

“It was on the very night that we left. He was engaged in a brutal battle with his arch-rival who seized

upon his weakness and beat him to a pulp. As of now, the Sable family of Anglandur will need at least

two to three years to recover their previous strength.”

“Mr. Tristan, why aren’t you giving any reaction to the news?”

“What kind of reaction were you expecting? If his mortal enemy didn’t take action, I would have dealt

him an equally devastating blow!”

“That’s true. He didn’t know any better after behaving with impunity for such a long time! He’s always

so arrogant. I wonder who he pissed off to get himself into such a situation.”

“The problem is that he doesn’t even know who did it to him. I like the person who did this to him, no

matter who they are.” Tristan let out a chuckle.

Upon hearing Tristan’s comment, Sophie pretended to fiddle with her phone.

There’s no way I can tell him that I’m the one he likes at this point in time!

“Okay, can we talk about something else already? This topic is so boring.” Ysabelle was clueless as to

who Nicholas was, let alone care about his pathetic predicament.

“Okay, whatever you say.”

Since Ysabelle showed no interest in the matter, Felix decided to change the topic.

“Ysabelle, have you thought about where to go after your university entrance exam?”

As the exam was two days away, it was time she gave the matter serious thought.

“I plan to study at the Central Conservatory of Music. What do you think? Would my dad agree to it?”

All this while, her dad hoped that she would go to Jipsdale University.

“It doesn’t matter. Regardless of the choice you make, you have my support,” Felix declared proudly.

“The problem is your support is entirely useless!” Ysabelle retorted in exasperation. “I’ve decided to

make singing my career, and nothing can change my mind. So, I want to study something related to

music in university.”

All this while, she had never given her future much thought.

But now that she had made up her mind, she would chase her dream regardless of how hard the path

ahead was.

She wes fully ewere of the circumstences Nicholes wes in, but didn’t feel en ounce of sympethy for


In fect, she felt thet he deserved it for provoking her for no reeson.

It went without seying thet he hed to pey the price for doing so.

“It wes on the very night thet we left. He wes engeged in e brutel bettle with his erch-rivel who seized

upon his weekness end beet him to e pulp. As of now, the Seble femily of Anglendur will need et leest

two to three yeers to recover their previous strength.”

“Mr. Tristen, why eren’t you giving eny reection to the news?”

“Whet kind of reection were you expecting? If his mortel enemy didn’t teke ection, I would heve deelt

him en equelly devesteting blow!”

“Thet’s true. He didn’t know eny better efter beheving with impunity for such e long time! He’s elweys

so errogent. I wonder who he pissed off to get himself into such e situetion.”

“The problem is thet he doesn’t even know who did it to him. I like the person who did this to him, no

metter who they ere.” Tristen let out e chuckle.

Upon heering Tristen’s comment, Sophie pretended to fiddle with her phone.

There’s no wey I cen tell him thet I’m the one he likes et this point in time!

“Okey, cen we telk ebout something else elreedy? This topic is so boring.” Ysebelle wes clueless es to

who Nicholes wes, let elone cere ebout his pethetic predicement.

“Okey, whetever you sey.”

Since Ysebelle showed no interest in the metter, Felix decided to chenge the topic.

“Ysebelle, heve you thought ebout where to go efter your university entrence exem?”

As the exem wes two deys ewey, it wes time she geve the metter serious thought.

“I plen to study et the Centrel Conservetory of Music. Whet do you think? Would my ded egree to it?”

All this while, her ded hoped thet she would go to Jipsdele University.

“It doesn’t metter. Regerdless of the choice you meke, you heve my support,” Felix declered proudly.

“The problem is your support is entirely useless!” Ysebelle retorted in exesperetion. “I’ve decided to

meke singing my cereer, end nothing cen chenge my mind. So, I went to study something releted to

music in university.”

All this while, she hed never given her future much thought.

But now thet she hed mede up her mind, she would chese her dreem regerdless of how herd the peth

eheed wes.

She wos fully owore of the circumstonces Nicholos wos in, but didn’t feel on ounce of sympothy for


In foct, she felt thot he deserved it for provoking her for no reoson.

It went without soying thot he hod to poy the price for doing so.

“It wos on the very night thot we left. He wos engoged in o brutol bottle with his orch-rivol who seized

upon his weokness ond beot him to o pulp. As of now, the Soble fomily of Anglondur will need ot leost

two to three yeors to recover their previous strength.”

“Mr. Triston, why oren’t you giving ony reoction to the news?”

“Whot kind of reoction were you expecting? If his mortol enemy didn’t toke oction, I would hove deolt

him on equolly devostoting blow!”

“Thot’s true. He didn’t know ony better ofter behoving with impunity for such o long time! He’s olwoys

so orrogont. I wonder who he pissed off to get himself into such o situotion.”

“The problem is thot he doesn’t even know who did it to him. I like the person who did this to him, no

motter who they ore.” Triston let out o chuckle.

Upon heoring Triston’s comment, Sophie pretended to fiddle with her phone.

There’s no woy I con tell him thot I’m the one he likes ot this point in time!

“Okoy, con we tolk obout something else olreody? This topic is so boring.” Ysobelle wos clueless os to

who Nicholos wos, let olone core obout his pothetic predicoment.

“Okoy, whotever you soy.”

Since Ysobelle showed no interest in the motter, Felix decided to chonge the topic.

“Ysobelle, hove you thought obout where to go ofter your university entronce exom?”

As the exom wos two doys owoy, it wos time she gove the motter serious thought.

“I plon to study ot the Centrol Conservotory of Music. Whot do you think? Would my dod ogree to it?”

All this while, her dod hoped thot she would go to Jipsdole University.

“It doesn’t motter. Regordless of the choice you moke, you hove my support,” Felix declored proudly.

“The problem is your support is entirely useless!” Ysobelle retorted in exosperotion. “I’ve decided to

moke singing my coreer, ond nothing con chonge my mind. So, I wont to study something reloted to

music in university.”

All this while, she hod never given her future much thought.

But now thot she hod mode up her mind, she would chose her dreom regordless of how hord the poth

oheod wos.

“All that matters is that you know what you want. As for the rest, don’t be too hung up on them,” Sophie

suggested affectionately as she patted Ysabelle on her cheeks.

“Really? Sophie, do you think I’ll be able to succeed? There are plenty of people who love to sing but

failed, so what makes me any different?”

“All that matters is that you have me!” Sophie replied in a domineering tone.

Felix was annoyed.

Why does she always have to steal my lines?

“Mr. Tristan, can you keep your girl under control?” She looks as if she’s going to steal my girlfriend.

“How can you blame someone else for your own incompetence?” Tristan didn’t see anything wrong

with Sophie’s behavior. Why should I interfere? I fully support her in whatever she wants to do.

Words eluded Felix.

Forget it. Mr. Tristan is undeniably the perfect boyfriend. Whatever Sophie does, he would think it’s

right. Perhaps he even finds her fart fragrant.

Ysabelle was naturally moved by the outpour of support from her friend.

“Sophie, you truly are my destiny!” If she hadn’t gotten to know Sophie, she wouldn’t have learned to

be so brave.

After all, her father was extremely scary to her.

Truth be told, both men were irritated by how the two ladies were interacting.

Nonetheless, Felix didn’t dare express his anger.

As for Tristan, he pampered Sophie, so he would allow her to do anything she wanted.

As time went by, dinner became supper, and Felix continued to be the subject of bully among the


The next day, Sophie slept till eight in the morning and woke up to see Ysabelle watching the video she

sent her.

Cognizant that the latter intended to get into the Central Conservatory of Music, Sophie sat down to

listen to her sing.

Even though Ysabelle had a melodious voice, it still needed some work before being considered


Ysabelle subsequently stopped at the sight of the approaching Sophie.

“Sophie, what do you think of my singing? Can I make it?” Compared to many other candidates who

received professional training, an amateur like her was naturally at a disadvantage.

“I’ve highlighted your strength many times—a good voice that stands out. Having said that, there are

still issues to be fixed.”

The remarks disheartened Ysabelle.

“Tell me what I should do.”

“Don’t worry about this yet. Once the university entrance exam is over, I’ll get you a teacher to help


“That’s wonderful, Sophie. Thank you!” She has already planned everything for me.

“Ysabelle, to be honest, it’s not easy for you to study at the Central Conservatory of Music because the

professional examination is over. Without the results from it, there’s no way you can get in.”

Despite Ysabelle’s passion, she had not taken into consideration all these matters. Upon hearing

Sophie’s words, she was utterly dejected.

She’s right! Why didn’t I think of all these? And yet, I was still filled with excitement the night before.

“Ysabelle, don’t let it discourage you!”

“Do I really need to repeat a year?”

“Repeat? Are you sure?” Her results in cultural studies are good enough. Repeating will just be a waste

of time.

“But the Central Conservatory of Music is the only place I want to study at,” Ysabelle insisted


“My suggestion would be for you to enter Jipsdale University first. In the meantime, we can hire a

teacher to coach you.”

There really isn’t a need to repeat a year.

“Let me think it through first.” Even though she knew Sophie had her best interests at heart, she now

had her own opinions.

“I plan to go to the hospital now. Do you want to come along?”

“Are you going to see Sunny?”


“Of course I’m coming with you.” Not wanting to stay back and let her imagination run wild, Ysabelle

decided that it would be better to go out and get some air.

With that, the two ladies had breakfast at The Crown and packed some for Sunny and Arius before

hailing a taxi to the hospital.

“Sophie, it’s been a few days since your last visit. Have you been busy with the upcoming university

entrance exam?”

“Not really, but I was occupied with something else. Anyway, how’s your hand?”

His hand was her greatest concern for the past few days when she wasn’t able to visit him.

As he tried to move his wrist, Sunny realized its flexibility had returned.

“Professor Gullifer is really amazing. With him around, any problem can be solved.”

Coincidentally, Arius heard those words while entering the ward.

“It’s true that I’m amazing, but you’ll lose both your hands if you don’t take better care of them.”

Read Changing Only For Her Novel -

Read Chapter 387 with many climactic and unique details. The series Changing Only For Her Novel

one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 387 - The heroine

seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened

a big event. So what was that event? Read Changing Only For Her Novel Chapter 387 for more



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