Novel Name : The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 24

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Anasty lawsuit

The sorrow of a mother’s desperate plea was something Elijah had never experienced before, and he

was not sure how to respond at this point.

The look on Miss Grace’s face showed pain and concern, as well as desperation, and Elijah knew even

though he wanted no burden of such responsibility since his entire focus was on raising to power and

having his revenge, he couldn’t say no and be the bad guy when this woman, who had lost so much,

was on her knees, begging him to save her daughter. ‘This mother and daughter know how to push

every single nerve ending of mine.’ Elijah thought as a tear rolled down Miss Grace’s cheek. ‘But… I

guess I will have to put all the hard feelings aside because Peach does need help… and do everything

in my power to make sure she stays safe, at least for now.’ Smiling weakly at Miss Grace, he gently

grabbed both her arms and said, “Please stand up first.

Although she looked reluctant, Miss Grace obeyed and stood up slowly.

Once she managed to stand straight, Elijah sighed and said, “I am not making any promises or

commitments, but as long as Peach needs my help, I will do my best.”

“Thank you, Elijah.” Miss Grace smiled brightly, wiping her eyes. “That’s all I can ask for.”

The sound of the door opening got both their attention, and when Elijah looked back, he saw Peach

smiling in the doorway with a paper in her hand, mumbling happily, “We are clear to go home!”

Although her eyes were moist, it was alluring and beautiful with a glimpse of hope inside of them, and

her happiness made Elijah feel a bit lighter.

When Peach looked directly at him, a big smile stretched across her face, but Elijah did not react, yet

his gaze didn’t stray from her as she pouted with a sniff and said, “Thank you,”

‘You are such a wild card with your emotions that I don’t know how to handle you.’ Elijah thought with a

slight smile on his lips. Then Miss Grace startled him a little when she touched his shoulder lightly, and

he snapped his attention back to her.

“I don’t know you… at least not that long… but they say people enter your life, not by coincidence, but

to change it for the better or worse, or to teach you a lesson. Thank you for helping us.” Miss Grace

said softly, smiling gratefully at him.

The emotions from these two were overwhelming Elijah, and he darted his eyes around until they

rested on Miss Grace’s pack bag, and he let out, “Umm, I will take that, and then we can get going.”

Then Elijah stepped past Miss Grace and took the mini bag from the table before turning back to gaze

at both of them and saying, “We should head out.”

Nodding, Peach gave him a weak sinile, and then walked over to her mother, hugging onto her arm as

she said, “Mama, let’s go.”

The three walked out of the room, and Elijah watched the backs of Peach and Miss Grace. At

that instant, he didn’t know what emotion was rising in his chest as he followed behind them silently.

Everything was calm as the three left the hospital, but when they got to the parking lot, a swamp of

journalists came out of the blue and rushed toward them.

The pure look of horror on Miss Grace’s face as these reporters surrounded them deepened, Peach

rushed in front of her mother, shouting at them, “Back off please! What is wrong with you guys!”

“Is it true that Melina divorced her husband because of you… because she caught you in bed with

Elijah, a week ago?” A journalist asked with a microphone in his hand, pointing it at Peach.

“What the fuck!” Elijah mumbled, his brows furrowed, his lips pressed into a firm line. Then he snapped

out of his reverie and opened the back door of his car, tossing the bag in before gently grabbing Miss

Grace’s arm and pulling her towards the back seat, helping her in and closing the door. “Peach, come

on, answer the question!! Why did you ruin your cousin’s marriage… Did you do it out of spite or

jealousy?!” An angry reporter yelled, pushing the microphone at her face. “Can you back off?!” Peach

cried as more reporters gathered around her, yelling out questions and shoving their microphones into

her face. Frowning, Elijah grabbed Peach by her wrist and pulled her towards him, causing her to bump

into him, her face buried in his chest, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, trying to shield her

body and her head from the onslaught of questions.

“Elijah, how could you bite the hand that fed you all those years? Was committing adultery with

Melina’s cousin really worth ruining your marriage?!” A reporter shouted at him. Without a response,

Elijah escorted Peach to the front passenger seat door, opened it, and helped her inside the car.

Then he closed the door and as he was walking over to the other side, reporters kept pushing their

mics in his face, and one of them asked, “How could you do such a thing? Have you no remorse for

poor Melina?” “Get out of my face!” Elijah snapped at them in frustration, forcing his way through them.

But one journalist refused to move away despite the others doing the same, so Elijah looked into his

crazy eyes, saying firmly, “Step aside now!” “You are a piece of work, you know.” The guy sneered with

a raised eyebrow, pushing his microphone in Elijah’s face. “Meline is so beautiful and you betrayed her.

You are a sick son of a bitch-”

Before he could end his statement, the rest of his words got lost in his head when Elijah’s fist

connected with his nose, breaking it and sending him backward. As everyone else gasped in shock, he

bent down, clapping his palm over his bleeding nostril, and shouted, “You fucking piece of shit. I will

sue your ass! I swear!!!

“Great!!” Elijah snapped as he walked past him.

None of the other reporters were brave enough to follow him or uttered a word as they

speechlessly watched him walk to the driver’s side door and open it, get into the car, and slammed his

door. When Elijah turned the key, Peach stared at his bruised knuckles with an aching heart, but she

was too upset by everything that had happened for her to say a word. So she stared at the window,

blinking back tears as they blurred her vision, and her head slowly rested against the glass as Elijah

put the car in gear and drove out of the parking lot. After a few minutes of silence, Elijah looked over at

her, his gaze softening slightly, but just barely. Then he looked into the v-mirror, knowing how traumatic

the situation was, and asked, “Are you okay, Miss Grace?” “Hmm,” She whispered while avoiding eye

contact with him. “I’m fine.” The rest of the drive was quiet except for Peach softly sniffling and the low

music that played through the speakers.

A frown crossed Matt’s face as he stared hard at his phone screen. Then he immediately sat up on the

couch, scowling even harder now.

“What the hell is this!” He blurted out as he watched the clip over of Elijah punching the reporter square

in the nose.


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