Novel Name : The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 27

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What’s the catch

Outside the motel was crowded with even more reporters and news crews as the seconds turned into

minutes, and no one seemed willing to give up and leave.

In the dining hall, Elijah, Matt, Peach, Ryan, Miss Grace, James, and Rookie sat around the table, in

silence, eating their breakfast, and occasionally stealing glances at each other.

When Peach looked at her mother, she could tell that she was getting increasingly concerned, and she

looked over at Elijah, looking away from his eyes when he caught her stare.

“Do you still have Melina’s number?” Peach said after a few moments had passed, her voice low.

Raising his gaze, Elijah fixed his eyes on her, but she refused to meet his stare. Taking a deep breath,

Elijah took a long look at her and asked, “Why do you need it?” “To end this nightmare,” Peach

muttered, her eyes glued to the table.

Everyone’s gaze was now focused on her as her mother asked, her voice filled with uncertainty, “What

are you talking about now?”

Slowly, Peach lifted her head and gave her mother a small smile which faded away once she said

softly, “All this is happening because Melina assumes that Elijah… that Elijah and I are together, and I

want to talk with her… to clarify-1

“That’s not going to work,” Elijah said bluntly, cutting her off as everyone stared at him.

Frowning slightly, Peach swayed her eyes on the plate, in front of him and asked, “How do you know

when we have not given it a try?”

“Just trust me. Talking to her will only feed her ego and make her think that you are some sort of toy for

her to play with.” Elijah replied, raising his brows as he eyed her seriously “Okay, I know the possibility

of Melina treating me rudely and insulting me is very high, but I can’t just ignore this mess and wish it

away “No one is wishing this away, Peach. But I need time to think about what to do with this situation,”

Elijah said firmly, giving her a look that clearly said ‘don’t get involved.’

But Peach was persistent, and stubbornly shook her head and continued arguing, “It is not your place

to decide this. I want to talk to her…” Hands clenching, Elijah clutched his jaw and then he said, “It’s

not my place?”

The others looked at the two nervously, judging from Peach and Elijah’s expressions, it was clear that

there was an unresolved issue between them.

“Yes. I don’t want you getting yourself tangled in my family matters and involving yourself in this

mess… You have done enough and don’t need to put yourself into the middle of my problems,” Peach

replied quietly, her fingers nervously twisting together as she stared at her hands.

As silence fell over them, Elijah glanced at the rest of the group, seeing their worried gazes and he

frowned and said, “Okay, but you can get her number from somewhere else, not me.”

Glancing at the others, Peach nodded silently as she slowly stood up and looked down at her

half-fill plate, and mumbled, “Fine, whatever…” Then she left the dining area, leaving behind everyone,

staring helplessly at each other, and then at Elijah.

For a while, the room was filled with heavy silence until the sound of Elijah’s ringtone interrupted their

uneasy tension, snapping everyone out of their awkward state. Pulling out his phone, Elijah sighed as

he stared at the unknown number and then canceled the call. But then, two seconds later, the phone

began ringing again. With a frown, Elijah accepted the call and placed the phone against his ear,

mumbling, “Who is this?”

“I can not believe you didn’t save my number,” A deep male voice that he recognized, echoed from the

phone, causing Elijah’s brows to furrow, surprised that he called. “Bryan Checks,”

“Ahh, you have a good memory. But why are you making me do all the chasing, Elijah?”

Narrowing his eyes slightly at the teasing tone, Elijah replied coldly, “Why did you call?” “I heard you

have a little problem with the media these few days.” Bryan commented, smirking as he added, “I think

I could help you out, you know.” After hesitating for a second, Elijah decided to humor Bryan a little.

“Alright then. What’s the favor?”

“Oh, so you’re playing along?” Snorting, Elijah answered, “Of course, why wouldn’t I when this is to my


Resting back in his seat, a smirk tugging at his lips as Bryan let out a chuckle and then said,” Well, if

that’s the go-ahead, then one call from me can get your driveway clear of those reporters.” “Okay,

what’s the catch to this deal?” Elijah demanded, a serious look on his face as he leaned forward a bit.

Everything has a price, and Elijah wasn’t stupid enough to think that Bryan would just offer him his

assistance freely and without conditions.

Sensing Elijah’s uneasiness in his tone, Bryan let out another laugh as he stated, “Join me for a drink

tonight. That’s all.”

Those words made Elijah raise his brows in confusion since he hadn’t expected Bryan to suggest such

a thing. He thought that Bryan would demand something in return, not simply invite him to hang out

with him. “Hmm, a drink?” Elijah asked, trying to figure out whether or not he should accept Bryan’s


“Yeah, just a drink… How does eight o’clock sound?” Bryan asked, chuckling faintly. Uncertain, Elijah

hesitated before saying, “Sure, I’ll see you.” “Goodbye, Elijah.” “Hmm,”

Hanging up the call, Elijah stared at the phone in his hand for a while, wondering what exactly Bryan

wanted out of that invitation. But even though he didn’t know what Bryan wanted from him, he had no

choice but to comply and agree to the request because… even though he would never admit it with his

mouth, Peach’s little outburst did a number on him, and he couldn’t deny that he cared about her well


“Matt, follow me,” Elijah said as he stood up from the chair, ignoring the other’s gazes while he walked


Not wasting a second, Matt jumped from his chair and rushed out of the dining room following Elijah

into the hallway. When they got to his bedroom, Elijah looked back at Matt with worry written all over

his face, and then he told Matt, “I need your protection for tonight.”

Those words sent Matt straight up in a panic before he quickly stood straight, brought his hands to his

side, raised his chin, and uttered seriously, “May I ask why, boss?”

“Bryan invited me for a drink by Eight,” Elijah said, looking at Matt with a dull expression as Matt

nodded, understanding his intentions “Where?”


“Yes, where is the meet-up happening?”

Immediately, Elijah’s face went blank when he realized that Bryan didn’t mention where exactly he was

planning on meeting him, and he replied, “I don’t know.”


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