Novel Name : Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 120

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Chapter 120: A Trap Don ushered Grey inside and they both stared down at the phone on the table.

Different thoughts were colliding in Grey’s mind.

"You told me Lan sent you a text yesterday, right?" Don started.

Grey nodded briefly." He did and he wants us to meet.

He sent the location as well." "Well," Don shrugged slightly." This code might mean nothing.

As far as we know, the message came from an unknown source.

Why did you think it's from Lan?" Grey regarded Don for a moment.

He was right anyways but he couldn't stop thinking something was wrong somewhere.

“Who sent the code then?” Grey questioned.

Don shrugged again.” It could be anyone.

It could be a random message." "That would come in at such a time? The timing was perfect.

It looked like someone was trying to make us see something, I just don’t know what.

I mean it wouldn’t be a coincidence.” he complained.

Don let out a sigh." What should we do now?* Grey relaxed in his chair.

"Give me some moments, I need to think it through.

Then, we will decide on what to do," he informed.

Don nodded briefly." Can I get you something then?" Grey nodded once.

“Anything.” Don got up and left.

Grey stared down at his phone for eternity.

Actually, Grey found it weird after Lan refused to pick up his call and the fact that he didn’t send a

coded message.

And then suddenly, the whole code came in at once but from a different line.

Grey sat bolt upright as realization dawned on him suddenly.

What if Lan was really in danger? But he was still able to send a code to alert them and prevent them

from falling into the trap.

Don walked inside again but with a bottle of champagne.

“We need to contact Gregory immediately.

We need to scout the area before 10," Grey revealed suddenly.

Don stared at him for a moment.

“What? What area?” He asked, confused.

Grey sighed.

“Here’s what I’ve decided on.

This meeting by ten is a trap by Audrey.

Remember what Lan said.

He said Audrey was going to use my man against me.

It looked like Audrey knows about Lan already which was why he transported Naomi from Atomic

Liquors,” he explained.

Don blinked once, then twice.

He was too confused.

He wasn’t really intelligent anyways.

"Wait, I don't understand what you are saying." Grey chuckled slightly.” Initially, I called Lan but he

didn’t pick up.

He was supposed to send me an 'X' code to show I called at the wrong time but he didn’t.

Instead, he sent me a text.

And hours later, the code came in.

He must have gotten a phone through another means to send me that text.” Don thought for a moment.

" But what if the text is the trap? I mean he had once sent a message for us to meet him at a location.

It’s not strange,” Don complained.

Grey nodded.” It’s not, Don but the code is.

No one would have been able to arrange the code that way, even though they know about the code.

Do you even know what it meant by its arrangements?" He raised skeptical brows and waited.

Don shook his head slowly.

“I don’t, sincerely.”

Grey suppressed another smile.

They were in a difficult situation anyways, and they had no room for laughing.

“The meaning is this,” he released an exasperated sigh.

"You called at the wrong time but currently I'm in deep trouble and I don’t even know where I am,” he

explained further.

Don's eyes went wide with shock." That's feasible!" Grey nodded briefly.

“Audrey must have known about Lan a long time.

He has Lan now and knew we would be going to save his family.

So, he took Naomi from Atomic Liquors and decided to lay a trap for me with Giovanni.” “Wow! You are

really smart!” Don complimented.” I didn’t even think it in that direction." "Yes," Grey nodded once.

"And if Lan was still able to send a text last night, then it ineans he’s still alive.

Audrey must be waiting for me before he kills him but I’m going to save him,” he walked out of the


Don rushed to him." So, what's the plan?" Grey darted at his watch.

It was just a few minutes after 8." Gregory would leave for the location before 10.

And I will go there by 10." "I will gather my men too and meet you at the location by ten,” Don affirmed."

Please, send the address to me." Grey nodded once and eventually got into the car.

He placed a call to Gregory and he picked it up immediately.

“Good morning, Hercules,” Gregory boomed.

“Good morning.

Audrey laid a trap for me.

I will send you an address now.

You should scout the area immediately.

He would probably be somewhere, around." "What?" Gregory yelled angrily.

In fact, Grey could feel the heat emanating from him.

“I’m calling the elders.

We are going to oversee this ourselves.

You are not advised to show up." "L,"Grey started but Gregory spoke very fast, cutting him off.

“Hercules doesn’t show up like that.

We will show Giovanni the steel we are made up of.

And for Audrey, he's going to die today!" His voice was rough and filled with hatred.

"Take care of yourself, Hercules." And the phone went off.

Grey sighed.

Well, it wasn’t his fault if Audrey dies.

He gave him a lifetime opportunity but he misused it.

The elders have decided his punishment already.

However, Grey wasn't so sure about the part that says he shouldn’t show up because he was going to.

His main concern was finding Lan and Naomi.

Meanwhile, Don had placed a call to Richard for him to meet him at home.

They had no time to waste since it would be 10 soon.

He used the opportunity to take his bath and await his arrival.

Richard walked inside thirty minutes later, looking stressed.

"Is everything alright? You gave me a fright call." "Of course, everything isn’t right.

Audrey has taken a step forward but we have a plan already,” he announced.

Richard regarded him for a moment.

"So, what's this plan?" "I will explain everything but you have to promise me something.

When it comes to Hercules identity, we don't always have many options.” Richard regarded him for a

moment and realization dawned on him.

“No, Don.

Don’t ask me to do something like that.

Hercules got annoyed with it the last time and he made you promise him never to try such a thing

again.” Don shrugged slightly." fine, I promised but you didn't.

That's why you are the one that can do this." Richard’s heart made a sudden skip as he slowly shook

his head.

About Secretly The Billionaire Boss - Secretly The Billionaire

Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 120

Secretly The Billionaire Boss is the best current series of the author Cat Smith. With the below

content will make us lost in the

world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any

concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read chapter Secretly The Billionaire Boss

By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 120 and update the next chapters of this series at


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