Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 171 Who took Venus Away (2)

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And then sights focused on Venus.

The plane flied over mountains and rivers and landed on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

Venus was pushed out of the plane by the pretty stewardess. A wave of heat mixed with the smell of

the sea came over her face, and her eyes were stabbed by the shining sun.

Looking out, it was the endless sea. This island was lush and green without people.

"Move on." The stewardess pulled her shoulder roughly and forced her.

Venus was afraid of been pulled down and hurt the baby, so she got rid of her control and said, "I'll walk

by myself."

The moment she woke up on the plane, she knew that she had fallen into the trap again. They were not

arranged by her brother.

The most funny thing was that she didn't even know who had kidnapped her.

She thought she had completely escaped from Kerry's control, but didn't expect that ......

She was so stupid to trust others easily.

After walking for about five minutes, a wooden house appeared in front of them, the stewardess went

forward to knock the door, soon, there were footsteps coming from inside, and a black face showed up

behind the iron door.

It was a local middle-aged woman, she smiled at the stewardess, then murmured a few words, the

stewardess replied her with the same language and pointed at Venus, then the middle-aged woman

nodded and answered a few words.

Then, the stewardess turned to leave.

Venus was confused, what did this mean?

"Wait, you're leaving me here alone?" Venus asked the stewardess in surprise, there should be at least

a conversation between them.

The stewardess looked back at her irritably and said, "You'll live here, she's in charge of your life, of

course you can do it yourself if you're not used to the local food, a doctor will come and check you out

every now and then. What else do you need?"

The more she listened, the more confused she became, "What do you want form me? You should let

me know."

The stewardess quirked her lips and smiled, "There’s no need to talk with a pregnant woman. Don't

worry, we'll come for you when you've delivered your baby."

"What do you guys really want?"

The stewardess was out of patience, "You have many questions, I’ve told you that someone will come

and answer your question then." After saying that, the stewardess strode forward a couple of meters,

then turned around and said, "I'd kindly remind you not to try to escape, you simply can’t succeed. This

island is in the Pacific Ocean, there are only two of you on the island, you will probably build a boat if

you want to escape, but for the sake of the baby in your belly, you'd better give up this stupid idea."

Venus was totally stunned, and only when the stewardess was gone, she had realized her situation.

The middle-aged woman murmured behind her, Venus couldn't understand what she said, and she

waved at Venus again, as if she was going to take her to see the room.

Venus wanted to cry and looked up to the sky with a long sigh. She had no choice but to accept.

Following the middle-aged woman, she stepped into the room, which was small with a wooden table,

stool, and a bed. A stack of florid clothes were placed on the bed.

The middle-aged woman pointed to the furniture and spoke excitedly as if she was describing the

house, and then took her to see the kitchen and the bathroom, as well as the room she lived in.

After flying all night, Venus was very hungry. When she saw a big pot of bananas in the kitchen, she

quickly took one and ate it.

She felt very tired at the thought of living with this middle-aged woman. However, the woman looked

kind and should be a good person.

After eating the banana, Venus felt very tired and she made a gesture to the woman. The woman knew

what she wanted to say and indicated her to sleep in the room.

When Venus got back to her room, she was hot and sleepy and fell asleep as soon as she fell on the


Time had past, Venus felt someone was pushing her, then she opened her eyes in confusion, the

woman smiled at her with her white teeth, and Venus stared at her for nearly half a minute before she

was clear.

She had been kidnapped to this deserted island by an unknown group of people.

The woman made a gesture for eating, indicating that it was time for lunch, and then Venus nodded her

head and went out.

Venus was still wearing her maid's clothes, her back was sweaty and sticky after sleeping, so she

picked up a dress by her legs and put it on.

She had a white skin, and very fashionable wearing that florid dress.

When she came to the kitchen, the woman looked at her and immediately gave her a thumbs up and

said "good".

Venus was surprised, she could actually speak English? So she asked quickly in English, "Can you

speak English?"

The woman didn't understand and said a few words that Venus couldn't understand, Venus sat on the

stool in disappointment and ate her meal.

Fortunately, rice was the staple food, there were also taro, tomatoes, and seafood. As for the taste, it

was just so so.

But Venus was too hungry, so she didn’t care about the taste.

After a meal and a rest and seeing that the sun outside was not so sunny, Venus prepared to go

around the neighborhood and be familiar with the environment.

As soon as she took a step out of the gate, the woman caught up with her and gave her an umbrella,

not knowing whether to keep her from the sun or the rain.

It was a small island with lush trees, most of them were tall coconut trees. The sand on the beach was

fine and comfortable to fill your toes, the sky was blue, the clouds were low as if floating on the sea,

and it was very beautiful.

The small island was quiet, except for the sound of the waves and the chirp of birds in the woods.

Venus slowly walked along the beach, the nervousness and anxiety of the arrival here was dissipated

with the sea breeze.

She didn't know what those kidnappers wanted to do, all she could do was to protect her baby.

After walking for about an hour, Venus looked at the small huts that appeared in front of her, and finally

understood how small the "island" was.

It took her even an hour to walk around her school, and it seemed to be her largest moving area from

now on.

There was really no one else on the island except for her and the woman, and there were a lot of

colorful birds.

So far, Venus was living here.

There was no TV, she woke up at sunrise and slept at sunset. Fortunately, the woman had an old-

fashioned cell phone, so she could know the day of that today, and there was only one number stored

in it, which Venus guessed should be the number of the kidnapper.

In order to get contact, Venus even dialed her own number, but it couldn’t be accessed. She tried other

numbers too, but it was all in vain.


After a week, Venus was very familiar with the island, she knew that the inevitable rainstorm would

come at noon, and the air would be humid after the rain.She also knew which tree had the biggest

coconuts or which tree had the most bird nests or which rock had the most lizards under it.

When she first saw the lizard, she was shocked. Then, she gradually knew that lizards would not attack

people although they looked colorful.

Behind the hut, there was an empty reclaimed garden with tomatoes, large peppers, taro, and other

vegetables growing in it. As for seafood, this was the woman’s specialty, as long as she went to the

sea, there were lobsters, fish, and scallops in her small basket.

However, Venus still didn't understand the the woman’s words, she could already knew what she meant

by her expressions and gestures.

Occasionally, they also went out for a walk, at that moment, the woman would say a lot of things, as if

she was introducing the types of different tress. She was very strong for she would shake the coconut

tress if it was ripe.

Today, Venus got tired of the curries cooked by the woman and blocked her out of the kitchen, patting

her chest to indicate that she would cook today's meal. Then the woman would be very happy to wait

outside on the steps.

After half an hour, the woman was invited into the kitchen, a few dishes were placed on the table, she

couldn't wait to taste them and kept saying "good" with her eyes shining with sparkles.

After a few days of observation, Venus knew that the woman could only speak one English word.

After a month of carefree days, two people came to the island.

The woman obviously knew one of them and greeted her warmly into the house.


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