Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 196 Seeing Her Face at Last (2)

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Kerry wiped off the bits of cream on the corner of her mouth with his finger and put the finger into his

own mouth. It tasted really good for Kerry. Then he replied, "It doesn't matter, my lady, gaining weight

will make you look more sexy."

Venus felt a little shy when Kerry’s fingers touched her face. Then she said in a cute tone, "I don't want

to gain weight. When I become a fatty, you will turn a cold shoulder to me, I should restrain myself, or I

will be restrained by man."

“Nonsense!” replied Kerry, who patted lightly on her head as comfort, “I will love you no matter how you


Venus stammered and said, "Alright, it is a online saying." Then she was turned back to the delicious


Both John the butler and Mrs Qin were very happy about Venus’s(Yan Chu)visit. They clearly realize

that Kerry was cheered up by her presence. And the big house now was full of happy talks and


"My hostess, try the chicken soup, I have spent a day on it. I have add a lot of nourishing Chinese

herbs in it, I hope you love it." Said Mrs Qin gently, then she put a bowl of soup in front of her.

Venus was really moved about her good will so she took the bowl and had a sip of it. There was a

strong fragrance of Chinese herbal medicine in the soup, but it didn’t taste bitter at all. "I like it so much.

Thank you for your efforts, Mrs Qin."

"My pleasure, my hostess." Said Mrs Qin, who seemed delighted about the praise from Venus.

During the meal, Venus stared at Kerry and said, "Kerry, although now I live in your house, I have to

make three rules for you to obey."

Kerry put down his chopsticks and said with a hollow smile, "Go ahead."

" No, I need you to promise me now that you will follow them, or I'll go at once." Said Venus with a

serious expression.

"Well, I promise you." Replied Kerry. He did enjoy her companion, and he didn’t care about any rule

from he at all.

Perhaps amazed by Kerry’s obedience, Venus hesitated for a while and said with a dominant tone,

"First, I have the right to leave this house at my will, and you can't stop me to do so. Second, you

should make sure that no one will know my living here, except you and your servants. Third, I I don't

share a room with you, I should have my own one. "

"I promise you I will follow the two of them, but I am afraid I can’t agree with you on the third one." said

Kerry, who gazed at her with a mysterious smile, "you know I am your husband!"

"Then you should show respect to the decision of your wife!" Replied Venus. In fact, she was afraid that

her true identity would be revealed when they slept together.

Kerry had no way but to agree with her, "OK, I will follow the three rules." In fact, he didn’t care the

three rules at all, for he had plenty of ways to do what he wanted. He had enjoy a good moment with

his sweetheart this night. After that when Venus was so tired and felt into sleep, he went out of the

room and thought over about the complicated relation between him and the family Chu. He knew the

girl in the room was not Yan, she must be Venus undoubtedly. However, when she found her identity

was exposed, she might reject any intimate meet with Kerry. As for Kerry, he found it hard to have a

good investigation of her since she was backed by a really powerful background. Perhaps all he could

do was to wait and enjoy the good moment with her.

However, Kerry’s plan became a failure next evening when he was about to get into her room.

"I'm going to sleep alone tonight."Said Venus, who pushed Kerry out and shut the door.

"What's the matter?" asked Kerry. Venus’s changed attitude surprised him for he never expected she

would take so seriously the rules she set on him.

Venus angrily stared at him and said, "You make me really tired last night, I don’t feel good all day

today, and now I want to have a good sleep of my own."

"Alright, then let me in, we won't do anything special tonight. I promise you."Said Kerry.

"Ha ha, I can’t trust you at all. Don't disturb me, I'm going to sleep." Replied Venus.

"Alright, my lady, then can you kiss me good night?" asked Kerry.

"No way! I won’t kiss you.”

"Then I won't leave." Said Kerry. He preferred to be playboy this night, and he should get the kiss from

his lady.

“Jesus! I have taken you as a gentleman, but I think I am wrong. "Said Venus, who was even drove

mad by Kerry’s boring requirements.

"A gentleman also needs love from his wife."

Venus gave in and opened the door, then she raised her face and narrows her eyes toward Kerry as if

she would enjoy the kiss with him. In fact, all she wanted now was to let him go and have a good sleep

of her own.

Staring at her beautiful face, Kerry’s eyes were full of tenderness. After a long and gentle kiss, he

licked his lips as if the fragrance of her was still on his lips. Finally, he left the room as promised.

However, he couldn’t sleep at all. Venus was in the room close to him, he could not resist the

temptation at all.

Go for a secret visit, even take a look of her only was OK. Kerry thought aloud and obey the tempting

voice in his mind. With his magic arts, he showed up in Venus’s room within a blink. Venus curved

herself on the bed and was in a tight sleep. Kerry could see nothing but her back because the sleeping

posture. Then he turned around and came close to her. He now could feel the her beautiful face with

his hands. The skin of her face felt warm and soft, however, Kerry found something wrong when he

was measuring the profile of her face.

At the point when he turned on the light, Kerry was really amazed to found that the girl on the bed was

not Yan Chu. Jesus! His speculation was correct, she was Venus! Then he turned off the light to ensure

Venus was in her tight sleep. She must have some special tools to disguise her appearance. After a

good search, he got a thin mask in the bathroom. That testified why Venus could turned a different

appearance in the daytime. And that was why she shut him out of her room, she was afraid her identity

would be revealed.

Jesus! She was Venus! Kerry could not believe that she was his real wife! Honey, I can’t believe you

are still alive, that’s really a piece of good news for me. I will be with you no matter what happen to us

since now.

In the next morning, Kerry got up early and prepared himself for running outside.

“Good to see you, John.” Greeted Kerry in a delighted tone.

“My young host, what are you going to do?” asked John the Butler. He wondered why Kerry got up so


“I am so excited, I have prepared myself for exercising.”Replied Kerry.

“That’s really good.”Said John. John knew his young host well, it was Venus’s presence that cheered

him up. Before Kerry left the house, he said to the old servant, ”John, take easy these days when

Chu(Venus) lives here, she should have her freedom and no one can stop her, OK? ”

“My young host, but…” said John, who paused with a hesitation. Did Kerry mean that Chu became his

new hostess? He was confused about Kerry’ words since he didn’t know Chu was disguised by Venus,

his real hostess. All in all, John still felt grateful for Chu since she had help his host out of


Would Kerry marry a woman again? That was nonsense for Kerry since Chu(Venus) was his real wife.

To ensure his servant, Kerry said, ”Do what I told you, you will know what I mean one day!”

When Kerry was back, Venus caught the sight of him and felt a little curious that how Kerry, a real

engaged businessman, maintained his health in the old time, as his wife, she had never saw him take


During the breakfast, Venus gave him a cold glance and asked, ”It seems that you are in a good


“Thanks to your rejection last night, my lady, I’ve save my energy for an exercise this morning, and I

feel really good about that.” Whispered Kerry jokingly.

“You look so awesome like a…”said Venus, who retreated when Kerry moved closer to her. His strong

figure and energetic spirit was attractive.

“Like a what?”Asked Kerry.

“Like a gigolo.”Replied Venus in a joking tone.

“That’s a good joke, my lady.” Kerry held her shoulders and said, “Will you go to your company today? I

think you can stay home because you brother will go to the construction site with me, and that is not a

good place for a lady.”

“really? But he doesn’t inform me of this.” asked Venus.

“I got his notice when I was exercising. Perhaps he will tell you so after the breakfast.” Replied Kerry.

Then he pour her a cup of milk and said, ”My lady, stay home, and the guys in your family will ensure

the business cooperation between us works well.” Then he fed her with a spoon of well-cooked

porridge. To her surprise, it seemed that Kerry didn’t show any doubt against her, and he took her so

considerately as if she was his real wife. But all in all, she could finish her searching job in Ye’s house.

At this point, her phone rang and it was Xuan.

“My sister, I will go to the construction site with Kerry, I hope you can stay at our company, OK?”Said


“I’d love to, my brother, but I can’t, I am not feeling good today, I am have my period these

days.”Replied Venus.

“Alright, take good care of yourself, my sister, give me a call whenever you need my help.”Said Xuan.

Everything went well as planned, Venus was sure that she would complete her searching plan and get

what her family wants.


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