Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 317 She's Pregnant (3)

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The third day in the evening, when Yiyao Duan was walking with the lady, she saw her intermediate

officer for the first time.

The officer had just returned from a visit to a remote mountain area. He wore a black suit and smiled


“You are back.” The lady said with a tender smile.

The officer walked up to the lady and took her hand. The officer walked slowly with the lady and said,

“Yes, I have just come back.”

Yiyao once imagined what it would be like for the two most powerful men in the country to get along

together. Yiyao didn’t expect them to be so warm and sweet, like an ordinary couple.

“I cooked your favorite chicken soup and braised pork ribs in brown sauce at noon. Eat more later.” The

lady said.

“OK. What I wanted to eat most these days is the braised pork ribs in brown sauce.” The officer said.

“Do you have to work at night?” The lady said.

“There’s a meeting after dinner, but it’s in the conference room. I’m not going out. I’m a little tired.” The

officer said.

After walking dozens of meters, the lady turned to wave at Yiyao. When Yiyao reached her, she spoke

to the officer, “This is my guard, Miss Duan.”

Yiyao saluted and said, “Hello, leading cadre. I’m Yiyao Duan from C Army.”

“Oh, you are the daughter of Jun Duan.”The officer said with a smile.

“Yes.” Yiyao said.

“I was told that she is a sharp knife of the C Army, and no man in the army could beat her. They

compare her to Mulan of the C Army. I didn’t expect Jun would send her to be the guard.” The officer

said to the lady.

“It turns out that Miss Duan is so good.” The lady said in surprise.

Yiyao couldn’t believe that the leading cadre knows her. She was nervous and excited. “Leading cadre,

lady, I’m flattered. They just call me Mulan for fun.” Yiyao said.

“Miss Duan, don’t be modest. Some time ago you took your team to the Kunlun Mountains to block the

invasion of foreign lawbreakers and you did a very good job. I signed the order of commendation

myself.” The officer said.

The more the officer said, the more shy Yiyao was. “Leading cadre, don’t flatter me. It’s the contribution

of my comrades, not just mine.” Yiyao said.

“Well, you are a person who don’t claim credit for yourself. It’s with soldiers like you that the common

people can live in peace.” The officer said.

“This is our duty as soldier.” Yiyao looked firm and said.

At that moment, red clouds were all over the sky and the autumn wind was blowing gently. Everything

was just right.

When Yiyao took over the new task, Sky City was also making all-round preparation for the

leadership’s investigation. As the leading company of Sky City, Yehuang Group is one of the

companies to be investigated. Therefore, Jingyan Ye not only attended various meetings in Sky City

these days, but also went to inspect each branch of the company to make every effort to achieve


As Jingyan got busy, he felt time passed faster. The scar on his heart also began to scab. But when he

closed his eyes at night when all was still, Yiyao’s angry and desperate face emerged in his mind. His

scar ached at that moment.

One morning, when Jingyan was dealing with the tedious work as usual, Xuan Zhao knocked at the

door and came in.

Without looking up, Jingyan asked, “What’s the matter?”

Since the day of negotiation, Xuan has been much more enthusiastic about him, but he turned a blind

eye to that. He was more indifferent to her than before.

A sheet of the hospital’s diagnosis was handed to him, and he heard a news that’s enough to blow him


“Mr Ye, I’m pregnant.” Xuan said.

Jingyan raised his head and his mind went blank. Looking at the faint joy on Xuan’s face, it took him a

long time to say something. “What did you say?” Jingyan said.

“I am pregnant more than a month. That’s the hospital report.” Xuan said.

Jingyan looked down at the diagnostic sheet. He didn’t understand the data, but he did understand the

last few words. They read Xuan’s pregnant.

Jingyan felt no pleasant surprise, and the joy in being a father. He was just shocked and incredulous.

Jingyan forced himself to calm down and threw down the papers on his hand. Then he stood up and

went out, saying, “Come with me to the hospital.”

He didn’t believe it. How could it be such a coincidence? He wanted to confirm it himself.

Xuan followed him and smirked. She wasn’t afraid to go to the hospital because she’s pregnant.

Instead of driving, Jingyan hailed a taxi from the side of the road. He was afraid he would run into a

fence or a tree if he drives.

Arriving at an expensive private hospital, Jingyan took Xuan to the obstetrics and gynecology

department for a check-up in person. He stood next to a B-mode ultrasonic device.

Xuan lay in bed and looked at the B-mode ultrasonic device. Then she heard what she wanted to hear.

“The woman is indeed pregnant. The embryo is well developed and the fetus is almost 35 days old.”

The doctor said.

Jingyan froze in place. 35 days ago was the time when they were at the hotel.

How could this happen?

Xuan wiped the cold liquid from her stomach with toilet paper and got off the bed. She walked silently

out of the examination room. She looked worried, but in fact, she was very happy.

“Good, everything is going according to my plan. Even if I can’t be the wife of Jingyan, I will get a

generous compensation.” Xuan thought.

Of course, she preferred to be Jingyan’s wife, because she could not only have a high status, but also

has a lot of money.

Jingyan walked out of the examination room with a cold facial expression. He was somewhat

desperate. Xuan knew that Jingyan was thinking of Yiyao, but she didn’t say anything.

Jingyan and Xuan walked out of the clinic building, the one behind the other. The sun was warm

outside, but Jingyan felt like he’s in a cold place, shivering all over.

After being silent for a long time, Jingyan said coldly, “Just abort the child. I can give you as much

money as you want.”

Xuan stepped back in horror. She put her hands on her belly and said, “No way. I will give birth to it.”

Jingyan stared at her and said, “We made a mistake that night, and there’s no need to perpetuate it.”

“No. It’s a mistake for you, but for me, it’s the best memory.” Xuan said. Then tears filled Xuan’s eyes

and she said as she cried, “Mr Ye, you can be cruel to me, but the child is innocent. You can’t do that to

the child.”

Jingyan’s heart was softened for a while, but then he said coldly, “Xuan, I don’t love you, and I won’t

love the child. Do you think he will be happy after birth?”

“It doesn’t matter that you don’t love him, but I will give him all my love. I won’t abort my child. Never.”

Xuan said firmly. Then she left quickly. Looking at the hasty view of her back, Jingyan was utterly


“What should I do? Am I and Yiyao destined not to be together? Why is it so hard to be with the one I

like?” Jingyan thought.


Ye’s villa.

Kerry was fishing by the lake, while Venus was painting on a nearby bench. Venus was painting an old

man who is fishing, although Kerry was still too untrammeled and romantic in character to be called as

an old man.

Then Henry walked up to them and said, “Sir Kerry, there is a girl at the door and she wants to see you

and Venus.”

“Who is she? Do you know her?” Kerry asked lazily.

“She is Xuan Zhao, Jingyan’s secretary.” Henry said.

Venus kept her eyes on the painting and asked casually, “What is her doing here? Pingan is in the


“Venus, do you forget that Jingyan was in the hotel with Xuan…” Henry whispered to remind them.

“Oh, that’s her.” Venus remembered suddenly and put down the brush on her hand and looked at Kerry,

saying, “What does she want to do?”

Kerry sneered and said, “What else can she do? She must come here to ask us to pay her.” Kerry has

no favorable impression for such a scheming woman. Although there’s no evidence show that nothing

happened that night, Kerry trusts his instincts.

“Bring her in.” Venus said.

“OK.” Henry Said.

Venus was in no mood to paint. “It has been more than a month and I haven’t heard Pingan say

anything about it. I thought it’s over, but it isn’t over yet.”

“Hum, maybe it’s just getting started.” Kerry said. As soon as Kerry said that, the fishing rod moved.

Kerry quickly pulled the rod up and a plump grass carp was on the hook.

Kerry’s good mood seemed not be disturbed. He put the fish in the bucket and laughed. “Well, I’m

going to show off my skills tonight.” Kerry said.

“Do you know how to cook?” Venus asked.

“Don’t look down upon me. Have you forgotten that I can cook?” Kerry said.

Venus remembered the old days and said, “Ah, I remember when I pretended to be Yan Chu, you went

to my apartment on purpose to bum meals off, but you cooked for me. How considerate you were!”

Kerry also remembered that incident. Kerry came up to Venus with the bucket and smiled meaningfully,

saying, “In fact, I want to have sex with you that time. Cooking is just an excuse.”

Venus pushed him away and said shyly, “We are an old married couple. Can’t you be serious?”

“I’m serious.” Kerry shrugged and said. While Venus was neatening the easel, Kerry leaned over and

kissed her on the cheek. Then he smiled contentedly and said, “Besides, my wife is always the most

beautiful woman. She is not old at all.”


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