Novel Name : A Love Trap

Chapter 66 A Mu Family

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There was some prime land in the south of the city that was going to be auctioned off and the Mu

family wanted it. The auction was about to begin and Peggy felt anxious.

"All right, Mom. I know. I will handle it," Lena reassured her mother with confidence.

Peggy looked proudly upon her confident daughter and nodded with satisfaction

Peggy had been so fortunate in life and luck seemed to be always on her side. Firstly she met Spencer

and then gave birth to two beautiful children, Ron and Lena. Both her son and daughter had made her

proud and they were outstanding.


Ever since Greyson had told his mother that he was going on a date, Roxie would always glance

behind him expectantly whenever he came home, with the hope that his new girlfriend would come with


It made Greyson feel guilty. He shouldn't have given Roxie the false hope and lied to her just to make

her feel happy.

The Yun family had two sons, Greyson and his older brother, Troy. Troy was a man of stable character

and had been greatly influenced by their father. He joined the army when he was quite young.

However, Roxie had always liked girls more and wanted a daughter. When she was pregnant with

Greyson, she was so sure that the baby was going to be a girl, that she even bought everything for a

baby girl.

But when the baby was finally born and Roxie found that it was yet another boy, she felt quite

disappointed at that time. And since she had bought everything for a baby girl, she raised and treated

Greyson more like a girl when he was just a baby.

Perhaps that was why Greyson was, the way he was. Because Roxie had mothered him too much and

was too lenient with him.

Greyson always liked to play with computers ever since his childhood. And over the years he had

honed his computer skills so well, that he became a first-class hacker. If he needed to find out some

information, all he needed to do was punch in a few keys on the keyboard and invade anyone's

computer or network equipment.

Yesterday, when he had dinner with Ashley and Ellie, he sensed that they were hiding something from

him. Normally he wouldn't care or take any notice, but, his curiosity was piqued as to what it could be.

So Greyson decided to figure it out by himself.

In the Starlight Club, the loud sound of energetic music that was pumping out from the massive

speakers, was deafening.

The dance floor was filled with hyped up men and women, whose bodies seemed to be overtaken by

the rhythm and beat of the music that pounded off the walls. Each of them swayed and moved in their

own unique way, completely, uninhibited.

Here they had the license to act freely and release what they felt deep in their very soul and express it

through dance.

Nobody really knew who the owner of the Starlight Club was. But they did know that whoever it was,

they were very powerful. Even the big shots in J City couldn't cause trouble here.

Only the 'who's who' of J City could afford to attend this club and have the Starlight Club as their late

night playground, but even they didn't dare stir up any problems at the club.

Earlier, when the club had just newly opened, an owner of a company had attended the club. He was

arrogant and didn't want to follow the rules and tried to use his power and influence to cause a

disturbance there.

However, the very next day he became bankrupt, as a direct consequence of his actions that he made

at the Starlight Club, and he had to repay a lot of debts that he had owed.

Since then, everyone that attended the Starlight Club took it as a valuable lesson and never dared to

rock the boat when they were there.

In a room, on the third floor of the Starlight Club, several young men with different colored hair, wearing

hoodies and unusually styled clothes, lounged on the couch.

Greyson sat in the middle of them on the same couch. With his neat clothes, natural black hair and

cute baby face, he looked completely different in appearance and style from the rest of them. However,

he seemed to be in sync with the group.

The room that they were in had been soundproofed. It blocked out the thunderous noise from the first

and second floors.

Each of the young men that were sitting on the couch with Greyson had a woman in their laps and

were necking with them without any moral sense.

Greyson looked at them and frowned disdainfully, and then suddenly he yelled, "All of you. Just get


Right! The only normal person sitting on the couch with the group of boys, was, Greyson.

His cute baby face, that Ashley and Ellie found adorable, was replaced with a cold glare. He wasn't shy

at all, his face was composed and his eyes lacked any feeling of friendliness.

His tone was irritated.

The young men suddenly stopped canoodling and sat up.

One of them, who seemed to be the leader of the group, suddenly spoke up, "All right everyone, the

party's over. It's time to go, ladies."

Even though the women moaned in protest and didn't want to leave. They knew that it wasn't wise to

disobey. So they began to tidy their clothes up and collect their purses and quickly left the boys alone.

As the women left, they all gave Greyson a smoldering look, hoping that he would glance up and

perhaps take a fancy to one of them to be his girlfriend. If that happened, the woman would live a better


However, Greyson didn't give them so much as a glance, and he was repulsed by women like that. He

remained on the couch concentrating on something that was on his cell phone.

"Greyson, why did you tell us to come here? What do you want us to do?"

The leader asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"Let's cut the crap. I told you to come, because I have something to ask," said Greyson irritated as he

looked up at the man from his cell phone.

He spoke in a harsh and rude tone. He acted completely different from the boy that Ashley and Ellie

had met that day in the coffee shop.

And if Ashley and Ellie were here to see Greyson now, they would certainly be shocked by his

behavior. They would wonder, 'Is this the same cute, considerate and shy little Greyson that we know?'

Of course it was. However, this was a side of Greyson that the girls hadn't seen.

Because this was Greyson's usual style.

But Greyson's cute baby face and appearance were very deceptive to those who didn't know him.

"Greyson, if you have something for us to do, why don't you just call us. You shouldn't have bothered

yourself to come here in person." A young man with dyed yellow hair that was sitting next to him spoke


If they didn't dye their hair or wear unusual styled clothes, they would all be attractive young men.

Most people who saw them felt intimidated by the way they dressed and wondered why they would

want to look like that.

And it wasn't as though they couldn't afford nice clothes, because each of the young men came from a

very wealthy family that lived in J City.

Their families were also much more powerful and wealthier than Lena's family, but they were only

Greyson's followers.

The Mu family was so insignificant in J City that Greyson hadn't even heard of them.

"It's fine. You don't need to flatter me I just want to ask you, is there a Mu family in J City?" Greyson


Ashley and Ellie didn't tell him the whole story, but it was enough information for Greyson to put two

and two together and work it out.

"Mu family?" The group of men looked at each other in confusion and were speechless as to why

Greyson would ask a question like that.

These men were only casual acquaintances, Greyson didn't consider them as his friends.

However, the group were all keen to have a good rapport with Greyson because of his identity. But

Greyson didn't care about that. In the end, everyone used their advantage in exchange for what they

needed from each other. And at times these young men from wealthy families could be of some use to


Like in this particular instance, he was not disappointed.


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