Novel Name : A Love Trap

Chapter 342 Core's Decision

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Cora obviously doubted Peggy. There was nothing Lena had that would make Ashley jealous!

Instead, it was Lena who was the jealous one.

She despised her for all that she had done!

Cora sneered, "Fake? How could Ashley possibly have faked this recording?"

Peggy shook her head wildly, hoping Cora would reason with her.

Cora put up a scornful smile. The entire family was a bunch of liars!

"Look, I have already consulted a professional to check the recording. It is real. It was Lena who said

all of that. What have you got to say about that?"

Peggy replied, "It's Impossible!" She had to convince Cora that Lena wasn't the type of person who

could do something like that. "Cora! You must be mistaken, please understand!"

Cora responded impatiently, "We really don't care what you think. We are here to call off the wedding.

Your daughter is apparently too good for our son. We don't dare become her family!"

Her words stung Peggy, but she managed to keep herself composed. "Mrs. Luo, what are you talking

about? This decision isn't up to us! They love each other. They have been together for so long and are

already engaged. You can't just call it off in an instant!"

Cora lost all her calm. Raising her voice, she said, "Oh, since you are asking for it, let me make it

harder for you. Raymond never even loved Lena! Did you know that your dear daughter drugged my

son so he would sleep with her?"

Peggy looked haunted. However, Cora continued, "I knew Raymond wouldn't sleep with some girl just

because he'd had a few drinks. I never really thought of Lena in such a bad light. And since they'd

already slept together, I didn't say anything about the marriage. But now I'm left with no choice. Let's

make everything clear right away!"

She then took a breath. Peggy couldn't say anything and let her continue. "I never liked the fact that

Ashley was an adopted child, so I didn't want to see her with Raymond. After what happened between

Raymond and Lena that night, I thought it was the best opportunity for Raymond to stay away from

Ashley. Therefore I decided to support Lena and go with the engagement. By the way, did you know

why Lena did all that? She got engaged to Raymond simply so she could take him away from Ashley!

Raymond and Ashley used to be together at one point in time!"

Her voice kept rising, but she was too angry to notice it. "What a damn play! Your daughter fooled our

entire family with her little tricks!"

Peggy stood frozen in her place, as if she'd been struck with lightening. She knew all about this, but

she hadn't expected Cora to find out.

On the other hand, Ron was truly shocked. He was having a hard time believing what Cora had just

said. He looked at Peggy with a peculiar expression. Wanting to be sure, he asked, "Mother, is what

Mrs. Luo said true?"

Peggy looked back at Ron with embarrassment.

She couldn't believe things had gotten out of her control!

Just yesterday, everything was fine.

She could never have anticipated things would go so drastically wrong.

Cora noticed Peggy's embarrassment. She didn't push it anymore. "Alright. Although it was

unfortunate, we don't really want anything from you. We just want to inform you about canceling the

wedding. We will soon find an appropriate time to announce it publicly. From this day forward, the Luo

family will have nothing to do with the Mu family."

Cora's words were firm and determined.

Spencer was thrown into a panic attack. Since Lena and Raymond had gotten engaged, he had made

several big deals in the business. There were parties doing business with him solely on the basis of his

association with the Luo Group!

If the wedding got canceled, he would lose all those partners.

Hurriedly, he spoke, "Clyde, it is Lena's fault. She has done some things she shouldn't have, but she is

just a young girl. Won't you give her a chance to make amends? Everyone already knows she was

going to marry Raymond. It would be too harsh to cancel the wedding! Don't you think?"

Spencer did have a point. Clyde thought about what he said. Then he asked for Cora's opinion. "What

do you think, Cora?"

They made all their decisions together. They had a very good relationship even when they were

destitute, and it had continued to be that way even after they started getting comfortable.

Cora was firm. "No! There is no chance of that happening! We have to cancel the wedding. Raymond

cannot marry a liar and a cheater like Lena! She is a selfish person who only cares about what she

wants. Who knows what else she is capable of? My son will never marry her!"

Cora stood firm on this issue, believing there was no need for discussion.

Clyde nodded and replied, "Her decision is mine..."

He made it clear that Cora's decision was final.

Aptly enough, Lena walked in at that moment.

Peggy pulled her and yelled, "Lena! Give Mrs. Luo an explanation. Tell her you didn't say all these

things! You didn't. Right?"

Even at this point, Peggy didn't want her to admit the truth.

Scared, Lena looked at Cora and Clyde. She bowed down and apologized sincerely, "I am so sorry, Mr.

and Mrs. Luo!"

She then turned to Peggy and confessed, "Mother, I said all those things. If they want to cancel the

wedding, I have nothing to say."

Cora raised her eyebrows. "You see? She is admitting it herself. What do you have to say now?"

In a matter of seconds, the sound of a loud slap stunned everyone. No one had expected Spencer to

slap Lena!

Her face swelled instantly. The red finger prints burning her skin. Blood flowed out of the corners of her


"Kneel down now!" Spencer ordered.

The fury he felt this time was unlike what he'd ever felt before.

Spencer loved Lena the most. This was a true shock.

Cora had no sympathy towards Lena, though. She just couldn't stand this drama, so she just frowned.

Impatient, she said to Spencer, "Please excuse us. Take your time to teach your daughter a lesson

after we're gone. What she did was horrible. She killed her baby in the blink of an eye, for god's sake!"

"Don't you want to stay a little longer?" Spencer said, trying to urge them to stay so he could convince

them not to cancel the wedding.

He thought putting up a show for them to make them change their minds.

After all, canceling the wedding wasn't that big a deal for the Luo family. It was the Mu Group who

would be affected by it.

Clyde added, "Thank you, but we have to go. We have to deal with some other family issues." Clyde

could see through Spencer's sham.

After they left the house, Cora said to Clyde, "Spencer isn't a good person either. He slapped Lena just

so he could change our decision. Did he really think that kind of drama would make us forget what she

did? Is he completely stupid or does he think we're so dumb we'll buy it?"


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