Novel Name : A Love Trap

Chapter 138 My Husband

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Ashley quietly tugged on Andrew's sleeve as they walked behind the waiter.

Andrew turned around to look at the girl behind him. With an expressionless face, he asked, "What's

wrong, Ashley?"

"Look, Andrew," Ashley started, her eyes cast downwards as if she was avoiding Andrew's gaze. "I'm

not familiar with this restaurant. It's my first time here, believe me. I really didn't know it is a restaurant

for lovers. I hope you don't take all of this the wrong way." Ashley explained, her voice low and shining

with embarrassment.

However, instead of appeasing him, Ashley's explanation just made Andrew become angrier.

With a deep breath, Andrew turned away. The way Andrew acted puzzled Ashley a little bit. 'Why is he

so angry?' she asked herself in silence, furrowing her brows. 'I don't think I said anything wrong.'

After a few moments, the waiter led them to the only place vacant in the whole restaurant.

The table was by an open window. As a cool breeze blew in, Andrew and Ashley felt relieved, and soon

enough, they began to feel very comfortable.

"Sir, Ma'am, here is our menu. Please take a look at it first," suggested a waitress, who was about thirty

to forty years old. When she saw Andrew, a glimmer of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She had been married and had been living a happy life with her husband and their children. Therefore,

when she saw Andrew's handsome face, she didn't exclaim with excitement like the girls who were still

in their twenties. Her reaction was purely based on the fact that Andrew was a good-looking man.

With a smile, Ashley took the menu from the waitress and started to go through it. There were different

kinds of dishes on the menu and they looked delicate and delicious. The more Ashley looked at the

food on the menu, the more she wanted to taste everything the restaurant had to offer.

After a short while, Ashley finally stopped on one page. Looking at the dishes on that page, her eyes

started sparkling. Every food there looked divine.

"Ma'am, our best seller is this Lovers Set. Why don't you try it? We have a special offer today. If you

are a couple, you can have it at half price. Also, you would have free snack fruits and drinks!" the

waitress said excitedly. It seemed that she sensed that it was the first time that Ashley would be eating

at their restaurant, so she stood in front of Ashley and explained everything patiently.

Hearing the waitress mention the word lover, Ashley started blushing again.

As soon as that happened, she hid her face behind the menu and after a few moments, she was finally

able to decide what to order. In a quiet voice, she said, "We'll get that set, then."

A smile graced the waitress' lips and she wrote down Ashley's order. Then, with a nod, she took off and

went to the kitchen.

At that time, Ashley and Andrew were sitting face to face, only a small table in between the two of

them. Because of that, it felt that it only seemed natural for them to reach out and touch each other.

'Wow, this place was really made with couples in mind, huh?' Ashley thought to herself, starting to


With a deep breath, Ashley sat in her seat in silence, trying her hardest to ignore Andrew's eyes. But

she failed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she blurted out, glancing at Andrew. "Is there anything on my

face?" Hurriedly, she wiped her face down, as if trying to get rid of any dirt that might be on it.

Andrew silently shook his head.

"Are you finally going to tell me that you love me today?"

Andrew quietly asked just as Ashley was about to take a sip of water to try and calm herself down.

Right as she heard Andrew's question, Ashley spit the water she was drinking right on Andrew's

handsome face.

"Ahem!" Ashley started to cough violently, her eyes watering and her nose running.

Andrew was obviously not expecting Ashley to spit out the water she was drinking, moreover spit it in

his direction. So, he failed to avoid it.

With his hair and face all wet, Andrew got more annoyed.

It wasn't the first time Ashley saw Andrew like that, but the expression the man had on his face still

gave Ashley a shudder in her heart.

"Oh my god - I'm so sorry, Andrew. I just - I just suddenly choked on the water," Ashley explained,


Without saying anything else, she hastily took some napkins on the table to try and wipe Andrew's


Carefully, she started patting the water off Andrew. After she felt that she was able to get everything off

his face, she started checking for spots she might have missed. Finally, she was fully satisfied with the

job and she went back to seat.

Before she was able to sit, however, Andrew was able to grab her wrists. Obviously not letting her go,

he said, "That's all?"

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Ashley had always felt scared of Andrew. She wanted to be

brave, but just seeing Andrew's expression, she couldn't help but chicken out.

"What... what else do you want me to do?" Ashley said in a low voice, barely glancing at Andrew.

Andrew's eyes narrowed but he let go of Ashley's wrist. "I'm not sure yet. But as soon I decide on it, I'll

definitely tell you."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Ashley opened her mouth to protest. "But it was an accident!" 'If you hadn't

asked that question, then I wouldn't have spat out the water directly on your face, ' Ashley thought.

By the time Ashley went back to her seat, their dishes were ready.

A young lady who was in her early twenties walked towards them with their dishes. She was wearing a

uniform of The Time Shore. Although the uniform was very common, she looked better in it than any

other waitresses working in the restaurant. She really was a beautiful woman.

That didn't make Ashley feel any resentment towards her - she was actually amazed at how pretty she

was. What made Ashley really uncomfortable and borderline angry was that it seemed like she couldn't

take her eyes off Andrew, and no matter how much she looked, stared, and glared at her, she wouldn't

quit doing it!

"Sir, this is your order," said the waitress sweetly as she slowly placed the dishes on the table. At the

same time, she tilted her whole body towards Andrew as if she didn't notice a girl - his girlfriend - was

sitting across from him.

Ashley got extremely irate. 'Is she seducing my husband in front of me?' Ashley thought to herself.

Although at that moment she still was not very sure about her feelings for Andrew, he was still her

lawfully wedded husband. 'How dare this waitress try to seduce Andrew in front of me? Does she really

think I am just a pushover?' Ashley thought.

When the waitress was about to touch Andrew, he furrowed his eyebrows and was ready to kick her

away. But he stopped when he saw Ashley's angry face out of the corner of his eyes.

Obviously, what Ashley did next made Andrew very happy. Just as the woman was about to touch

Andrew, Ashley suddenly stood up, moved next to him and pulled the waitress off of him. Then she

glanced at the waitress and said, in threatening voice, "Why are you getting that close to my husband?

What are you doing?"

Ashley's voice wasn't that loud, but since the restaurant was designed with the tables being close to

each other, the customers who were sitting next to them heard everything that Ashley said.

Simultaneously, they started turning their heads to look at them.

The waitress felt so stunned that she just stood in her place, stiff and unbreathing. Judging from the

expression on the waitress' face, everyone believed that Ashley was telling the truth.

All the customers were couples. The women hated girls who liked to seduce someone else's husband.

All of a sudden, the way they looked at the waitress was not as friendly as before.

"I, I didn't get close to your husband. When the hell did you see that?" Being stared at by so many

people, the waitress retorted with a pout.

"I saw it with my own eyes. I advise you to stay away from that guy. He's married," Ashley looked at

her, with her serious face. "To me!"

The chaos that was ensuing didn't bother Andrew one bit. He was busy seeing Ashley become

protective of him, and he couldn't help but feel happy. Also, it was the first time she addressed him as

her husband.


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