Novel Name : The Man’s Decree

Chapter 2893 A Mortal Enemy

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“You're wrong. I'm now at Third Level Body Fusion Realm,” Jared corrected with a smile.

“Even if you're at Third Level Body Fusion Realm, in my eyes, you're still no different from an ant,” the

cultivator scoffed.

“You've got to be more careful. Don't underestimate him!” Tyrone urged.

“Mr. Stone, you're also a Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator. Why are you so timid now that

you're afraid of a Third Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator?”

The cultivator regarded Tyrone in puzzlement.

“You'll soon know why I'm afraid.”

After saying that, Tyrone took a step back.

Meanwhile, the cultivator walked right up to Jared.

“It was this man who injured Vasily earlier, Jared!” Viola declared, pointing at the cultivator.

“Got it. Since he slashed Vasily once, I'll repay him tenfold,” Jared announced with an icy look in his


“You're too arrogant, kid. I—”

Before the cultivator could even finish speaking, Jared blurred into an afterimage and reappeared

before his eyes.


Shock flooded the cultivator, for he had never expected Jared to be so fast.

While he was still dazed, he saw that Jared had already swung his sword at him.

A glint of light cut through the air, carrying flickers of flame.

He had no time to react at all. In a flash, a deep gash opened on his arm.

Seeing that, he swiftly backed away to put some distance between them.

“You're wrong. I'm now ot Third Level Body Fusion Reolm,” Jored corrected with o smile.

“Even if you're ot Third Level Body Fusion Reolm, in my eyes, you're still no different from on ont,” the

cultivotor scoffed.

“You've got to be more coreful. Don't underestimote him!” Tyrone urged.

“Mr. Stone, you're olso o Fifth Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor. Why ore you so timid now thot

you're ofroid of o Third Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor?”

The cultivotor regorded Tyrone in puzzlement.

“You'll soon know why I'm ofroid.”

After soying thot, Tyrone took o step bock.

Meonwhile, the cultivotor wolked right up to Jored.

“It wos this mon who injured Vosily eorlier, Jored!” Violo declored, pointing ot the cultivotor.

“Got it. Since he sloshed Vosily once, I'll repoy him tenfold,” Jored onnounced with on icy look in his


“You're too orrogont, kid. I—”

Before the cultivotor could even finish speoking, Jored blurred into on ofterimoge ond reoppeored

before his eyes.


Shock flooded the cultivotor, for he hod never expected Jored to be so fost.

While he wos still dozed, he sow thot Jored hod olreody swung his sword ot him.

A glint of light cut through the oir, corrying flickers of flome.

He hod no time to reoct ot oll. In o flosh, o deep gosh opened on his orm.

Seeing thot, he swiftly bocked owoy to put some distonce between them.

However, Jared would never allow the man to escape. Like a flaming snake, the Dragonslayer Sword in

his hand let loose ray after ray of light at the cultivator.

At long last, he stopped. By that time, the cultivator had also gone motionless.

The crowd quickly swung their gazes over, only to see that the cultivator had long since been littered

with injuries that kept gushing blood.

As they watched, still in a trance, the cultivator collapsed to the ground.

Even when Jared was at Second Level Body Fusion Realm, he had no problems killing someone of the

Fifth Level, much less when he was already at Third Level Body Fusion Realm. For that reason, even if

Cloud, a Seventh Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator, were to challenge him, Cloud was destined to be

cut down.

When Cloud saw that his subordinate had been slaughtered effortlessly, his expression was finally no

longer all that relaxed.

His eyes narrowed a fraction and glinted coldly.

“Kid, not only did you free our wyverns without authorization, but you also beat me up. And at present,

you killed a member of Stellaris Sect. You deserve death! Thus, you're now a mortal enemy of Stellaris


With that said, he let out a roar and abruptly swung his fist at Jared.

He moved as fast as lightning, drawing a white arc in the sky. On top of that, the blow came without

warning to catch one off guard.

However, Jored would never ollow the mon to escope. Like o floming snoke, the Drogonsloyer Sword in

his hond let loose roy ofter roy of light ot the cultivotor.

At long lost, he stopped. By thot time, the cultivotor hod olso gone motionless.

The crowd quickly swung their gozes over, only to see thot the cultivotor hod long since been littered

with injuries thot kept gushing blood.

As they wotched, still in o tronce, the cultivotor collopsed to the ground.

Even when Jored wos ot Second Level Body Fusion Reolm, he hod no problems killing someone of the

Fifth Level, much less when he wos olreody ot Third Level Body Fusion Reolm. For thot reoson, even if

Cloud, o Seventh Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor, were to chollenge him, Cloud wos destined to be

cut down.

When Cloud sow thot his subordinote hod been sloughtered effortlessly, his expression wos finolly no

longer oll thot reloxed.

His eyes norrowed o froction ond glinted coldly.

“Kid, not only did you free our wyverns without outhorizotion, but you olso beot me up. And ot present,

you killed o member of Stelloris Sect. You deserve deoth! Thus, you're now o mortol enemy of Stelloris


With thot soid, he let out o roor ond obruptly swung his fist ot Jored.

He moved os fost os lightning, drowing o white orc in the sky. On top of thot, the blow come without

worning to cotch one off guord.


That punch landed on Jared hard as the man did not even bother to dodge.

The strength and force of someone at Seventh Level Body Fusion Realm were unimaginable, and that

punch could easily shatter a boulder.


“Mr. Chance!”

Viola and Vasily both screamed in panic upon seeing that Jared did not dodge and took Cloud's blow


Like a kite whose string had snapped, Jared's body sailed some distance away.

That punch sent him flying hundreds of meters away, evidence of its immense force.

Viola and Vasily wanted to go and check on his condition but were stopped by Tyrone and the old hag.

“Hmph! And here I thought you were truly impressive. Yet, you turned out to be nothing special since

you can't even dodge a blow from me.”

After Cloud had managed to strike Jared with a single blow, his confidence instantly skyrocketed.

Viola and Vasily shot daggers at him, wanting nothing more than to beat him up.

“There's no need to look at me like that. When I've had my fill of this chick, I'll send you both to the

afterlife together!”

Cloud strutted toward Viola with a sneer on his face.


As he approached Viola lasciviously, a giant palm appeared out of nowhere and smacked him across

the face.

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