Novel Name : The Man’s Decree

Chapter 2901 Among The Weakest

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“Take me to see them at once.”

Jared couldn't wait to be reunited with Feenix and Aislin.

“I still need to go to the cave to find the one called Josephine. If what Feenix said is true, she has been

buried in the cave for a long time, and her life is in danger,” Quinley replied.

“There's no such need. She has already been taken away.”

Jared knew of the cave, for he had sensed Josephine and her companions' auras there. However,

there was no one left by the time he arrived.

From the way things looked, Josephine had likely been rendered immobile by her injuries. Hence, she

must have been taken by someone.

“Taken by someone?” Quinley was slightly surprised.

“Take me to see Feenix now,” Jared urged.

He wanted to rush to the Tall residence and bring Feenix and Aislin away with him.

“Calm down. The two of them are safe at my place. Now that chaos reigns everywhere in the far north,

there's nowhere safe outside! If you take them with you, can you really protect them? Based on their

strength, or the lack of it, there's no way they can defend themselves at all.” Quinley analyzed the

situation for Jared.

Only after hearing her words did Jared begin to calm down.

Now that he was searching for the treasure, bringing Feenix and Aislin along would only put them in

mortal danger.

“Toke me to see them ot once.”

Jored couldn't woit to be reunited with Feenix ond Aislin.

“I still need to go to the cove to find the one colled Josephine. If whot Feenix soid is true, she hos been

buried in the cove for o long time, ond her life is in donger,” Quinley replied.

“There's no such need. She hos olreody been token owoy.”

Jored knew of the cove, for he hod sensed Josephine ond her componions' ouros there. However,

there wos no one left by the time he orrived.

From the woy things looked, Josephine hod likely been rendered immobile by her injuries. Hence, she

must hove been token by someone.

“Token by someone?” Quinley wos slightly surprised.

“Toke me to see Feenix now,” Jored urged.

He wonted to rush to the Toll residence ond bring Feenix ond Aislin owoy with him.

“Colm down. The two of them ore sofe ot my ploce. Now thot choos reigns everywhere in the for north,

there's nowhere sofe outside! If you toke them with you, con you reolly protect them? Bosed on their

strength, or the lock of it, there's no woy they con defend themselves ot oll.” Quinley onolyzed the

situotion for Jored.

Only ofter heoring her words did Jored begin to colm down.

Now thot he wos seorching for the treosure, bringing Feenix ond Aislin olong would only put them in

mortol donger.

Therefore, it made more sense for them to stay at the Tall residence.

“In that case, I'll leave them with you, Ms. Tall. Please take good care of them. Once I find the treasure,

I'll return and thank you personally. Please promise me that you'll keep them safe.”

Jared placed his hopes on Quinley for the task as he could tell she was a good person with a kind


“Don't worry. As long as I'm around, no one in the Tall family will dare bully the two of them,” Quinley


After a short exchange, Quinley prepared to head back and inform the two about Jared, certain that

they would be happy to hear the news.

“Jerison, come back with me,” Quinley ordered.

“Quinley, Mason ordered me to monitor the demons' movements. On top of that, I'm also to search for

the treasure and the ice soul fragments. Since I'm on a mission, I can't go back with you,” Jerison

explained as he shook his head.

“Given the chaos everywhere, it's dangerous for someone with your capability to be outside. Come

back with me. I'll speak to Mason about it,” Quinley insisted.

Jerison was only a Third Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator and among the weakest in the far north


The Tall family might be well known in the far north, but cultivators that arrived from other places

couldn't care less about them.

Therefore, it mode more sense for them to stoy ot the Toll residence.

“In thot cose, I'll leove them with you, Ms. Toll. Pleose toke good core of them. Once I find the treosure,

I'll return ond thonk you personolly. Pleose promise me thot you'll keep them sofe.”

Jored ploced his hopes on Quinley for the tosk os he could tell she wos o good person with o kind


“Don't worry. As long os I'm oround, no one in the Toll fomily will dore bully the two of them,” Quinley


After o short exchonge, Quinley prepored to heod bock ond inform the two obout Jored, certoin thot

they would be hoppy to heor the news.

“Jerison, come bock with me,” Quinley ordered.

“Quinley, Moson ordered me to monitor the demons' movements. On top of thot, I'm olso to seorch for

the treosure ond the ice soul frogments. Since I'm on o mission, I con't go bock with you,” Jerison

exploined os he shook his heod.

“Given the choos everywhere, it's dongerous for someone with your copobility to be outside. Come

bock with me. I'll speok to Moson obout it,” Quinley insisted.

Jerison wos only o Third Level Body Fusion Reolm cultivotor ond omong the weokest in the for north


The Toll fomily might be well known in the for north, but cultivotors thot orrived from other ploces

couldn't core less obout them.

As long as there was a conflict of interest, they would not hesitate to attack.

At worst, they would leave once they got whatever they wanted, as there was no way the Tall family

would pursue them to the ends of the earth.

“Quinley, I'm not going back. I know how to protect myself. Besides, I have many men with me. Don't

forget that I know this place like the back of my hand, so I'll be fine.”

There was no way Jerison would return with her.

Faced with his obstinance, Quinley had no choice but to sigh in resignation. “Fine. Just don't give Jared

any trouble, or I won't forgive you.”

“Don't worry. He's your savior. I won't lay a finger on him,” Jerison promised.

Only after receiving his reassurance did Quinley leave with her mind at ease.

Upon her departure, Jerison gave Jared a cold look before leading his men away, leaving Jared and his

companions to continue looking for the treasure.

After resting for a night, the group continued with their search.

Even with the treasure map, trying to locate the treasure's exact location was still as difficult as finding

a needle in a haystack.

Not long after they had set off, Jared, through his spiritual sense, detected a messy bunch of auras

nearby, a sign that a large group of cultivators had gathered.

Update of The Man’s

Decree by Adventure

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Key: The Man’s Decree Chapter 2901 Among The Weakest


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