Novel Name : The Wolf In Me

Chapter 14 The Strength Of A Good Leader

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Part 1 Killed by the alphas

Luka's POV

It was extremely quiet. Too quiet for my taste. I sniffed and looked around but the scent of the baby

vampires was stronger then the adults so I couldn't be sure if any vamps were hiding in the darkness of

their territory.

"Too quiet, don't you think?" Alpha Kaden suggested as he stopped right next to me in human form.

I shifted and stood up naked just like him. "I don't like this. Feels like its a trap. We should hurry before

anything happens."

Alpha Khalil was a few meters away from us when suddenly a vampire jumped on his back, pushing

him into darkness whilst he was turning into wolf form. Luckily he acted fast and merged back out into

the dim light with the vamp's head rolling beside him.

Blood was spilling from his mouth looking fierce as he turned his head towards us with bright red eyes,

turning back to human form. He checked his body, trying to spot if he got injured anywhere but it

seemed like he was fine.

Alpha Kaden and I looked at each other in agreement to shift back into wolf form and check the

surroundings. Some of the flames have started from the backside of the building and a bunch of wolfs

were all running towards our direction.

"Run," one of the alphas screamed in mind link.

We all ran as fast as we could until we reached the exit, letting the sun hit our furs. My eyes twitched at

the strong light that hit my pupils but I had to keep on moving. The alphas waited for me to return to the

front before running back to the packhouse.

As we were reaching the packhouse we had to battle with a few day walkers that were ready for us. I

battled the strongest one of them that was fully muscled and toned. It looked as fierce as hell but I

managed to bring it to its knees with one jump on its chest and bit its ring off, allowing the sun to do the

rest. Flames were taking the vamp's body, bringing it into ashes.

"Take their rings," I ordered the other Alpha wolves with mind link.

I wanted to take as much away from them as I possibly could so they won't be available for new vamps

to become day walkers.

"Kill the beasts. Bring them down. For our freedom, for our children, for our lands!" I yelled motivating

the wolves.

One tried to jump on me but alpha Kalen was prompt and snatched it just on time, breaking off its left

leg. With one motion he leapt onto his chest and ripped out its heart, filling everywhere with its blood.

He screamed with good energy as he turned back into his human form still sitting on the corpse. All the

day walkers that were blocking our way to the packhouse were on the floor all burnt up by the bright

sun as black smoke was coming out of them that filled the air with a bad smell of rotten vampires.

All 68 of the alphas returned to the house pack. My dad was waiting for me in the hall. "Is it done?" He

asked looking anxious.

"It worked dad! We did it. Their offsprings are destroyed."

His eyes lit up as he almost formed a smile on his face before he was reminded that war was not over


"Dad, a good part of them is eliminated. We just have to fight the rest. We were also attacked by a

bunch of day walkers."

I showed him all the daylight rings I kept safe in my pockets. "Well done, son. I am so proud of you. If

only you..."

I interrupted him knowing what he was about to say "I needed you to stay here and take charge in my

stead until I returned."

I feared losing him so I made up a good excuse to keep him safe. I didn't want to lose him again.

"I must check on Lylah," I said tapping his shoulders twice with my large hand before I walked towards

the hospital.

There she was still lying unconscious on the white bed covered by a sheet. Mei was beside her looking


"She is not doing well," she said still looking at her as she felt my presence.

"Where are the kids?" I asked knowing that she was supposed to be keeping them safe, hidden from

the vamps.

"They are still hiding where I left them. Lylah put an invisibility spell on them and Kelsie took charge in

my stead until I returned. It would be really sad if we lose her Luka," she said looking up at me with a

worried face.

I looked at Lylah for a while trying to think of different options to save her life.

"We should bring a healer witch. She would be able to save her."

Mei looked at me like she knew one. "We should," she said, then grabbed her phone, dialled a number

and waited for an answer.

"Hi, Nelly. Long time no see. I know, I know. Look. Remember when I saved your ass back when we

were in high school? It's time to return the favour."

She was listening to what Nelly was saying before she continued to explain the situation.

"Awesome. See you soon."

She hung up and looked at me, then turned to Lylah's live less body. We are going to save your ass

young lady. She gripped her hand tightly.

"Hold a little longer."

The sound of the heart monitor was beeping regularly and she was only breathing with the help of the

ventilator that was making a loud sound. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down as I started to get

agitated. Knowing her from work back when I thought I was just an ordinary human, she was a very

reserved and quiet person and only asked for help when she had no other option. I remembered the

last day we met when we had that short conversation in the elevator before she walked out. I was

interrupted by a knock at the door. Nelly was right at the centre of the doorway.

"Nelly. This is Lylah. Do you think you can help her?"

She walked right in and examined her quietly and intently.

"Internal bleeding by a large explosion. Heart stable, breathing but with assistance," Mei explained to

her, pointing at the equipment placed close to Lylah's bed.

"I will come back later. War is not over yet. It is soon dark and the vampires will come out soon. I'm

sure they will be angrier after they find out about their nest and the missing daylight rings."

Mei nodded at me before I turned to leave.

"O mity natu, sae stron a buofu, gi dis liles bo anthe cha o li."

I left knowing that Lylah is in another witch's good hand. She will survive after all. I am willing to keep

the death count as low as I possibly can. I plan to work with the strongest and keep the weakest safe

within the walls. I rushed towards the hall where everyone was waiting for me to give out instructions of

what will happen next. I walked a few steps up the stairs to allow everyone to get a good view of me.

Jake was quietly standing right behind me eager to take part in this fight.

"It is soon getting dark and the battle is yet to begin. By now you already know that the offsprings of the

vampires are burnt into ashes and a bunch of day walkers are killed so that means that there will be

fewer vampires to kill in one go. This is the plan. We fight for a few hours until our bodies can hold. On

my wolf's howl, I want everyone to gather back inside, kill those that manage to enter into our territory

whilst the gates close off the rest of the vampires out."

I took a sip of my cold beer, feeling its coolness through my throat.

"I want everyone to survive so the key is not to tire you out. Shower, rest, then tomorrow morning I

want the alphas to gather here in these halls so that we head out to find a few more day walkers whilst

we can. Remember to always bring in their rings and give them to me for safekeeping. When the moon

is out, I want every beta, alpha and the strongest wolves of the packs to join me in fighting the rest of

the bloodsuckers. Any questions before we march out in wolf form?"

I waited for a few seconds before I confirmed that I was clear enough not to be asked anything else.

Jake and I walked down the stairs as the packs created a passage to let us pass in front. As soon as

we reached our post, I shifted and waited for the others to follow. I growled and started to run as I

watched the gate open.

"Showtime," I said in a low tone as I spotted my first victim.

Mei's POV

I was silently watching Nelly work her magic to help Lylah get better, but it has been a good ten

minutes of her repeating the same sentence in witch tongue. I was almost going to give up when I

finally spotted some movement from Lylah.

"Lylah?" I placed my hands on her face, then called for a nurse to bring a facecloth and some cold

water to help her get into her senses.

I placed the wet cloth on her head and neck and I could tell she was getting better. Her eyes opened

wide as she gasped with shock.

"Its ok Lylah. Calm yourself down." She looked at me with her large eyes looking confused.

"The blast knocked you out. You were almost dead but thanks to Nelly she helped bring you back."

She turned to look at Nelly that was now quietly listening to me explaining to Lylah. Since she had the

ventilator pipe in her mouth and so she couldn't talk, she nodded at Nelly and reached for her hand.

"Sister. How could I not help? We need as much as good witches as you as we possibly can."

Nelly smiled at her then looked at me.

"Thanks. She wouldn't have survived without you. These vampires have been the nastiest of all our

enemies and they keep on coming. Lylah here was helping us defeat those bastards."

I stood up as I walked to the window a few steps away from the hospital bed and I realised that the fight

has already started. Thousands of vamps were running towards the wolves that gathered all in, as

close as possible to each other to block the way in for the bloodsuckers to enter our premises.

"It started already. I must take my place back. Will you be ok?" I looked both at Lylah and Nelly.

They both nodded.

"I will stay as long as I can to help. I will work my magic from here to give the wolves more power. I

hate vampires myself. They killed a lot of people I know. No more of them. I can kill the vamps with


I nodded and thanked her before leaving the room. I rushed downstairs to the hallway and as I reached

the dungeons I heard a loud hiss coming from behind.

"Duck," someone said from behind.

I jumped and landed on the floor as something wrapped its fingers around my ankle and started to

push me back. I turned to see a vampire on the floor stretched with its large fangs trying to reach my

skin. I tried to pull away with force and one guard that was above the vampire plunged a sword into it.

The vampire screeched and screamed until it fell lifeless its hand still tightly wrapped around my


The guard released it from me as I stood up straight from the ground still in shock.

"Thanks are in order," I said brushing away the dirt that I collected from the ground and onto my


The guard nodded and before turning back to its post I ordered him to close any doors that could stop

the bloodsuckers from reaching the children. I ran as fast as I possibly could, then I heard a few

whispers as I reached the kids. Kelsie emerged from the hiding spot and nodded at me.

"Is everyone ok? I already suffered an attack from one. There must be more in the building. Lylah and

Nelly are not safe. Some day walkers managed to get in, regardless of the spell Lylah did earlier. Nasty


Kelsie took my arms. "Everyone is safe here. Should I stay? Or should I help the others?" She asked.

"Surely I nee..." suddenly about four-day walkers merged from the shadows and into the light of the

burning torches.

Without hesitation I let out my wolf stretching my favourite comfy shirt, tearing it into pieces. I jumped

over the first vampire and tore his skin from his chest before dropping down on the ground. Kelsie

turned into wolf form and joined me, killing the one that stood closest to her, breaking its neck. We both

growled at the remaining two and leapt on them with one move, tearing their bodies apart.

"Nobody messes with us!" I growled as I was shifting back in human form, hiding my naked body from

the kids.

Luckily I already had brought some extra clothes down with me earlier as I knew I had to shift at some

point, ending up clothe less. I dressed quickly and both Kelsie and I went into the room where the

children were in hiding. They were all cheering and making too much noise.

"Shhhhh, shhhh, quiet all. Don't forget what I told you earlier." They went quiet moving back into


"Strange how they managed to get past the guards," I wondered sharing my thoughts with Kelsie.

"Unless...unless there is another spot where they could get in from," Kelsie said opening her eyes wide.

" think so?" I asked astonished. "How could none of us find it, but the vamps got to it?" I said

almost raising my voice too much.

"Sh sh. Another one. Look."

We all got quiet trying to see if it could see us but it kept walking slowly towards the dungeon's main


"It came from that side," she said pointing with her fingers.

"The guards, they have no clue" I rushed outside screaming. "Guards watch out."

I rushed back in on time before another two vamps showed up trying to spot our hiding.

They looked into the room we were hiding in, as we got ready for action. Luckily the spell was working

miracles and we were not spotted. They ran back outside following the other vamp we saw earlier. I

exhaled sharply noticing I was not breathing for the whole time. All we heard was yelling and shouting

from outside coming from the two guards and vampires. Then everything went quiet.

"Too quiet. I should go check. Will you.." I was interrupted by a loud sound coming from outside.

I turned quiet and we all waited to see what would happen next. One guard walked towards our room

with blood seeping out of his arms.

"Oh no, Ron. You are bitten" Kelsie said panicking. "You must...." she stopped the sentence before the

kids could hear her.

"I know. I must. Tell Jaena I love her always and forever."

Kelsie nodded with tears running down her face, knowing that this would be the last time she would see

him alive. Ron left the room then heard the sound of a knife slicing through his massive body, then a

loud thump on the floor.

"Ohhh, what will I tell Jaena? He was one of ours."

Kelsie was a part of the storm pack. I didn't know what to say so all I did was comfort her by hugging

her from the side.

"I'm sorry," I said in a low breaking voice.

"The war must go on. We need our freedom. For us, for our future generations!"

Kelsie raised her head from her crouched body looking angry and more determined to kill the bastards'

blood-sucking monsters. She raised herself from the ground and turned into wolf form, ready for any


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