Novel Name : The Wolf In Me

Chapter 51: Part 2 Fake alpha

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Mei's POV

I was upset, listening to all the stupid ideas that were coming out of everyone's mouths. I, on the other

hand, had no idea of what we could do in such a short time.

"Melody was right. Everything you two are saying is a nuisance. You are the highest two leaders of all

the wolves in the world, and you plan like two kids playing lions and tigers! Can't you notice how

pathetic you both sound?" I yelled at the boys, now reaching my limits.

Everyone got silent after a whole fifteen minutes of them chattering none stop about different plans.

They turned their wide eyes at me, shocked at my attitude. I sighed knowing that I was a bit too harsh

on them, but at least they stopped talking for a moment.

"Ah, that's better. I couldn't stand your ongoing babbling. Now listen. I think I might have a plan I want

to discuss."

I looked at them intently, making sure they are interested in my explanation.

"Have you noticed that whoever wants to chat with you Luka, has never seen you before? They might

not know who you are. We can take it to our advantage. Probably one of the main reasons why they

want you to meet is to see who the great Alpha is. We can get someone else to go in your stead and

we observe from a good enough distance to see what their intentions are. Since we don't want the fake

alpha to be taken away from us or worse, killed, we can arm ourselves with some weapons which we

can use in worst-case scenarios. If we feel they are too close to him, we shoot."

Luka tapped his index finger against the table whilst muffling with his now longer beard with his other

hand after he left it to grow for another two inches. That only means that he was considering my idea.

As he fixed his throat he turned with his chair, stood up and moved towards a large wooden box that

sat at the very corner of the room.

"I have only one shotgun which my dad used to use when he liked to go hunting the human way. I got

some bullets, but I hope only that it still works. It has been a while since it was last used, and we have

a lack of time to check it out. But, I think it is a good idea for a short notice."

He turned to show us the weapon, opening the magazine loading port to check for any bullets in it.

"Empty," he said frowning, thinking hard, closing it again.

"I used to go hunting with him, well, just to observe of course. But I can remember how he used to

manoeuvre it."

Turning the muzzle towards his face, he peeped through it, checking if it was clean, then turned it

around again, holding it from the wooden grip. Smiling at us, he placed the shotgun on the table,

making a thud sound.

"Are you all in for the plan?" He asked, looking at everyone.

Luka's POV

Melchior, one of the omegas was the best candidates in mind. His broad shoulders and two armfuls of

tattoos made his image look tough. He worked as a guard for me for over three years and his assertive

attitude made him look like he would be good at acting as an Alpha in my stead. I was waiting for him in

the office at two o'clock in the morning as I sent someone to bring him in for me whilst I was polishing

the shotgun and checking the magazines.

"Come in," I shouted, hearing his knuckles against the door.

He came in, wearing an old thin blue shirt that had a couple of holes in it and baggy black shorts that

hung down to his knees.

"Sorry, I was already in my pyjamas," he said, noticing me observing his clothes.

"Have a seat," I gestured with my hand, pointing at the chair opposite my desk.

I moved my feet off the table, bringing them down on the floor as I put the weapon on the table.

"How may I be of service?" He asked, eyeing the gun.

"The letter I read earlier mentioned a settled meeting with whoever is responsible for the four killings.

Now, Mei proposed a plan which to me sounded convincing, considering that there is a scope behind

the meeting. I don't wish to show my face to the enemy as of yet, so I want someone else to pretend

that he is the great Alpha. Considering your hight, your strong muscles and attitude, that would make

you a good candidate for the post of someone of a high rank. I will still be there, with my friend here..." I

said patting the gun "watching from a safe distance, just in case any action happens. But only if you

accept it. These people are up to something, and I need to know before it's too late."

He crouched to scratch his left leg, thinking in silence.

"At the dawn of day, right? Ah, man, that's early. But of course Alpha. Your wish is my command. Are

you sure about this?" He asked eyeing me.

"Affirmative!" I replied with a rough voice.

"I need you to listen attentively to ask the right questions. Anything that can help expose their

intentions. I am not going to speak through the mindlink and don't dare to try asking me anything. I

don't want to risk us getting caught."

As the sun was coming out, I was already in the hall waiting for Jake, Melody and Melchior to join me.

Melody was only coming to assist us just in case we needed more than just a gun. My eyes turned to

watch Melchior approaching, with a grey t-shirt and black jeans. His hair was tied up in a ponytail and

his beard trimmed shorter than usual.

"I knew you would be perfect for such a role. Your look is on point."

He chuckled deeply but still maintaining his formal attitude.

"I must have observed you intently throughout all these years with you alpha," he said, now both

watching Jake and Melody join in.

"Sorry for the delay. She.." Jake got stomped hard on the foot by Melody, stopping him from talking


"I needed to prepare myself like every other woman," she said through Jake's moaning in agony.

"Let's move," I said starting to walk with the weapon hanging on my back.

"There is someone there look! It seems like whoever it is, came on his own," I started whispering,

eyeing the area. "I think its a guy in a mask. The letter didn't mention to come in disguise" I continued.

"Here. Let me" Melody said, turning Melchior into her direction.

All it took was just two hands on his face for her to create a good mask that looked like it was fixed

tightly to his face.

"He won't be able to remove it. To take it off, you have to come to me," she said grinning. "Oh and one

last thing," she whispered, holding her hands to his ears.

She closed her eyes for a few minutes, then opened them again.

"There. Just in case he tries to do something."

He frowned at her confusingly before he was pushed by her to move forward. We hid behind some high

bushes, with my gun in hand as Melchior reached the guy in the mask.

"Ahh, there you are." I heard him say.

It was now confirmed it was a male voice under the mask.

"Why did you want to set up a meeting with just us?" Melchior asked, holding a steady voice.

"Oh, straight to the point. Alright then. I would like to collaborate with the high alpha of course. You see,

I am a very curious scientist, researching for medicine that hightens a human's imune system to help in

fighting certain diseases. Well, during my recent studies I figured out that warewolves have a higher

then normal imune system that is an ideal canidate for the formula I am creating."

My eyes turned to look at Jake for a moment to see his reaction. Sure enough he mirrored my

movement as we both were wide eyed.

"How did you come to know of us?" Melchior asked, which was a good question that could help finding

out who was stupid enough to leak out our kind to some irrisponsible scientist.

"That I can't tell as I would expose whoever shared such secret, but what I can say is that whoever told

me also explained that the high alpha has a tattoo on his chest of a wolf. I need you to lift up your shirt

to make sure that I am talking to the right person."

I could see Melchior's body tensing as he held a safe distance from the other guy.

"How about you tell me your name first?" He said firmly, trying to make himself overpower the scientist

whilst also trying to buy more time.

"That is irrelevent," I heard him reply, raising his voice.

"You are not the alpha, are you?" He continued. "Show me your tattoo."

He leaned forward in the hopes of reaching Melchior, but he moved backwards, avoiding his touch.

"Don't dare touch me. I am the alpha of the pack and if you dare to attempt taking another step, I will

shift and tear you into multiple pieces," he said roughly, standing as straight as possible to look taller.

Suddenly I heard something moving behind a bush, further away from us that made me turn my head.

In seconds I hear a silent whosh and something heavy falling on the ground. I turned to see Melchior

fighting to stay awake as the scientist was aproaching him.


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