Novel Name : The Wolf In Me

Chapter 13: Part 2 The speech that brought everyone back

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It was getting dark outside and so we switched on the lights in the hall. The magnificent chandelier that

was hanging in the middle of the ceiling looked extraordinary.

Mei and I changed into the dresses we chose earlier before going to the packhouse to feel fresh and

look good and presentable in front of everyone. Mei looked radiant with that incredible dress and her

naturally wavy hair flowing down over her shoulders.

I could count at least a hundred wolfs standing in front of me as I walked up the stairs to be able to

project my voice better in front of that large crowd. I smiled as I looked at their faces waiting for me to

start. I felt overwhelmed and nervous but my wolf tried to calm me down.

"It is time for us to shine again like the good old days," Simba said to me.

This is it. This speech will either bring everyone back or make them scatter away from where they



I nodded at Luka to confirm that everyone is ready and waiting for him to start. He looked overwhelmed

with excitement but I was standing next to him holding his arms to give him the courage he needed.

"Everyone welcome back to our beloved packhouse. My name is Luka and we are gathered here in the

hopes of starting over. There is so much I need to explain and so much we need to do to go back to the

good old days. I have been in the shadows for over ten years. My father was tragically killed by one of

his old enemies and left my mother and myself devastated. My mom, being human could never

understand the concept of living in a house pack and she could never grasp in the idea of her husband

being an alpha, to have me trained also like one for when he would pass so I would take his place.

After my dad's tragic death she put a spell on me so I would forget everything that had to do with our

kind and that has also made my wolf get into a deep sleep. It made me think I was human just like her

and I never thought that all of this ever existed. Thankfully I have met Mei, my beloved mate, with

coincidence and she helped me wake up my wolf again and bring back my memories. It was all a

shock for me at first but after remembering who I am meant to be I decided to start over. You are my

family and I am your alpha."

His eyes glowed red as soon as he mentioned the word alpha to show everyone that he was our

master. They all gasped and chatted aloud filling the hall with their excited voices.

"Who is ready to come back home?" Everyone cheered and I could see them hugging each other and

got their hopes up.

My eyes filled with tears of joy as I looked at Luka smiling and looking dominant. I patted his hand

lightly and smiled at him showing him how proud I was of him.

"Alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha," everyone was screaming out.

Luka looked at me and Jake that was standing right next to him and lifted his arms to silence everyone.

"I have introduced myself but I need to introduce you to two other important people. This is Mei and

she is your Luna. Her word is as equal as mine."

People cheered and then they stopped in silence to hear what else their alpha needed to say.

"This is Jake, you have all met him already. I have decided to make him the beta of the pack. We will

have a ceremony tomorrow to make it official. He will be training you to become good warriors for when

we need to fight our enemies."

They all raised their arms high in silence to show their alpha that they approve.

"Any questions before I conclude?" He asked giving the crowd a chance to speak.

"Yes?" A lady that raised her arms moved a bit more forward to make sure Luka hears her.

"Alpha, we would like to ask you what we should do to help out," then went back in her original place.

"Since you asked, we do need help with cleaning and bring back the packhouse to life. Mei and I have

cleaned the halls where you are standing, but there is so much more to do. If you like you can group up

and help us clean the rest of this place. You can also choose your bedrooms for those that need a

place to stay."

Luka's POV

I was very content with the response of my people. They have easily accepted and I knew that they

have always longed for an alpha to one day come back. I could see it in their eyes. I now felt different,

different in a better way. Mentally and physically stronger. I knew that that is what I was missing.

I felt full of hope and I could tell that my dad was there, watching me in silence as I made him proud. I

smiled at that thought as I was getting myself ready to sleep for the very first time in the same bedroom

my parents once owned.

"Good night alpha," Mei said with her soft voice.

"Good night Luna," I said as I kissed her soft plump lips.

It was about three o'clock in the morning when I was woken up by something breathing close to my

ears. I opened my eyes and saw a wolf standing by my side. I sat down slowly on the bed as I kept

staring at it. The wolf turned its head towards me exposing its red glowing eyes.

I stared at it speechless before I blurted out "Dad?" I said it loud enough that I woke up Mei.

"What's going on Luka?" She asked still trying to open up her eyes, muttering.

I looked at her then turned back but the wolf was gone.

"Nothing," I chose to say.

I thought I was going crazy. It was the second time that this has happened. The first time I saw a wolf

with red eyes was the day I met Mei. But it has been a good while now. I thought I was hallucinating,

but maybe not. I stared a while longer at the void that has replaced the shadow of the wolf not sure why

I did that but I couldn't let go of the thoughts that ran my mind.

"Good morning Alpha," Mei said still with her sleepy voice.

We were both still in bed with our heads on the comfy pillows. I turned around facing Mei and brought

her closer to me as I held her waist and moved away from a few hair strands that we're in front of her

beautiful face. We stared at each other's eyes for a while then she leaned in for a kiss.

"Morning ray of sunshine," I said softly.

I could see her sniffing my scent as she closed her eyes. I smiled knowing that it was something she

loved to do.

"Its time for the beta ceremony my love," I told Mei as I stood up from the bed wearing my trousers.

She smiled at me as she was still sitting on the bed feeling cosy under the blankets.

"I'm off for breakfast. See you at the breakfast table?" She nodded before I took off.

On my way down the stairs was Jake, already wearing smart, looking excited.

"Morning, soon to be officially Beta!" I told him offering a grin.

He smiled from ear to ear "morning. Can't wait, as you can see," he said looking down at his suit.

"I like your attitude, my great friend."

We walked down for breakfast together and soon enough Mei joined us.

"I Jake would take the oath to be loyal to my Alpha from today forward till death takes my soul away."

He looked up at me showing how much he meant every word he said.

"I accept your offer with open arms. May you be always by my side, as we walk along these paths

together, wherever it may take us. We will have each other's company till death decides to take us."

I cut the palm of his hand first and then mine and shook hands, signing off the oath. A crowd of wolves

howled and cheered as we both turned to face them from the small temporary stage that was built for

the occasion.

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