Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

Chapter 150

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“Hey beautiful, you’re early, I was going to come meet you. How was it?” Arry comes out of the kitchen

as I walk through the front door, bag in hand, and have to smile through my crappy mood. I don’t want

him to know how awful today really was. I don’t want him thinking some bitch girls are victimizing me

already and that coming here was a mistake. He has moved heaven and earth to get us here before I

started the term, got our apartment ready, pushed a lot of his own stuff back so he could be here with

me for the first weeks of life in Paris. I just don’t want him thinking it was all for nothing, not yet anyway,

not in the first few days when it all might settle down and I will just stress him out for no reason.

He would hate knowing that these girls have just spent a day ostracizing me and throwing bitchy looks

and snide remarks all day long. My tutors were not really any help, turning a blind eye and I could see

even among them, they have their own little clique groups and are no better than the students. It’s a

huge culture shock compared to my last school, where all the students tended to form little friendly

groups and keep out of each other’s way; or maybe, I guess I just didn’t see it happening as I had

friends of my own to keep me oblivious to this kind of thing, and here, I have no one.

“They let us leave when we were done with an end of day assignment, and you know me, I’m a fast

worker. It was okay, weird being the new kid again. Will take some getting used to and a little time to

settle in and make friends.” I try for upbeat and just sound deflated and exhausted. Arry narrows his

brows on me and crosses to meet me, helping me take off my bag and jacket and hangs them up for

me as I slide my boots off. I can feel his eyes on me, reading me, analyzing me like he always does

and try not to show anything that will worry him.

“You sound tired and fed up. Something happen today?” His eyes are boring a hole in my head and I

shrug and make a move to walk past him, but he catches me and draws me into his body from behind,

wrapping his arms around me and snuggling close so his mouth is right by my ear.

“Talk to me… I can tell your upset, baby.” Husky, soothing tones that make me melt. Covering his arms

with mine and squeeze him tight.

“It’s nothing… first day blues. Missing home, missing my friends. It’s just new, different, and so far from

what I’m used to.”

Nothing ever feels like this, his circle of safety and protection. His way of making me feel whole. I close

my eyes and savor the tight embrace as all of the days stress and frustration ooze right out of me like

hot liquid. This was always his gift, even back when I was a kid and so crazy messed up inside my own

head. He would be my anchor and hold me tight until it all felt better again. He’s the only person who

ever could do this for me.

“You’ll get there. It’s normal to feel like this. So much has changed by coming here, losing your circle of

familiarity. We will get through this and settle quicker than you realize.” He lets me loose and takes my

hand in his instead, entangling fingers securely, guiding me with him into the apartment, past the

lounge and down the hall to the kitchen. I watch him walk slightly in front of me and admire his ease;

even in a new world, nothing phases him about being in a strange place.

Arry loves cooking when he has down time and I can smell that he’s probably been at it while I have

been gone. He has the table set for us and it looks so pretty it makes me smile. The boy is well versed

in romance and beautiful candle lit table set ups. He knows how to make me go weak every day.

“What about you? How was your day?” I smile at him when he hits me with a quick peck on the mouth

and pulls out a chair to maneuver me into, sliding me in smoothly when I sit down and wanders over to

the worktops where he has plates sitting. He begins dishing with his back to me.

“Weird… Can’t remember the last time I had nothing at all to do in a day and was here alone. Normally

we’re together or we’re at work. It was kinda good to be a house husband.” He turns and winks at me

and I giggle. Not that he really is a house husband; we have a cleaner here who comes every day and

she’s supposed to cook our meals too, but I guess Arry decided to take over today. Not that I’m

complaining, I could only wish I cooked like he does. I have still never mastered more than the basics,

even though he is a patient teacher.

I suppose half the problem with his cooking lessons are we somehow always end up having sex on the

worktop before we ever finish a recipe. Just can’t seem to cohabit too close a space with each other

without some man handling from either side. Even after a year, I still want him so badly.

“Don’t get too used to it… I want to see you back in a gym before you lose those abs.” I raise a non-

serious brow at him as he comes back with a loaded plate of carbonara, my favorite, and a bowl of

garlic bread and puts mine in front of me. He comes back with his a moment later and sits opposite me.

“I know, baby… I remember… stay fit, stay hot, or you’re dumping my ass.” He grins at me and I nod as

though I am completely serious, not that I am. Even if Arry gained weight, got slobby, didn’t shave. I

would still love him to death because he’s my Arry and he makes everything right.

“As long as you know it.” I point my fork at him and then dig in with the appetite of a famished person,

starving for food.

“I met a nice couple today when I went looking for a bread shop. They own the bakery a couple streets

away, asked if we want to meet up at a bar on Saturday night. I said I would ask you and see him

tomorrow when I go to pick up some baguettes.” Arry raises his brows at me and I smile, awed at his

ability to just make friends wherever he goes. It’s effortless, like breathing and it always amazes me

that people just respond to him. Everyone wants to be friends with my boy.

Only Arry could go out for groceries and get an invite, while I spent a day with fellow students and get

nothing but icy stares and cold shoulders.

Go figures.

“As long as they speak English, then it sounds like a date.” I carry on eating, feeling better, less shitty.

Food is the answer to all of life’s problems.

“I told them you were finding the language a challenge and yes, they both speak fluent American,

they’re British, English, I think.” Arry is digging into his food, his feet under the table on either side of

mine so we play footsie and tangle our limbs instinctively, and I sigh.

“How you can pick up languages so easily, is beyond me… you suck.” I rub my foot up his leg and

smile when he puts his hand under the table to grab my foot and pull it up on his lap, sliding his warm

hand around it and kneading my sole firmly. Arry’s foot rubs are still the best, and he’s a pro at one

hand eating while giving me my daily massage. I wiggle down my seat, so my foot is further on that

sexy lap and smile at him broadly.

“I think it’s being bilingual. Growing up talking two languages must help. Jake is the same… Just picks

them up easy.” His cell rings on the worktop across the kitchen and he slides up to go retrieve it,

leaving my foot to fall back down and I carry on eating. Savoring the most delicious pasta known to


Arry leans on the surface as he talks into his cell and I hear him utter his brother’s name. He throws me

a smile and then wanders back to sit down even though he’s still talking. Throwing me a pained

expression, a little eyebrow twitch and a grimace that worries me. I try to not listen in, but he’s sat right

opposite me and hardly trying to be quiet. Arry has a face that rarely gives much away at any time, but I

know his little tells and quirks and he doesn’t look happy.

“Sure. If needs must, but not for a few days yet. Give Sophie time to settle here.” He throws me another

look, this time a frown that’s more obvious and I wonder what he’s talking about. I’m getting a weird

vibe and I don’t like it. I try to keep on eating but the odd lurch in my stomach tells me something not

good is coming.

“Yeah, okay. Look, I will call you later. Sort that out for me, have Amanda email me the details.” He

frowns my way again and this time I definitely know something is up. He has that look on his face, the

whole ‘she’s not going to like this’ expression and I lower my fork to stare at him, trying to decipher

what ‘it’ could be. Arry stares back and slides a hand across the table to capture mine and plays with

my fingers, throwing me a half smile that doesn’t reach his gorgeous Hazel eyes.

Now I know for sure he has something to tell me that I’m going to hate. He’s working the ‘softly

touching’ angle to prepare me; usually this is also a ‘hold her hands down, so she doesn’t fly off the

handle’ maneuver.

“Okay bye then… Yeah, love you too.” He swipes his cell and puts it on the table beside his plate

carefully, calmly, and I know this is not good. He’s being deliberate and delaying so he can choose his

words and I yank my fingers out of his and raise my brows.

“What? Tell me… Just say it.” I throw him that ‘don’t bullshit me’ glare, because he knows I hate when

he just skirts around something. I would rather he did it quick, like pulling off a band aid and not the

Arry method of beating around the bush. He sighs heavily and taps his thumb on the table, instantly


“I need to go to New York, soon… Preferably no further than a week away. Something’s come up with

Carrero Corp… A huge deal in the making. I own a third of the company, I need to be involved.” He’s

tense and my stomach drops to my knees from a great height, at speed.

“We only just got here a few days ago, I don’t know anybody.” I can’t help the overriding emotions of

fear and hurt that hit me hard and realize how dumb I’m being. I’m not a kid. I’m twenty, almost twenty-

one, he’s not my dad, he’s my boyfriend and I need to stop clinging to him to always do everything for

me. Other women can survive separations from their men for a few days, so I should be able to do it

too. I survived so much worse and stood on my own two feet before him. I need to get a grip.

“It’s only for a couple of days… the flights make it a little longer; it’s like eight hours one way. I can fly

the red eye through the night and cut down how long I’m gone.” He’s watching me, poised, and waiting

for my reaction and my eyes well up. Throat aching because I don’t want him to leave me so soon. This

is all new and everyone here hates me. It’s crappy and lonely and he’s all I have right now.

“Hey, don’t do that baby. You’re killing me here.” Arry is up on his feet, and by my side kneeling in

seconds, putting his arms around me and pulling me into his strong embrace. Smothering me with the

smell and feel of him.

“It’s so soon.” I whisper, unable to cut out the dumb tears and try hard to sniff them back, wiping them

with my sleeve. Arry tilts my face to his with fingers under my chin and brushes them away.

“I don’t want to go… If it bothers you this much, then I won’t. We can do it via video call or something. I

don’t want you upset.” Arry looks and sounds sincere, nuzzling my face with his, straining to get as

close as possible and it just makes me feel even more stupid, clingy, and needy. He tries so hard to

always do what’s best for me, he’s changed so much in the last year; even putting up with my random

jealous outbursts or occasional insecure wobbles and crazy temper without losing his cool, without

being a jackass. I never knew he could be more loveable than he was as my best friend, but he is.

Arry has matured a lot more than I have while being together and sometimes, I feel like I’m failing him

by being slow to catch up. I know he’s twenty-six now and it makes a difference to how he is, but I still

feel like I need to be more capable than this.

“No. Don’t… I need to learn that sometimes we might have to be apart. The sooner I get used to you

having to go away for a few days, the better, right?” I blink at him and try to force a smile on my face

that I’m just not feeling. This was always part of the plan, that sometimes he would have to go back

there and work.

“We’ve barely moved in, Sophs. I’m not surprised that this is upsetting you, it’s upsetting me that I have

to go. I promised I wouldn’t go anywhere for the first month.” He leans in and brushes his nose against

mine, warming me to my core, soothing me in so many ways. Tilting so our faces are so close.

“Jake wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. He knows how things are right now.” I stare at him imploringly,

trying to convince myself as much as him that this is really okay. I can’t be such a baby all the time.

“It sounds like it is. It’s a multibillion-dollar partnership with our biggest competitor… It’s huge, Sophs.

An opportunity we cannot pass up.” Arry stands up, leaning to kiss me on top of the head now that I am

calmer as he knows I like my breathing space to fully compose myself and goes back to sit at the table

to resume eating, sliding his feet around mine and pulling them towards him snuggly. Still got to have

his contact though.

“I’ll be fine… Show you I can take care of things while you’re gone. It’ll be good for me, throw me in at

the deep end.” I smile brightly, not feeling it, but wanting so much to not be that needy girl that I know

sometimes drives him crazy. Not that he ever says it, but I know it must. I used to be so much more


“Hmmm.” Is all he replies, doubtful and overly serious as he ponders me fending for myself. Despite

knowing I can and have done before, he doesn’t actually like me doing it and I smile genuinely. Loving

my protective boy and telling myself this will be fine. He really doesn’t want to go, I know him. His

overriding instinct is to always look after me, be there for me, to take care of me and being so far away

will stress him out as much as it will me. I can guarantee it will result in daily calls, texts, skype calls

and emails.

It won’t be so bad.

I have to prove to him that I’m not as needy and incompetent as everyone seems to assume. Arry

being away will just give me back some of my self-dependence and maybe grow up a little. Too used to

being waited on hand and foot, pampered, and adored by him. It’s time I started acting like a grown

woman and got my shit together for myself.


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