Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

Chapter 198

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Sophie’s POV

~ Meeting Arrick for the first time ~

I drop the wooden spoon in the bowl as batter splashes back in my face and recoil in disgust, wiping

the wet mess out of my eye and huff stroppily. Temper riling slightly because I cannot get the knack of

this at all. Sylvana laughs at my expression and tends to my face with a dish towel she has over her

shoulder, dabbing at me lightly to clean it off. That gentle motherly smile and soft manner that soothes

my temper tantrum and I calm slightly at her ever-tender touch to my fiery moods, warming inside at

her easy manner.

“Oh, Sophie, Bambino.... Don’t be so aggressive with stirring. Be gentle with the batter, or you will

pound the air out of the mixture.” She smiles softly and picks the spoon back up to hand to me

encouragingly, pushing the bowl back against me on the wooden surface with an eyebrow lift that is

meant to endear me to try again. I frown at the heavy ceramic beast and make another attempt at this,

sighing heavily and setting my frown to one of determination.

I attack with a lot less grace than the first attempt, and in my overzealous efforts, I get it splashed up

my Unicorn t-shirt, alarmingly. I sigh and glare at the mess splattered over twinkles, my unicorn


I love this top. I’m totally gutted that I defiled him with raw cake mix.

“I really don’t think baking is my thing.” I point out defeatedly, mood taking a nosedive and leaving me

feeling heavy and listless. This is another cooking lesson with ‘Mamma Carrero’ that I am failing at. I’ve

a skill for spectacular failings in the kitchen department and it never ceases to amaze me how much I

suck at cooking. We have one every few days; she calls it ‘bonding time’, to quiz me on how I am

settling in with the foster parents she has placed me with, and without fail I make something awful.

She has so much patience and no ends to supplies that I make inedible; it’s a wonder she still even

tries, although I like that she’s keeping tabs on me, cares enough to check that I am okay in my new

life. At least I know this time I have someone to run to if my life turns out as awful as it was with my

biological parents. I trust her.

She reminds me of her son, Jake, so much. She has his eyes and his easy manner, and I feel like I can

relax with her, the way I relax with Jake and Emma. Knowing that all of them have the same genuine

goal, to keep me safe, to look after me and I really appreciate it. Blessed to be given this new chance in


Sylvana found me a home with people who live close by and so far, so good. They seem to like me,

they even let me put a lock on my door, so I feel safe around them. They are pretty awesome people, if

not a little too caring. I guess in time I can maybe relax around them and stop questioning if this is all

real all the time. I have siblings for the first time in my life and even though they all seem nice, I’m just

not ready to bond with any of them yet. I mean this could be temporary, it’s just a foster home after all. I

don’t want to get my hopes up yet and start to care about people that might not stay in my life for long. I

like Sylvana though, she doesn’t make me feel like I’m anything different. Anything broken.

She doesn’t bring up the stuff I don’t want to talk about, even though I know it’s part of her job. I mean,

the support worker I see weekly is from her own charity... he told me she is the reason I got homed so

fast. It’s almost unheard of for a fourteen-year-old runaway to find a family like the Huntsbergers so

easily, especially coming from poverty. I guess I owe all this to her, and Jake, and Emma. I owe them

everything. Although I know it probably won’t last. I’m a lot to handle at times and know sometimes

when something is too good to be true, then it is, so, I aim to enjoy it while I can. Build up my strength

in case I need to run or go back to the streets again and fend for myself.

I look at Sylvana and feel so much love for her. I just wish I knew how to express it all a little better than

I do as it’s not particularly easy for me to show emotion. It’s easier with Emma... she gets me, she

doesn’t expect me to say anything. She just knows. Sylvana is a completely different kind of person

and even though she works with kids like me, I don’t think she has ever been through what we have.

“Mamma. Where are you? I’m home.” A male voice that sounds so much like Jake, echoes down the

hall and I falter, my mixing poised as I freeze. I am not good with strangers, yet this one sounds like

Jake, so I’m not sure if it’s him or not. There’s something different in the voice though, only slightly, and

my heart beats faster as Sylvana walks to the kitchen door, patting the flour from her dress as she

greets the voice.

I drop my eyes to the bowl and continue with the mess I’m making, gripping the spoon tight and hoping

whoever it is, doesn’t stay long. Heart rate elevating, and breathing getting a little shallower as nerves

crash through me at the sudden intrusion on our time. Still not good at coping with my anxiety, but I’m

learning to hide it and get on top of it more. I breathe slowly to combat the suffocating feeling in my

chest and focus on slow stirs to concentrate.

“Ahhh, il mio, bambino.” Sylvana walks forward into a tall frame, concealed behind her body, who

embraces her tightly. I can see sandy hair over her head and wide shoulders over her own frame,

strong arms encircling her as they hug. It’s definitely not Jake; the hair color alone is all wrong,

although he is around the same height.

“Hey, mamma, mi sei mancato.” The male voice is low and husky, that same Jake depth of tone and I

wonder if this is the elusive brother I have been told about. Sylvana talks about Arrick a lot, but he’s

always away at college or travelling; he does it a lot apparently. This is the first time he’s been here

while I have, it would make sense, seeing as he’s clearly bilingual and called her mom.

I pause and hold my breath. Waiting. I know she’ll introduce him, and I feel the panic start to rise in my

throat. Hands going cold and body icing with apprehension at meeting a new male, a new stranger.

They both move as she turns to me and I duck my eyes back to what I’m doing, overcome with

shyness and unable to look up as my gut twists in my body. Trying to hold myself in check so I don’t

make an idiot of myself. I have the urge to check my hair is still tied up, neat in my ponytail, out of the

way from nervous hands and twitchy habits.

“Arry, this is Sophabelle, our newest Huntsberger addition.” Sylvana’s voice pulls me up, almost like

hypnotic magic, clever with her spells of persuasion and I find myself connecting to a pair of pretty

hazel brown eyes, studying me coolly in a calm and handsome face. Surprised immediately that they

are not green, like Jake’s, and Sylvana’s, yet somehow these are nicer, warmer, and deeper. Shaking

myself at the trance he almost causes me, forgetting myself for a second and feeling utterly stupid that

a boy’s eyes halted me mid breath.

Heat hits my cheeks as I blush and glance away; his gaze is a little too intense for my liking and

instantly feel defensive as my body bristles up in alarm. I barely took in anything but his eyes and can

still feel them on me. Studying me.

“Hey, how you doing?” He speaks to me and I curse that I have to do this. I’m used to the little circle of

people who have surrounded me for the past weeks, and I don’t need anyone new to be around me

right now. Strangers mean danger. Especially ones who have a weird ability to render me still with just

a look; it’s unnerving as hell and my heart doing a rhumba is not exactly welcoming.

My hands start shaking like crazy and I have to grip the bowl and spoon to hide it. I flicker up and take

him in slowly, warily as if he is of no real interest to me. The broad strong shape of a teen, maybe late

teens. He isn’t ugly, he’s kind of cute; okay maybe more than cute, except he has Giovanni’s nose,

which is a shame because it’s a bit odd at the bridge. I like his hair... it’s spiky and kind of nice in color,

like sand almost, although variations of dry and wet, and a really nice cut that showcases a strong neck

and squarish jawline. He seems to spend time styling it too, which I guess I like.

I think men who care about how they look is an attractive thing, seeing as boys and men I knew never

did. He has nice taste in clothes anyway; jeans, sneakers and a tight grey t-shirt with some fighting club

or something on the front, which highlights the fact he works out. Casual, good looking and relaxed; a

dangerous combo for most young girls but not me though. I have no desire to know this Romeo and I

can tell it is exactly what he is. He looks a little bit like his brother, yet not, and I decide I don’t like him.

He is too good looking to be a nice guy and poses nothing but a threat to me.

“Hi.” I respond flatly and look back down at what I’m doing. Not interested. He looks too cocky, too

chatty, too smiley. He will be like every other guy on the planet who has good genes and knows he’s

hot. Boring and self-absorbed.

“You’re a chatty one, aren’t you?” he chuckles, and it makes me squirm because it’s kind of nice in a

completely awful way, deep, husky, Jake-like, and I glare at him for insulting me.


I think he might actually be an asshole now that I think of it. I mean who uses lines like ‘How you

doing?’ anyway. Pretty sure it’s a lame veiled attempt at saying ‘want a date?’. Which I don’t. He is way

too old for me, I mean, I’m not even fifteen yet and he looks.... well not fifteen. Maybe eighteen. I don’t

know. He has a young look, but then again, there’s something older in his eyes.

“Shhh, leave her be. Sophie is fine once she warms to you, stop teasing her.” Sylvana scolds him and

moves off towards the sink to fill the coffee pot for her newest arrival, which means he is staying.

Everyone in these families seems to reach for coffee pots at every opportunity, and it’s plain weird. I

hate the smell of the stuff, it makes me think of things I really don’t want to, and I bite down sudden

nausea that hits me in the gut with both the realization that Romeo is staying, and the memories coffee


I jump in fright when he appears at the table in front of me, ripping my head back to the present,

reaching in to dip his hand in what I’m mixing, and I drop the bowl and spoon and jump back as though

he’s scolded me. Even though he didn’t touch me, my heart lurches to my mouth in knee jerk fear. He

doesn’t react, hand still in the bowl, eyes come to me and his face straightens a little. A slight frown as

he slowly draws away and smiles softly, movements extremely controlled like he senses he shouldn’t

have done that.

It does nothing to calm me though and I’m tense all over as I watch him, warily. Body poised to run if he

tries to get any closer. My heart racing as embarrassment flows over me, and I look away, moving back

to grab the spoon at speed and die of shame that I reacted so noticeably. I can’t help it. I hate people

coming too close, especially men and that’s what he is, even though he’s young. He’s a threat. He’s

male and he’s obviously a guy who can pull girls easily with a smile and a wink. Just not me, never me.

I inhale deeply and swallow down hard, regaining outward control while my insides are a shuddering

mess and try to return to that silent moody aura, I had a second ago.

“Tastes good... you must have the magic touch.” He says it softly, but I notice he’s moved back to give

me room and I relax a tiny smidgen that he has given me my breathing space back. I don’t answer, but

stare at the bowl and mix some more, unsure how else to respond. He has me flighty and nervous, my

toes even trembling with a cold wave of fear coursing through my body.

“She has if she only had a softer touch and more patience.” Sylvana laughs and comes to remove the

bowl from me swiftly, appearing by my side for a second as she hands me another instead that is filled

with a new mixture and a fresh spoon. “You can massacre this one if you like.” She giggles beautifully,

warming my ice a little and reminding me that her presence means safety, no matter who else is here.

She would never let anything happen to me.

I glance his way as she moves and catch him looking at me, sort of up and down, as though he’s trying

to suss me out and I automatically glare at him defensively, hating his probing. If he’s looking for an

easy target, then he will meet his match. I’m not some defenseless little kid who would let some teen

Romeo have a go. I will burn his pretty face off or stab him with this wooden spoon if I have to. I have

no interest in boys or men or those that are in-between, like him.

He smiles at me and I glare harder, warning him off. No point leading these types on and giving him the

wrong idea about what he will get from me. I already met his type at school, the first week here and

they soon learned that Sophie bites, hard. He picks up an apple from the fruit bowl and leans against

the kitchen counter, getting comfy as his mom makes fresh coffee and dollops my batter into cake pans

at the same time. His eyes leave me when he catches my eye, and wanders around the room as he

takes a bite and crunches noisily.

Who even eats that loud? Weirdo.

“You redecorated?” He says to her and I watch that profile for a second.

Okay, he’s not ugly in anyway, even with a weird nose... he’s actually kind of cute, for a guy, but he’s a

jackass so what does it matter?

I go back to mixing aggressively and let out a little of my prickliness on the new mixture, sloshing some

over the bowl clumsily. I curse under my breath that I’m having real difficulty keeping the contents in the

damn bowl. His presence is making me antsy and I want him to leave, so we can go back to our

Sylvana and Sophie time. I’m starting to depend on these visits as part of my routine and he is ruining

my calm in all kinds of ways.

“Nope... Just changed a few accessories.” Sylvana smiles back at him, then notices my mess, and

hands him a wet washcloth with a nod towards me. Without hesitation, he puts down his apple and

leans forward to start cleaning around the bowl I have on the table, straining as though he is trying to

stay back, which is odd. As his arm gets near mine, I step back again, lifting the bowl to make it look

like I am giving him space to clean, even though I am really making sure he gets no closer. I catch the

flicker of his eyes on me, yet he says nothing, just a serious glance that makes my heartbeat faster and

then looks away. He wipes the surface and hands it back to her as I put the bowl back down and only

step forward when he moves away fully. Less chaotic on my innards that time and I am a lot less antsy.

The phone starts ringing and Sylvana takes it from the wall, utters something in Italian then gestures

two minutes to me and leaves the room. Taking the phone with her as she chats in fluent Italian and

leaves us to it, oblivious as to why this is not good at all.

Leaves me with him! Alone and undefended.


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