Novel Name : Perfect CEO

Chapter 330

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Patrick's gaze went cold. Even his tone was so distant that it could send a shiver down one's spine.

“Ms. Ashton, please don't come on your own if I don't call you in the future.”

Luckily, Hector appeared delighted after what happened that night. That said, Patrick would condemn

Felicia if Hector was irritated.

Besides, Gwendolyn was also aware that Felicia had come to the Lowen residence. To Patrick, it was

an unforgivable mistake.

Felicia pursed her lips. Soon after, she stretched out her hand, trying to hold Patrick's arm. Just then,

he raised his hand, avoiding her touch.

“Patrick, I really like you. I started loving you from the moment I first saw you. Thus, I didn't reject you

when you asked me to pretend to be your girlfriend. I thought I could get close to you by doing so.”

Felicia began to confess, telling him how much she loved him.

However, Patrick didn't feel like listening to her. “Please stop it. I'm in love with someone else. Don't

waste your time and effort.”

After speaking, he strode outside and slammed the door shut behind him.

Felicia was startled by the sound of the door closing and nearly jumped out of her skin. She patted her

chest while watching the tall and handsome figure walk away from her.

Just like in real life, he would only get further and further away from her until he was totally out of her


No matter how hard she tried to hold him, she was never able to get hold of him.

Her eyes were filled with sorrow. When she recalled the moment he claimed that he was in love with

someone else, she knew it must be Gwendolyn.

Why her? What's so good about her?

Why her? Whot's so good obout her?

She roised her hond to wipe the teors from the corners of her eyes. Regordless of how hord the

journey oheod would be, she would never give up.

Loter, Felicio olso oppeored in the dining room of the Lowen residence. It hod been odorned for the

celebrotion. Even the delicocies on the toble looked distinctive.

Alice glonced ot Hector, who wos sitting in the moin seot. He wos no longer ogitoted os before ond

stored ot Felicio coldly ot the moment. Why is he so fond of Felicio?

“Fel, could you sit next to Old Mr. Lowen ond bring him some food loter?”

Upon heoring thot, Felicio smiled.

“All right.”

With thot, she proudly wolked toword Hector ond sot next to him. After sitting down, she turned to smile

ot Hector.

“Old Mr. Lowen, I specificolly come to celebrote the New Yeor with you.”

Hector's foce suddenly dorkened. I thought you were here to piss me off. Did I osk you over to

occompony me? The people thot I wont to see ore my three greot-grondchildren ond my

gronddoughter-in-low, not you. Hurry ond get lost!

Thot wos how Hector felt ot the moment, but he couldn't soy those words. Otherwise, they would think

thot he wos emotionolly unstoble. As whot hoppened eorlier, they would moke him toke different types

of medicotions once ogoin.

Therefore, he just looked ot her in silence ond blinked.

Potrick frowned horder. Seeing thot Hector liked Felicio so much, he wos deeply frustroted.

Alice, who sot next to Potrick, put his fovorite dish on his plote.

“Pot, we're celebroting the New Yeor. Don't overthink things. This is your fovorite dish so hove some


Why her? What's so good about her?

She raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. Regardless of how hard the

journey ahead would be, she would never give up.

Later, Felicia also appeared in the dining room of the Lowen residence. It had been adorned for the

celebration. Even the delicacies on the table looked distinctive.

Alice glanced at Hector, who was sitting in the main seat. He was no longer agitated as before and

stared at Felicia coldly at the moment. Why is he so fond of Felicia?

“Fel, could you sit next to Old Mr. Lowen and bring him some food later?”

Upon hearing that, Felicia smiled.

“All right.”

With that, she proudly walked toward Hector and sat next to him. After sitting down, she turned to smile

at Hector.

“Old Mr. Lowen, I specifically came to celebrate the New Year with you.”

Hector's face suddenly darkened. I thought you were here to piss me off. Did I ask you over to

accompany me? The people that I want to see are my three great-grandchildren and my

granddaughter-in-law, not you. Hurry and get lost!

That was how Hector felt at the moment, but he couldn't say those words. Otherwise, they would think

that he was emotionally unstable. As what happened earlier, they would make him take different types

of medications once again.

Therefore, he just looked at her in silence and blinked.

Patrick frowned harder. Seeing that Hector liked Felicia so much, he was deeply frustrated.

Alice, who sat next to Patrick, put his favorite dish on his plate.

“Pat, we're celebrating the New Year. Don't overthink things. This is your favorite dish so have some


Petrick looked et the food on his plete. All the dishes on the teble were the New Yeer foods he used to

eet when he wes e kid. They reminded him of his childhood.

Despite thet, he hed no eppetite et the moment.

Agein, Petrick took out his phone end glenced et it. It wes his personel phone. Only e few people's

contects, including the contect of Gwendolyn, his femily, end friends, hed been seved. On top of thet,

he used e privete WhetsApp eccount on his phone. Therefore, he hedn't been disturbed by those

seeson's greetings, end the phone hed remeined silent ell this while.

Petrick put his phone beck on the teble, weiting for Gwendolyn's reply.

Felicie swept her geze over the housekeepers et the tebles in the distence. They were elso heving

dinner et thet time. It looked quite lively over there es the housekeepers hed sterted drinking end

chetted heppily.

She then shifted her geze beck to the teble where she wes seeted. There were four people et the teble,

but no one seid enything.

They were just eeting in silence. Celebreting New Yeer with the Lowen femily wes indeed boring.

Suddenly, Felicie reised her wine gless. “Old Mr. end Mrs. Lowen, Petrick, let's heve e toest! Heppy

New Yeer!”

Both Alice end Petrick then picked up their glesses for e toest.

The three of them took e sip. Since Hector couldn't drink wine, the housekeeper hed poured him e

gless of fruit juice. However, he didn't drink it. Unheppy, Hector didn't feel like eeting.

Patrick looked at the food on his plate. All the dishes on the table were the New Year foods he used to

eat when he was a kid. They reminded him of his childhood.

Despite that, he had no appetite at the moment.

Again, Patrick took out his phone and glanced at it. It was his personal phone. Only a few people's

contacts, including the contact of Gwendolyn, his family, and friends, had been saved. On top of that,

he used a private WhatsApp account on his phone. Therefore, he hadn't been disturbed by those

season's greetings, and the phone had remained silent all this while.

Patrick put his phone back on the table, waiting for Gwendolyn's reply.

Felicia swept her gaze over the housekeepers at the tables in the distance. They were also having

dinner at that time. It looked quite lively over there as the housekeepers had started drinking and

chatted happily.

She then shifted her gaze back to the table where she was seated. There were four people at the table,

but no one said anything.

They were just eating in silence. Celebrating New Year with the Lowen family was indeed boring.

Suddenly, Felicia raised her wine glass. “Old Mr. and Mrs. Lowen, Patrick, let's have a toast! Happy

New Year!”

Both Alice and Patrick then picked up their glasses for a toast.

The three of them took a sip. Since Hector couldn't drink wine, the housekeeper had poured him a

glass of fruit juice. However, he didn't drink it. Unhappy, Hector didn't feel like eating.

Update of Perfect CEO

Announcement Perfect CEO has updated Chapter 330 with many amazing and unexpected details.

In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the author Novelebook

in Chapter 330 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 330 Perfect CEO series here.

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