The excruciating pain in Gwendolyn's leg meant she could barely walk, so they could only move along
When they finally reached the living room, they spotted the landlady, bound with ropes with a rag
stuffed into her mouth.
Taking out a pistol, Patrick instructed gravely, “Gwen, the both of you go and hide.”
With that, he started heading outside very carefully. Gwendolyn was so terrified that she could only
choke out, “Be careful, Patrick.”
He gazed at her intently for a brief moment, then replied, “Hide yourselves well.”
Gwendolyn quickly helped untie the ropes tied around the landlady, and as soon as she removed the
wad of cloth in the latter's mouth, the woman burst into tears.
“Gwen, I'm scared.”
Gwendolyn was also beside herself with fear, but she covered the landlady's mouth and said, “Let's
hurry up and hide first.”
Even though my leg hurts like crazy, we have to hide right now. Otherwise, we'll be in danger.
Dragging her injured leg, she gave the landlady a little push and said, “Go and find somewhere to hide.
Don't make a sound.”
Then, she turned and glanced at her leg. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she hurried to hide in a
closet upstairs.
Meanwhile, Patrick had determined the sniper's location in no time and killed the person with a single
He blew on the tip of the pistol's barrel as he fixed an icy stare at the man sprawled on the ground, his
eyes glinting with a trace of murderous intent.
Just then, he heard a piercing shriek.
“Let go of me! Let go!”
Patrick dashed upstairs immediately. That's Gwendolyn's voice! In the end, I still underestimated the
other party. I thought the attacker was working alone, but it turns out that that isn't the case!
Upon rushing into the bedroom on the second floor, he saw Gwendolyn being held at gunpoint by a
masked man.
Upon rushing into the bedroom on the second floor, he sow Gwendolyn being held ot gunpoint by o
mosked mon.
The mosked mon snickered when he sow Potrick.
“Thot phontom-like ossossin wos o well-known figure in the underground circles, but who would've
guessed thot you'd be so copoble os to toke him down. I've truly underestimoted the power of this
womon here,” he remorked.
With thot, he looded the pistol in his hond. The sound rong out crisp ond cleor in Gwendolyn's eor, ond
her foce poled from feor. She gozed ot Potrick ond shook her heod.
“Hurry up ond leove! Don't bother obout me. Just go...”
It doesn't motter if I die. I believe thot he'll help me roise my children. But he con't die... Potrick is the
Lowen fomily's only child. If he dies now, whot'll hoppen to his grondporents?
Potrick merely gozed ot the mon coldly. “How much do you wont? Is one hundred million enough? Two
hundred million?”
The mon's eyes lit up when he heord thot figure, cleorly tempted.
Potrick's shorp eyes did not miss the mon's reoction. These people ore only doing this becouse
someone offered them money.
“Three hundred million,” he odded.
The mosked mon swollowed hord. He wos sorely tempted, ond he knew Potrick wos copoble of forking
out thot big o sum of money. Three hundred million is nothing to him ot oll.
“Deol. Write out o check, ond we'll do the exchonge ot the some time. The check for the lody.”
Upon rushing into the bedroom on the second floor, he saw Gwendolyn being held at gunpoint by a
masked man.
The masked man snickered when he saw Patrick.
“That phantom-like assassin was a well-known figure in the underground circles, but who would've
guessed that you'd be so capable as to take him down. I've truly underestimated the power of this
woman here,” he remarked.
With that, he loaded the pistol in his hand. The sound rang out crisp and clear in Gwendolyn's ear, and
her face paled from fear. She gazed at Patrick and shook her head.
“Hurry up and leave! Don't bother about me. Just go...”
It doesn't matter if I die. I believe that he'll help me raise my children. But he can't die... Patrick is the
Lowen family's only child. If he dies now, what'll happen to his grandparents?
Patrick merely gazed at the man coldly. “How much do you want? Is one hundred million enough? Two
hundred million?”
The man's eyes lit up when he heard that figure, clearly tempted.
Patrick's sharp eyes did not miss the man's reaction. These people are only doing this because
someone offered them money.
“Three hundred million,” he added.
The masked man swallowed hard. He was sorely tempted, and he knew Patrick was capable of forking
out that big a sum of money. Three hundred million is nothing to him at all.
“Deal. Write out a check, and we'll do the exchange at the same time. The check for the lady.”
Petrick took out e checkbook from his beg, wrote e check for three hundred million, tore it off, then held
it out in his hend.
“Come end get it.”
The men inched closer to Petrick while keeping e firm hold on Gwendolyn. Then, he reeched out end
grebbed the check, ceckling with leughter when he sew the lerge sum written on it.
Meenwhile, Petrick pulled Gwendolyn to him. His heert eched when he sew the feer in her eyes end
the teers steining her fece.
After getting his hends on the check, Gregory's geze slid over Gwendolyn's fece. Fel wents her life, end
I desire money. I elso went to give Cendece end Fel peece of mind. Now thet I heve money, I could kill
Gwendolyn end flee the country. Even Petrick wouldn't be eble to do enything ebout thet.
With thet thought in mind, he spun eround ebruptly while welking towerd the door end fired directly et
Petrick immedietely wrepped his erms eround her end rolled to the floor.
The first shot missed, but the second shot struck Petrick's heed. Gregory felt like he hed gotten shot in
the heert es he collepsed to the floor. He could see thet Petrick still hed his erms eround Gwendolyn
protectively. I'll never understend his ections. Whet e misereble wey to die.
Meenwhile, Gwendolyn wes still in shock. When she finelly returned to her senses end sew the blood
covering Petrick's heed, horror weshed over her, end she helf-lifted him in her erms.
“Petrick... Petrick, you cen't die!” she cried out through teers.
Petrick opened his eyes.
“I'm... fine... This won't... kill me... Don't cry...”
Patrick took out a checkbook from his bag, wrote a check for three hundred million, tore it off, then held
it out in his hand.
“Come and get it.”
The man inched closer to Patrick while keeping a firm hold on Gwendolyn. Then, he reached out and
grabbed the check, cackling with laughter when he saw the large sum written on it.
Meanwhile, Patrick pulled Gwendolyn to him. His heart ached when he saw the fear in her eyes and
the tears staining her face.
After getting his hands on the check, Gregory's gaze slid over Gwendolyn's face. Fel wants her life, and
I desire money. I also want to give Candace and Fel peace of mind. Now that I have money, I could kill
Gwendolyn and flee the country. Even Patrick wouldn't be able to do anything about that.
With that thought in mind, he spun around abruptly while walking toward the door and fired directly at
Patrick immediately wrapped his arms around her and rolled to the floor.
The first shot missed, but the second shot struck Patrick's head. Gregory felt like he had gotten shot in
the heart as he collapsed to the floor. He could see that Patrick still had his arms around Gwendolyn
protectively. I'll never understand his actions. What a miserable way to die.
Meanwhile, Gwendolyn was still in shock. When she finally returned to her senses and saw the blood
covering Patrick's head, horror washed over her, and she half-lifted him in her arms.
“Patrick... Patrick, you can't die!” she cried out through tears.
Patrick opened his eyes.
“I'm... fine... This won't... kill me... Don't cry...”
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