Novel Name : Feel the Way You Feel, My Love

Chapter 487

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Morning of the next day, Shane checked Natalie’s temperature first thing in the morning after he woke up

to see if her fever had subsided.

After making sure that her temperature had gone down, he lowered his head to peck her on the cheeks

before getting off the bed. The man changed into a fresh set of clothes before heading downstairs.

“Daddy.” In the living room of the villa, two children were watching TV. They greeted Shane sweetly as

soon as they noticed their father was approaching.

Shane nodded as he regarded them affectionately. He made his way over to their side and asked, “How

do you find this place? Are you guys able to get used to the environment here?”

\“Yes,” Connor replied.

“Daddy, Sharon likes it here too. The rooms here are so big, and I have a lot of toys here too,” Sharon

added hurriedly as she tried to gesture the size of the villa with her two little hands.

Shane found her adorable, and reached out to caress her hair. “I’m glad that you like it. Let Mrs. Wilson

know if you need anything. She will get it ready for you guys.”

“You mean anything we want?” Connor’s eyes glinted.

Shane looked at the little boy and said, “As long as it is not against the law.”

Given his financial stand, he could give his children whatever they wished for.

Excited by Shane’s answer, the little boy exclaimed, “Dad, I want a study room and a computer. Could

you fill the study room with a lot of books, especially those about computer science?”

“Computer science?” Shane raised a brow. “Can you understand them?”

“Yes, Connor is really good.” Sharon nodded her head and said, “Connor is really good with computers.

Mommy calls him a… hacker? Is that right, Connor?”

She turned to a side to look at Connor.

The little boy nodded.

Even though Natalie told them not to let anyone know that Connor knew about hacking, the boy thought

that given Mr. Shane’s intelligence, the man would have figured it out sooner or later.

It’s better if I’m the one to tell him about this.

“You know hacking skills?” Shane’s eyes widened in surprise.

He knew that the boy was leaps and bounds ahead of any other children his own age. Still, Shane

thought that he had underestimated the boy’s capabilities. He knows how to hack!

Suddenly, Shane felt a sense of pride for that boy.

“Okay, I’ll ask for people to get ready the study room, computer and books on computer science. It will be

ready latest by tomorrow afternoon.” Shane reeled himself in from the shock and looked at Connor.

Connor jumped off the sofa animatedly and approached Shane. “Daddy, could you crouch down?”

“Why?” He asked, albeit already crouching down upon Connor’s request.

The little boy reached out his two little hands and hugged Shane as he pecked a kiss on his cheeks.

“Thank you, Dad.”

“I want to kiss Daddy too!” Sharon approached Shane and pushed Connor to one side as she pecked a

kiss on the other side of his cheeks.

Stumped, Shane took a while to regain his composure. He felt his heart melting by the sweet gesture of

the two.

He felt that he would even pick stars down from the sky should the two kids wanted to have them.

“What are you guys doing?” Natalie’s voice rang from behind them.

Shane stood up and held the kids’ hands before turning around.

Natalie was wearing a beige lace dress and had a black cardigan draped over her shoulders. She

steadied herself against the handrails as she got off the stairs.

The man noticed that she was still looking pale and weary. He let go of the kids and walked over to

steady Natalie. “Be careful. Don’t trip over.”

“Okay.” Natalie was touched by his gesture and smiled.

Shane steadied her toward the sofa and sat her down.

The twins climbed onto the sofa and sandwiched her in between.

Connor furrowed his brows and looked worriedly at her. “Mom, what’s the matter with you?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Sharon blinked her eyes at Natalie curiously.

Though the little girl was not as shrewd as her brother, she had noticed that something was off with their



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