Novel Name : Feel the Way You Feel, My Love

Chapter 1005

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Feel the Way You Feel, My Love

Natalie turned to face her and grinned, signaling she was okay.

On the other hand, Susan snapped back into reality and laughed aloud. “That’s great! Oh my, I’m so

happy! I can’t believe he’s dead! In fact, he died before me! My plan succeeded in the end! Hahaha!”

“You’re right. Your plan didn’t fail. So, what’s with the tears?” Natalie asked.

Susan was stunned.

Tears? What does she mean? Am I crying?

Susan lifted her hands to touch her eyes and realized they were wet.

She was confused about what had happened and didn’t understand the reason behind her tears.

She also wondered why there was an uncomfortable feeling forming in her heart.

Just when Susan was bewildered, Natalie’s words sent her heart into a panic. “I guess you really don’t

have any feelings for Harrison.”

The truth is, Natalie knew that Susan had feelings for Harrison. If not, she wouldn’t have reacted like so

after learning about Harrison’s death.

After all, they had been together for two decades. They were like family to each other despite growing

out of love.

“No, that’s not possible. How could I have feelings for Harrison?” Susan was trembling. “That old man

has a bad temper. He was also stubborn and dominant! How could I ever fall in love with someone like


Joyce crossed her arms. “Oh really? Then, tell me why you know so much about him?”

“We’ve been together for more than twenty years! How could I not understand him? Understanding him

doesn’t mean I’ve developed feelings for him. I only married him for his money. Wait a minute, didn’t you

say he’s dead?” Susan stared straight into Natalie’s eyes. “What about his inheritance?”

“Did you really think he’d still give you his inheritance after what you tried to do to him?” Joyce sneered.

“Harrison hired a lawyer to draft his will before he died. All of his inheritance was given to Nat and Jared.”

“He gave everything to you both?” Susan’s expression darkened. “Why? Although I sought to harm him,

I’m still his lawfully wedded wife! How could he leave me with nothing? I should be the first in line to

inherit his fortune. Natalie, hand over what belongs to me now!” she roared.

Natalie let out a chuckle. “Yes, you were the next in line to inherit the fortune. However, that was the plan

before he drafted his will. He then drafted the official will before his death, and it specifically states that

his inheritance would be passed down to us. Similarly, a will is far more superior than natural succession,

get it?”

“I don’t understand whatever that means. I just want my money!” Susan screamed wildly.

If I’m left with nothing, how is Don going to survive?

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you can’t have a single cent of it. The Smith family wouldn’t have become what it

is today without my grandfather’s help. Consequently, my Mom was in charge of the Smith family. So, the

money is rightfully ours. You have lived in luxury at the expense of our fortune for over twenty years, and

I believe your time is up. How dare you think of inheriting our fortune? Dream on,” Natalie curled her lips

and stated sarcastically.

Susan gave her a death stare when she heard her words.

Natalie wasn’t afraid. “Oh, I almost forgot. You could have inherited my father’s fortune if you avoided jail


“What?” Susan’s face went pale.

What does she mean by that?

“What do you mean?” Susan was enraged at this point. “It means Harrison drafted the will before he

found out you had an affair with Warren. The will clearly states that you’d received seventy percent of his

inheritance while Jared and I would inherit the remaining thirty percent. It happened on the second day of

his hospitalization,” Natalie answered indifferently.

Susan widened her eyes in shock. “That’s impossible!”

Harrison prepared the will ready in advance and left seventy percent to me? That’s impossible!


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