Novel Name : Feel the Way You Feel, My Love

Chapter 1056

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As Natalie flicked her gaze between Hannah and the lie detector, she was forced to admit that the latter

had been telling the truth.

It’s proven that Hannah was most definitely not employed by Jacqueline. She doesn’t even know her.

Natalie clenched her fist as the only other possibility dawned on her. “Was the box your idea, then?”

“What box?” retorted Hannah in a panic. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

As soon as the words left her lips, the bulb on the lie detector glowed a menacing red as it began to

beep frantically.

With the crackling of electricity, the current swept through the device and onto Hannah’s fingertips. With

a horrible scream, she writhed and squirmed in her seat.

Silas and Sally let go of her at once to avoid being electrocuted.

Meanwhile, Shane merely glared coldly at Hannah without a hint of compassion.

When the lie detector was done channeling its punishing surge, Natalie spoke again, “Are you still

unwilling to tell the truth?”

Traumatized by the experience, Hannah began to weep in earnest.

“No, I’ll tell. I’ll tell,” she sobbed. “It was my idea. I did it all alone.”

Sally smiled as the green light lit up on the lie detector. “Mr. Shane, Nat, she’s not lying this time.”

Shane grunted in response.

Hannah, on the other hand, was beside herself with rage.

Just my luck to be caught today after three successful deliveries in a row! I hate them!

“Tell us, then,” Natalie asked coldly as she sat beside Shane. “Why did you do such a thing?”

It turns out that Jacqueline had nothing to do with it, after all. Hannah single-handedly delivered all

those boxes.

Before she got to the bottom of the matter, Natalie had wondered why Jacqueline would stoop so low

as to employ scare tactics as opposed to her usual drastic measures.

Now that we found out that it was not Jacqueline, everything makes sense.

“I… I…” Hannah stammered.

“Stop mumbling!” Sally shoved her roughly. “Tell the truth!”

The shove sent Hannah over the edge. With surprising strength, she managed to push Sally off of her

and leaped to her feet. “It’s because I hate you!” she screeched at Natalie. “You ruined my modeling

career, and yet you’re oblivious to it!”

Natalie blinked. “I’ve ruined your career? When did I do such a thing?”

How strange. I’m being accused of things I don’t even remember.

Shane patted her hand comfortingly, to which Natalie merely shook her head, unbothered in the

slightest by the accusation.

Sally pointed a finger at Hannah. “When did Nat ruin your career? You’d better have evidence to back

up your slander!”

“No, I don’t. But she is the reason why I’m in the wretched state that I am in now. If she did not expose

Jessie, I wouldn’t have been eliminated from the competition for being Jessie’s model! Due to that, I

have been forced to model for tawdry magazines for cash! With my current portfolio, I will never be

taken seriously again as a high-end model!” Hannah howled, the torment of her predicament pouring

out in a torrent of emotions.

Natalie chuckled. Before she could speak, Sally stepped forward.

“What rubbish!” She scoffed. “You brought everything upon yourself! How could you blame Nat for your

own poor choices? Was it her who forced you to model for Jessie? Was it her who made you grovel for

quick-paying but demeaning jobs? Nat did not do a single thing. You made all of those decisions


“Yes, it was me,” Hannah cried. “But if she didn’t expose Jessie—”

“Stop blaming others for your choices,” Sally interrupted her in disgust. “Jessie conducted herself

unethically against the other participants. Was it wrong for Nat to expose her wrongdoings? If you are

feeling vehement, blame Jessie for being a cheater or yourself for choosing to be her model!”


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