Novel Name : Feel the Way You Feel, My Love

Chapter 1046

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Feel the Way You Feel, My Love

She believed that grudges between adults should be resolved between adults, and that their children

should not get involved.

However, she also knew how mature Connor was for his age, so having him forget it and go back to

being a happy five-year-old was highly unlikely.

In the end, Natalie decided she wouldn’t talk Connor out of it as long as he didn’t let his hatred go to his


“What happened? Why are Connor and Sharon’s eyes all red? Have they been crying?” The door to

the lounge was opened once again, and Sally saw the three of them hugging each other before she

even entered the room.

Natalie let go of her kids and flashed her a smile as she stood up. “You’re done with the photo shoot?”

“Yeah, I came by when I heard that you three were still here. What happened just now?” Sally asked

while pointing at the kids.

Instead of answering her question, Natalie simply bit down on her lip and retrieved the box from her


Sally’s eyelids twitched a little when she saw the box. “W-What is that?”

“The incident from yesterday has repeated itself,” Natalie replied.

Sally gasped. “That person sent it to you all the way here?”

Natalie narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, and I’m suspecting that I’ll receive another one when I go for the

competition tomorrow.”

“We can worry about that tomorrow. However… how do you plan on handling this one?” Sally asked

while pointing at the box in her hand.

Natalie pursed her lips. “I’ll just throw it away.”

“Aren’t you going to see what’s inside?” Sally asked.

Natalie’s expression grew cold. “No, that won’t be necessary. Given the contents of the package

yesterday, it’s obvious that this one won’t be anything pleasant. Might as well spare ourselves the shock.”

“You’re right, but I still feel like seeing what’s inside!” Sally said with a giggle.

Natalie arched an eyebrow at her. “Aren’t you afraid?”

Sally shrugged. “I’m all right with it, I guess. Humans are just strange like this, you know? The more we

fear something, the more we want to find out about it.”

Natalie handed her the box. “Then you can have a look inside and tell me what you see.”

“Okay!” Sally nodded as she took the box from her.

Seeing as Sally was about to open it on the spot, Natalie quickly stopped her and said, “Wait, the kids

are still here. You can open it after we leave.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Sally stopped what she was doing.

“Come out when you’re done looking. We’ll be waiting for you in the car,” Natalie said as she held her

kids by the hands and brought them out of the lounge.

They waited in the car for about half an hour before seeing Sally emerge with a look of extreme disgust

on her face.

Natalie narrowed her eyes as she asked, “What’s wrong? Was it something really scary?”

“No, not really. In fact, it was actually a lot better than the one from yesterday,” Sally replied while closing

the car door.

“What was inside the box?” Natalie asked.

Sally kept quiet and simply stared at the kids in response.

Realizing what she meant, Natalie quickly covered Sharon’s ears.

She didn’t ask Connor to cover his ears as she figured he could handle it after knowing about the dead


The events from earlier made her realize that Connor was a lot better at coping with stress than she had


Sally understood that as well and held nothing back when she saw that Connor didn’t cover his ears. “It

was a box of live cockroaches. They flew out of the box the moment I opened it and were flying all over

the place. Some of them even climbed onto my face. It was so disgusting that I nearly puked my guts


She shuddered a little after saying that and had disgust written all over her face.

Natalie felt sick in the stomach just by visualizing what happened, but she was more concerned about

Connor and quickly checked to see if he was okay.

Apart from having a tight frown on his face, Connor was a lot calmer than both of them combined, much

to her surprise.


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