Novel Name : Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 19: Forbidden Fruit

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I had never dreaded a Saturday as much as this.

Thanksgiving went by so fast, I wished I could hold on to those two days, but time waited for no one.

Saturday had arrived and I had no choice but to fight my fight. lan called a few times.He was happy to

be back home so I let him talk more and I listened.

I didn’t say anything about Zach seeing us, I tried my best to sound as normal as I could, but I had a

feeling he sensed something was wrong.

My only hope was that I could fix everything tonight.I'd try and talk Zach out of this, once and for all.

I wore a dress and I looked good in it, but I despised that.I wished I didn’t look good.I wished I didn’t

have to go meet Zach and try to convince him not to do this.

But this was the role I was given so I had to play my part.My strategy was to start with flattery and then

go with pitiful begging.

As awful as he was, he still had a heart deep down in there somewhere, and I was determined to find it


He picked me up after dinner, 8 PM sharp.

I told my parents I was going over to Tiff’s, so they didn’t ask many questions.

"You look ravishing,"he commented as soon as I got into the car. He was wearing a normal V-neck

shirt and some jogger pants.

I felt a little overdressed.

But still, I gave him my best smile and said, "You look good too,"

Not wasting too much time, Zach started the engine and the car roared away.

I was all nervous and fidgety, but he was being cool and casual.

"How was your thanksgiving?"

I tried making small talk.

"It was good,"he replied simply, not even bothered to ask me how was mine.

"Mine too..."

" was Emory?"

"Can we drop the small talk? We'll be there soon enough,"

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see,"

He was being cold to me on purpose.

He wanted to instill fear in me, and I must admit, it was working.

I swallowed hard as I saw our cast sped past the city limits.

He was taking me somewhere far, far away. "Zach, edn we talk about this first?"

"What more is there to talk about?"

"You don’t have to do this.It doesn’t have to be like this,"

"Emma, stop fighting it.Either you give me what I want or I'll send the picture,"

The car sped further and further away, and now we were going off the main road, going to what I

assume were the woods.

I knew I had to stop this car from going any further.

I had to distract Zach, so I started talking again.

"Zach, I know it was awful what I did.But you have to know, I did love you.I loved you so much and you

broke my heart that night.I was upset, so I had to find someone to fill the void..."

"Stop talking,"he was uninterested.

My tactics weren't working, but I couldn't stop.

"For what it’s worth, we really did love each other for a year.Please don’t throw that away.Please don't

make me do something like this.You're better than that—"

"I said, stop talking!"he growled over my voice.

The car came to a sudden screeching halt and my body jerked on the impact.

I looked around and saw that we were lodged somewhere in the middle of the woods.

There was nothing else around except tall trees and the dead of night.

"What is this place?"I asked.

"Get on the backseat,"

"What, no dinner and a show first?"I tried to make jokes.

I wanted him to look at me as Emma, the girl he used to love.

But instead, his stare was poisonous and dark.

"I'm not here to negotiate.Get on the backseat,"he repeated himself in that cold, flat tone.


I said firmly, "Zach, I'm not doing this with you,"

He was impatient and he wasn't going to wait any longer.

Within seconds, he got out of the car, walked over to my side, opened the door, and he grabbed my

hand roughly.With such force, he pulled me out of my seat and forced me down on the backseat.

"No, Zach, stop!"

I tried to squirm and push him away, but he wasn’t going anywhere.He climbed on top of me and

pinned me down with all his weight.His body was pressed on top of mine so hard, I almost couldn't


"No, stop, no,"I kept repeating the words as if it would mean something to him.

But he never stopped.His eyes were clouded and dark and the most disgusting smile was plastered on

his face.He grabbed the seatbelt above me and used it to tie my hands together forcefully.

I tried squirming away, but he slapped my face harshly and said, "Be a good girl and I'll let you off

easy,"Tears were forming in my eyes.

My cheek was stinging in pain and I was sure there was blood on my lips.

He was not the Zach that I once loved.

Next thing I knew, his mouth began invading mine ever so viciously.When I refused to open my lips, he

used his hand to,force my cheeks open.It was awful.

Tears trickled down my face involuntarily.

His tongue was invading my mouth ferociously, causing me to almost gag.

His free hands were now groping my breasts forcefully over my dress.He was so rough that I could

hear my dress fabric tearing apart.He was absolutely enjoying it.

I felt him getting hard in front of my stomach.

My whole body was shaking in terror as he started to hump his hardening member on my lower down.


I pleaded with every breath I could muster.

But he just laughed.

And seeing me cry and powerless like this, it made him even rougher.

I was squirming and shaking, but to no avail.

I was all out of breaths and out of energy.

There was no way I could get out of this.

The only thing I could do was cry.

"You're gonna be mine, Emma, whether you want it or not,"he said through hot and heavy breaths.

It was the worst sound I had ever heard in my life.His hands moved down my body and grabbed my

butt cheeks roughly.Using both hands and his knee, he parted my legs apart.I couldn't even move and

kick, his body weight had pinned me down completely.

His one and grabbed my panties and yanked it down forcefully.

It stopped before my knees, but that was enough.I was exposed to him.

His other hand went under his joggers and he started stroking himself.

Seconds later, he pulled out his erect member and I didn't want to see anything anymore.

I didn’t want to hear anything, and I didn’t even want to take a single breath, so I rolled my head away

and held my breath.

This is it.This is the end.He’s gonna rape me...and I can't do anything.

I waited for the worst to come.

I had mentally prepared myself, scrunched my eyes shut, and turned off the switch.

But suddenly, I heard the sound of the car door was open and I felt Zach’s body weight lifted off of me.

"Get your fucking hands off her!"

lan’s voice roared in my ears, causing my eyes to jerk open.

lan was standing there, in front of us.

He grabbed Zach by his back collar and pulled him out of the car.

Zach's body was thrown on the ground and lan bent down to lay punches over punches on his face.

The soul of his fist connecting with Zach's skin filled the air.

I was rendered shocked and immobile, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

lan’s here...? lan...saved me...? But how? "You fucking piece of shit!" lan’s voice thundered over the

sound of his punches.

I realized this wasn't the time to be paralyzed.

When my brain finally registered everything that was happening, I spotted Zach's phone lying

unguarded on the floor of the car.

Propping myself up slightly, I managed to break away from being tied with the seatbelt and I quickly

tied with the seatbelt and I quickly grabbed that phone.

I deleted the photo and made sure it wasn't saved anywhere else before smashing the phone into

pieces, so he had no way of ever retrieving it.

I turned my attention back to lan, who was beating the pulp out of Zach.

Blood was gushing out of his swollen face and lan wouldn't stop.

“’s enough, stop,” I croaked.

Don't get me wrong, it was the most satisfying thing to that see that monster lay there on the ground

with blood pumping out of his face.

But I didn’t want anything bad to happen to lan.

I didn't want him to get in trouble.

“lan, please, help me,” I said again as I staggered out of the door, clutching on my torn up dress for

dear life.

lan finally turned to look at me with fire was burning in his eyes.

I had never seen him this angry before and it was scaring me a bit.

He stopped his punches, but he was still grabbing Zach by the collar.

“Get me out of here, please,” I said to him, wiping the tears away from my face.

“You will never touch her again.Or I'll kill you,” lan spat one last time at Zach before throwing him on the


Within seconds, lan walked over to me, took off his jacket, and wrapped me in it.

I sobbed into his chest as he pulled me into a hug.

I was weak and a mess, but he was strong and warm, so I knew everything would be okay.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he said to my ears.I couldn't see his face but I knew he was worried.I

couldn't bring myself to speak, so I just shook my head quietly against his chest.

He let out a relieved sigh and his labored breathing slowed down.

We stayed holding onto each other for a while.

When I finally stopped crying and caught my breathing, he pulled away slightly so he could get a better

look at my face.

His hand reached for my torn up lip and he wiped the blood away gently.

His eyes burned with anger and hurt as he swallowed hard and gritted his teeth.

“lan...” my small voice croaked, “You're really here...” “I came back a day early to surprise you.I got to

your house and then I saw you came out and got into a car with him.So I followed you...”

Before he could say anything else, I lunged myself forward and hugged him tight.I was so beyond

relieved that he came back and that he was here to save me.

If he hadn't come...only God knew what would happen.

“You still have a lot of explaining to do,” he whispered to my ears.

I could tell by his tone that all the anger in him hadn't completely subsided.

“I Know,” I murmured to his chest.

“Let's get outta here,” With his strong arms, he led me out of there and into his car.

I was still feeling weak and in shock, I couldn't even walk properly.

But he held onto me every step of the way.

He made sure I got into my seat okay and put the seatbelt on for me.

As the car pulled away from that godforsaken place, he grabbed my hand and held it tight.

I gripped his hand tighter in response, never wanting to let it go.

I knew it wasn’t over.I knew I had to tell him what happened with Zach and everything.I knew I could

lose him.But at this point, I didn’t care.

He was holding onto me tight and I felt safe in his hands.

And right now, that was all that mattered to me.


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