Novel Name : Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 40: Resume Game

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When I inhaled the fresh cold air outside, I let out a sigh of relief.

What the hell happened back there? One minute I was dancing and having fun, the next minute I got

kissed by a guy who was not my boyfriend! I didn't think Tyler would do something like that.

I clearly told him we were just going as friends and he agreed.

"But the way you danced with him, it didn’t look like you were just friends," my brain sneered at me and

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest.

"Emma, are you okay?" I heard lan’s voice and I whipped my head around.

He was alone.He came to follow me.Behind those angry eyes was a glint of worry.

"I'm okay,"I said reassuringly.

"That son of a bitch.Did he hurt you?"he said through gritted teeth.

"No, it was just a kiss,"I paused for a moment before continuing, "It was a mistake.I'm sorry.I didn’t

know what happened back there,"

"It's not your fault,"he shook his head and clenched his fists.

He looked around and we were at the parking lot.

There weren't a lot of people outside but there were people outside.

He looked as if he wanted to wrap his arms around me, but he had to restrain himself.

"Maybe it was.We were dancing and —"

"Still not your fault.You didn’t want him to kiss you and he did,"

I let out another deep sigh and said, "Are you mad?"


"Please don't be mad," I said softly, "It was nothing.Let's not make a big deal out of this,"

We were supposed to be laying low, to avoid suspicion.

What would have happened if lan got all worked up and actually did something he’d regret back there?

What kind of explanation would we have to give? "Hey, Em,"

"Are you okay?"

Tiff and Carrie appeared on my periphery.

They were my bestest friends in the whole wide world.

Of course, they would come out to check on me.

"I'm fine you guys,"

My friends exchanged a worried look with lan, but I stepped in and gave them all a reassuring smile.

"We handled Tyler.I saw him leave before we came out,"

Carrie explained.

"Do you wanna get outta here?"Tiff asked cautiously.

It was our last homecoming dance together, my friends were looking forward to this.

I didn’t wanna ruin the night for them.

Plus, if Tyler had already left, there was no reason why we couldn't stay.

"No, let’s stay,"

I paused for a beat before continuing, "It’s our homecoming night,"

"Yes! That's what I’m talking about,"

Tiff pulled me into a hug and we started walking back.

I shot a look over at lan and gave him a wry smile.

His gaze softened as he let out a sigh.

And finally, with his hands in his pockets, he gave me a smile back.

The rest of the night went by like a breeze.

My friends and I had the time of our lives.

Even though I went with two couples, they never forgot about me and made me a fifth-wheel.

It was really nice of them.

After the dance, my friends wanted to go for a drive thru at McDonald’s and then to Madison's after-

party party.

It all sounded appealing, especially the McDonald’s part, but I didn’t know how I could possibly enjoy

myself when I still felt like lan and I had some unfinished discussions to do.

"Guys, I think I'm just gonna get an Uber and go..."

I pulled Tiff and Carrie to the side as Mark and Nick walked in the front towards the car.

"You're going? Where?"Carrie asked.

"To lan’s.I think we still need to talk,"

"Can't you just talk tomorrow? It’s our night..."Tiff pleaded.

"I can’t have fun with this thought clouding over my head,"I sighed and flashed them a sad smile,

"I’m sorry.But you guys go have fun,"

"Are you sure you'll be okay? We can drop you off—"

"And risk Mark and Nick knowing I have a_ secret boyfriend? No thanks, an Uber will be fine,"

Tiff and Carrie exchanged a knowing look before turning to me and said, "Alright, then we'll talk to you


"It's Saturday.I have work and then community service,"

"Sunday brunch?"

"Sunday brunch it is,"

Tiff and Carrie made some lame excuse for me to Mark and Nick, something about period cramps.

They asked zero questions after that.

Meanwhile, I got myself an Uber and arrived at lan’s place in no time at all.

Man, I love technology.

"Hey," I said as soon as lan opened the door.

"Hey? What are you doing here?"he looked taken aback.

He was still wearing the same shirt and pants from the dance, but his tie and suit jacket were on the


"I came because I didn’t like how we left things at the dance.We couldn't really talk,"

I said and stepped inside the living room.

He closed the door behind me and said, "I too.I wanted to call you, but I figured you'd be out

with your friends —"

Before he could even finish, I lunged myself to him, closing the distance between us with a kiss.

My arms were locked around his neck as I breathed in his delicious scent.

"I love you, lan.You and only you,"

I said through the kiss.

"I know.I love you too,"

he replied my kiss with the same amount of passion and urgency.

I had been waiting to do this ever since I saw him tonight at the dance.

I couldn't hide it anymore.

I was hopelessly in love with this man.

When we finally pulled away, I held his face in my hand and locked my eyes with him.

Letting out a soft sigh, I told him, "I know you want us to lay low around the school, but I can’t pretend

not to like you,"

"Me too,"he paused for a moment before saying, "This turned out to be way harder than I thought,"

"Yeah, right? How did we ever do this for a year?"I Jaughed.

"It's so stupid.I got jealous of a high school kid,"he said, cringing at himself.

"Please don’t.Whatever happened out there was a clear mistake.It won't happen again,"

"You bet your ass it won't,"he let out a mocking laugh.

I let out a soft smile and said, "Hey, lan,"


"Don't ever tell me to go to the dance with someone else again, alright? I'd rather be alone than not be

with you,"

He looked at me as if I was a sight to marvel at.

His hand went to caress my cheek and he leaned down to plant a sweet, soft kiss on my forehead.

I had to close my eyes as his lips made contact with my skin because my heart was beating so fast and

these butterflies were fluttering in my stomach.

lan then took a step away and went to his record player.

He put a vinyl disk on and a beautiful, smooth slow jazz began to play.

“ Well, in that case, can I have this dance?"he said with his hand reached out tome.

I took his hand in a heartbeat and said, "Of course,"

We ended up dancing the night away.

My head was on his shoulder and his hand was on the small of my back.

We didn’t say much, but our bodies did all the talking.

I felt pure bliss and comfort as I breathed him in, again and again.

I swear this was the best homecoming dance I'd ever been to. The next day, I had the lunch shift at the

diner and two hours of community service after that.

I was still reeling in from the euphoria of last night, that I completely forgot I'd have to face Tyler at the

community garden. I was in the middle of picking up the trash in my section when I heard his voice

calling after me.

"Emma? Hey, can I talk to you? Please, I need to explain myself,"

Tyler was in his community garden vest and hat.

His left cheek had bruised marks and I believed they were from me.

"There’s nothing to explain.Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some trash to attend to,"

I said coolly before picking up another sticky gum on the ground.

"Emma, I’m so sorry.We were just dancing and I got carried away.It was an honest mistake.I thought

you were into me, but clearly you're not...I’m sorry I misread the signs,"he wouldn't go away no matter

how hard I was ignoring him.

Finally, I let out a long sigh and said, "I told you I like someone else.I just went with you as friends,"

"I know.It was a mistake on my part.I'm the one to blame.I’m so sorry,"

He had this really sad look on his eyes and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy.

To be very honest, he wasn’t completely to blame.

I should have been clearer with my boundaries.

“Please, Emma, I just want us to be friends again?"he asked cautiously.

"I don't know..."I said and put my gaze down.

"I'll pick up all the trash in your area for a week,"he said quickly, and that got my attention.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he said, "A month?"

"You're gonna clean my section for a month?"I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yeah, absolutely,"he said with full confidence.

"Deal,"I agreed quickly.

This boy was willingly doing my community work for me, for a month.

Who was I to turn that down? That meant I would get an extra two hours a week to spend with lan or

working on my college essay.

"So you'll forgive me?"he asked again.

"Sure,"I shrugged.

"And I’m sorry too for the bruises,"

"I totally deserved it,"he smiled brightly.

That made me felt really bad.

He was being very sorry and very sweet.

It was a simple mistake.It could happen to anyone.Tyler's still a nice guy.

"Okay, so clean slate?"I said and lent out my hand.

"Thanks, Emma.You're a cool girl,"he said as he shook my hand.

"So, does this mean you'll start now?"I asked cautiously, gauging his expression.


"Great.Then no more apologizing.Just pick up the trash,"

"Oh, I promise your section will be the cleanest section ever,"

Tyler eagerly went to work.

Within seconds, he was also scrubbing and cleaning the area around me.

He was smiling real bright as he did it too.

"See you around, Tyler,"I said to him.

"See you, Emma,"he replied.

I took off the ugly hat and vest before making my way to my car.

Mr.Parker was very lenient, he only took attendance and he'd be in his office the entire day.

He wouldn't notice I was gone and my section would be clean if he checks. This might sound bad, but

hey, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonades, right?

I was given a free two hours for the day.

A lot of things could be done in two hours.

I could watch a movie, cook dinner with my mom, see my friends, or do my homework.

Or better yet, I could pay lan a visit.

I was certain he would think of some very fun things we could do for the next two hours. A girl could

only hope.


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