Novel Name : Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 47: Waiting Game

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"So, what’s the verdict?" mom asked cautiously as I walked out of my guidance counselor's office.It

was a Saturday and we were at school.Mom didn't have to come with me, but she insisted that she

wanted to support me.

I got a call from a U Penn representative last week and he wanted to schedule an interview with me.He

said I could pick the time and place, so we set up the interview for Saturday morning at school.Mrs.Ash

was kind enough to lend me her office.

"He was so nice.We both like Emily Bronte and Ernest Hemingway.So, naturally we talked a lot.I was

being opinionated and humble, just like Mrs.Ash told me to.And at the end of it, he said that I'd be a

great candidate for U Penn,"I was rambling in excitement and joy

“Can you believe it, mom? He said I'd be a great candidate!"

"Wow.That's great news!" mom pulled me into a tight hug as she couldn't be happier for me.

"And we talked about options for loans and scholarships too," I was about to ramble again.

"Wait, does that mean...?"

"With all the money I’ve saved up and the money from dad, I think I'm gonna have enough for college,"

I announced proudly.

"Oh, honey.I’m so proud of how hard you've been working.I'm so proud of everything you've

accomplished," she hugged me again and showered my cheek and forehead with kisses.

"Thanks, mom.I couldn't have done it without you and dad,"

A week had passed since my college interview.

I hadn't heard anything yet, but Mrs.Ash said that it was normal.

Columbia asked for an interview as well, but remotely.

We had our interview a few days after the U Penn interview, and we did it through Zoom.

I would say it went equally as good as the U Penn interview.

When I told lan that I was acing my college interviews, he couldn’t be more proud.

He promised that we would celebrate and that he had a special night prepared for me.

He wouldn't tell what it was, but he told me to be ready and get all dressed up this Friday night.

Yes, this Friday night would be Valentine’s Day.

We had such an amazing time last year on this day, I could only imagine what he’d be up to next.

In order to prepare for tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day special with lan, I made Tiff and Carrie go with me to

the mall after school.

I felt like lan had seen all my clothes already, so I was in desperate need to find the perfect outfit for our

little date.

This morning started out great, like any other day, except it wasn’t.

I woke up with the worst headache, like my brain had been hammered and drilled into.

So, I took a bunch of Advil and decided to trudge on.

I was determined not to let this day go to waste.

I had an important mission for an important date tomorrow.

School was dreadful, but I managed to get by.

I felt tired and drowsy the entire day, but it was probably because I took too much Advil.

By lunchtime, I couldn't eat anything because if I did, it'd go straight to the toilet. Still, I made it through

an afternoon of school and we made it to the mall.

"Are you sure we should be at the mall and not the hospital?"

Tiff asked as she watched me lean against the faux palm tree at the food court.

I was feeling lightheaded again, I felt the need to lean my head against a plastic tree for assistance.

"Yeah, are you okay? You look super pale," Carrie said as she checked my forehead for a fever.

"I think I might have the stomach flu or something," I sighed.

This was not good.

Tomorrow was my big Valentine's Day date with lan, and I was a sad disgusting puking mess.

It wouldn't even matter if I found the perfect outfit, because I would just look ridiculous. As if on cue,

my body jerked forward as if I was about to puke again.

Thankfully, it was a false alarm.I managed to calm myself down and pulled it together.

"Let's go to the bathroom," I said anyway.

We turned for the nearest bathroom and I was glad it was empty.

I felt my stomach churning again and before I could say ‘Forever 21’, I was kneeling in front of the toilet

bowl, puking my guts out for the fifth time that day.

"Dude, you've been puking the entire day," Tiff pointed out the obvious as she held my hair up.

"You don't look good, at all," Carrie added as she pulled some toilet paper and handed it to me.

"I'm okay.I'm just tired,"I groaned as I wiped my mouth clean.

I didn’t feel like moving.I felt so weak.

So I just stayed there in that tiny toilet stall for a few more seconds.

My best friends stood up behind me and I could tell they were exchanging worried looks and sighs.

"What?"I asked them.

"Dude, you're not pregnant, right?"Tiff asked cautiously.

"No way!"I scoffed.

"Emma...When was the last time you had your period?"Carrie asked.

"You guys don’t seriously think I’m pregnant," I whipped my head around and pulled myself up with all

my strength.

"It’s just a question," she shrugged.

I put the lid down and sat on the toilet.

I started counting the days to my last period, thinking hard about her question, and I finally said

"My last period was like, a while ago.But I heard that might happen when you start taking the pill.You'll

miss your period,"

"Right.And you're sure you've been taking your pills regularly?" Tiff spoke this time.

"Totally!" I said defensively.

Did they think I was stupid enough to miss taking my pills wait a minute...

"Uh oh, what's with that look?"Tiff asked.

"The pill...I think there might be a time where I forgot to take it..."

"Emma!"they yelled in unison.

"I was so new to the pills.Sometimes I forgot to take it in the morning, so I took it at night.But then there

were days where I forgot if I had taken it in the morning or at night altogether..."I started rambling.

"When was this?"

"I don’t know, like a couple of weeks ago, maybe? I was so busy with college interviews and "

"Emma!"they yelled again.

"Oh god, what am I gonna do?"my hands went to cover my face.

I couldn't believe what was happening.

How could I be so damn stupid? Did I seriously just do this to myself? What the hell is happening? Am I

really pregnant? lan and did have a lot of sex, like almost every day.

And he always came inside too, sometimes several times a day.

Oh, shit, what if I'm pregnant? Oh shit, shit, shit.

"Emma, relax, stop hyperventilating,"Carrie said, fanning my face with her hands,

"We don't have to freak out yet.It might be anything.It might be a stomach flu, just like you said,"

"Yeah? You think so?"I looked up at her breathlessly.

"Sure..."she said, but she didn't sound assured.

"But girl, I think you should take the test, just to be sure," Tiff said slowly.

"Oh god...oh my god!"I was hyperventilating all over again.

"This can’t be happening, oh my god," This seriously can’t be happening.

How did I get from being a potential Ivy League student to the girl who might be pregnant in high

school? "Okay, okay, Emma, stay here,"

Carrie said as she bent down to my face, "I’m gonna go get you a test pack and you just wait here,


I wanted to cry.

I didn't want this to be real.

I was so scared.

Tiff and Carrie pulled me into a hug and I couldn't hold it anymore.

I was crying buckets into their shoulders.

"You'll be okay, Em.We're here for you," Tiff cooed me.

"Listen, it might not be it,"

"Yeah.We just need to get the test done and go from there, okay?"

Carrie said again.They were right.Everything was still up in the air right now.I might not be pregnant.

This might be just a huge mistake.

Screw the Valentine’s Day date, suddenly I was hoping I had the stupid stomach flu.

Carrie ended up going outside to get the test pack for me.

Tiff stayed with me, cramped inside the small 3- stalls bathroom.

We didn’t say a word to each other as I washed my mouth on the sink.

I was nervous to speak, and she probably was too.

She just held my hand and I stood there listening to my own heart beating.

After a while, we heard the door open and Carrie stepped inside.

She was holding a brown paper bag in her hand.

"How does this work again?"I asked weakly.

I took the bag from Carrie and fished out this pink box from the inside.

"Two lines means you're pregnant.One line means you're not,"Tiff answered.

"Just open the cap and pee on the little white thing.Then just wait for a couple of minutes, it'll beep and

we'll know," Carrie added.

"You guys are not gonna go anywhere right?" I said before entering the small stall in the middle.

"Of course, we're staying with you.We'll be right here,"they both nodded.


My hands were shaking as I went into the narrow stall and closed the door.

I sat down and opened the box.

I pulled out one of the sticks and opened its wrapper.

Following what Carrie said, I pulled the cap off and revealed the little white thing.

I pulled my underwear down and stuck the stick under me. I was sending prayers to heaven as I heard

the trickle of water out of me.

I made sure the white thing absorbed enough pee before I pulled it away and wrapped it with toilet


Please, God, I can’t have a baby.

I can't be pregnant.

My heart was racing so fast as I stared at the rolled up toilet paper in my hand.

My mind went racing again.

What would happen if I really got pregnant? Would lan be happy? Of course, he won't, what was I

thinking? He would be so mad.

We were supposed to be careful.

This was the total opposite of that.

This was breaking the law.

Oh shit, please don’t be pregnant.

Please don't.

If I turned up to be pregnant, I wouldn't be able to tell anyone who the father of my baby was because

that would be unethical. lan would get in so much trouble.

Unless I have the baby in secret...?

I could have the baby in secret, but that would make things hella difficult.And don’t get me started on

my parents.They would be so _ devastated and heartbroken.

Mom was always pestering me to be careful and they were so happy about me going to college.

And what would happen to college? My dream of going to Princeton, U Penn, or Columbia.

I could barely afford college, I couldn't possibly go to one if I was pregnant.

I'd have to stay home and take care of the baby.

This would be the end of everything.

This would be the end of me.

Or maybe I could get rid of it...? And suddenly, this low beeping sound came from under the wraps of

toilet paper.

It was the sound that signaled my future.

It was a sound that caused a lump in my throat and my whole body was shaking.

My heart was beating so fast, it might as well jump out of my chest.

I whispered another quick prayer before taking a deep breath and exhaled.

"Two lines means you're pregnant.One line means you're not,"

Slowly and with shaky hands, I unwrapped the stick from the toilet paper, revealing its result....


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