Novel Name : Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 29: Afterschool Activities

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"The PSAT is useless.It's not even the real SATs.Remind me why do I have to take it again?"

Emma sighed dramatically as she slumped down on the couch.

"Because it'll help you get a feel of the actual SATs,"

I said and I took the spot next to her.

She immediately curled herself into my arm, a habit I now came to love.

"It's stupid though.And hard,"she looked up at me and asked, "Did you take your PSATs?"

"No.They're stupid,"I scoffed.

"Exactly —"

"But I was also stupid in high school.You're not.So you're gonna have to do better than me,"I added

quickly and she piped down.

"You got into Emory, you can't be that bad,"

"I got into Emory as a transfer.I took two years of community college before I figured out what I wanted

and applied there,"

She let out another dramatic sigh and said, "So you're saying I have to come to school on a Saturday

and take this stupid test,"

"Yes,"I said firmly, "And I'll be there too,"

"You're going to take the PSAT?"she gaped at me.

"No,"I chuckled, "I’m gonna be at school tomorrow because I have a meeting with Principal Finn,"

"Oh,"she mouthed.

"What about?"

"Faculty stuff.Nothing important,"

"What time will you be done?"

"Probably around 12,"

"Me too.Maybe I'll see you tomorrow, then?"


And you can tell me all about how you aced the stupid PSAT,"I said as I kissed her cute little nose,

causing her to squirm and giggle.

This thing with Emma, it was getting out of control.

I didn't think I could ever feel this way before, let alone with a high school girl who was my student.

Every time I see her, I see my future in her eyes.

But that future was always clouded by the looming doom that stood before us—the school.

As long as I was her teacher, none of this would be acceptable.

As long as she was my student, we could never do this the right way.

And I wanted to do it the right way.

I wanted to be able to take her out on dates, meet her parents and her friends neot on school grounds

or at parent teacher conferences. The school was doing its annual parent teacher conference next

week, along with a college fair for the junior class.

There was a high chance that I might run into her parents there and that would be... terrible.

Just imagine, I would introduce myself as her art teacher.

And then Emma and I would continue dating in secret.

And then years later, when I wanted to be serious or marry her, her parents would find out that I was

dating their daughter all this time while she was at school.

Would they ever give this pervert their blessings? Fuck to the no. I didn't tell Emma I was thinking

about all these things.

She was busy dealing with her exams and I didn’t wanna make her worry.

She shouldn't be worried about stuff like this.

She was only a high school student for god’s sake.

I brought this upon her.

And I had to find a way to fix everything.

So the only solution that I could come up with was this meeting the principal on a Saturday, a week

before the parent teacher’s conference, and I would tell him that I was resigning from my post as a

teacher. To be honest, I didn’t wanna quit.

I liked my job.

But I liked my girlfriend more and I'd do anything to keep us together.

Even if that meant this. "Mr.Hayes, you said there’s an emergency and you must have this meeting

with me today.So please, how can I help you?"

Principal Finn stood up from his chair and motioned for me to take a seat in front of him.

"Thank you for seeing me on a Saturday, Principal Finn,"

I said as I took a seat.

"The reason I want to see you is because I'd like to see if I can terminate my contract,"

Principal Finn looked taken aback and asked, "You want to terminate your contract?"

"Yes,"I nodded firmly.

"Why so suddenly? I thought you were adjusting just fine into the school system?"

"Yes I am, but—l, um, there’s just some personal reasons that I can't really divulge with you.

But I think that this is the right choice for me,"

I was stammering, turns out I was more nervous than I thought.

"Well, I must say I am shocked,"

he paused for a second before continuing, "And you will be terribly missed.

I’ve heard great things about you, both from the student body and the staff,"

"That’s very kind of you to say.

Thank you,"

"If you really must do this, then I’d suggest you send in your resignation letter to the HR department

and as soon as the school year is over, we would review your case,"

"Principal Finn, sir, with all due respect, I don’t think I can wait that long,"

"What do you mean?"

"I would like to resign before this week is over,"

"That is too sudden, Mr.

Hayes! You can't just resign without giving us proper reasoning and time,"

"I know and I’m sorry.But there’s an emergency..."

"Mr.Hayes, this is unacceptable.

Parent teacher conferences are next week,"

"I know.But I’ve graded and finished all my responsibilities for my class.The last class is on Tuesday


"Parent teacher conferences are a part of your responsibility too, Mr.Hayes.Not just the grades and the

class,"he cut in sharply.

He definitely looked angry.

Not good.

"Principal Finn, I apologize for the inconvenience,"

I paused for a moment, searching for the right words to say, "But there's a personal matter that I must

attend to.

I have to be away next weekend.

I will not be able to make the parent teacher conferences,"

Principal Finn took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

He reclined back to his chair and thought for a moment before saying, "If you can’t make the parent

teacher conferences, we can work something out.

You can have meetings with the parents via email,"

"Actually, that’s not a bad idea,"I agreed immediately.

"And as for your resignation, Mr.Hayes,"

he continued.

"You already signed a contract is for two years with the department of education.If you don’t give us a

plausible reason to terminate the contract, it's not going to look good for you,"

"l understand, but —"

"This is your teaching career we're talking about,"I swallowed hard at his words.

Nodding my head slowly, I let out a sigh and once again said, "I understand,"

Principal Finn didn’t say anything for a while.

He just sat there and studied my face, and I kept my gaze serious and affirmed.

It was probably the most awkward minute of my life.

Just sitting there, being studied by my boss.

Finally, when he realized that he couldn't get me to change my mind, Principal Finn let out another long

sigh and said, "Alright.

But, you'll have to give us some time,"

"Hey? Where have you been?"

Emma beamed at me as soon as I stepped inside the art studio.

The studio looked emptier than usual.

Normally it was littered with artworks or painting equipment, but all of that was gone now.

All the kids had submitted their AP art portfolio and it left the studio clean and cold.

Everything has an end, I guess.

"Sorry, the meeting with Principal Finn ran long,"

I said as I took a step towards her.

I made sure no one was around before I planted a quick kiss on her cheek.

It won't be long now.

I don't have to kiss you in secret no more.

"Is everything okay?"

she narrowed her eyes at me, perhaps she noticed the heavy things my mind was carrying.

"It will be,"

I smiled reassuringly.


"I asked Principal Finn to terminate my contract with the school.

I won't be teaching here anymore,"

She was so shocked.

Her eyes shot open and her jaw fell as she said, "Why did you do that? Do you have another job offer?"

"Not exactly,"

I sighed before continuing, "I did it because I'm tired of seeing you around school and not being able to

talk to you.

As long as I’m your teacher, the world won't let us be together.

Your parents would freak out.

You can't enjoy life like normal teenagers do.

And I don't want that,"

"So you did it...

for me?"

she asked cautiously.

"I did it for us,"

I stated firmly.

- She looked at me with a look I couldn't decipher.

Maybe it was a look of relief, but also sadness.

She then bit her lip and asked, "You never said anything about this.

Are you sure? Have you thought this through? I don’t want you to regret anything —"

"I'm sure,"

I said reassuringly.

"But the decision is still up to the school board.

They'll give me an answer by next week.

But I don’t see how they won't let me go," "You never know.

You're pretty popular around here,"

she shrugged.

"What are you talking about?"

"Guess who was voted the school’s teacher of the year by our yearly magazine?"

she said as she pulled out a magazine from her bag. "What?"

I gaped at the page she opened for me.

It was a picture of me and a sign that read ‘best teacher’.

"Carrie’s in the school's magazine.

She got me an early copy,"

Emma was smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm glad one of us finds it amusing,"

I snickered.

"You're not happy? You're the school’s favorite teacher!"

she exclaimed.

"I couldn't care less,"

I shrugged, "All I wanna know is who’s your favorite teacher?"

A playful smile curved up her lips as she said, "Mrs.

Greenwald from AP US History,"

I shot her a disappointed glare and she laughed.

"I'm kidding! Of course it’s you.

You're my favorite everything,"

Damn girl, why did you have to be so cute? Her laugh was intoxicating.

Her eyes glimmered when she laughed, and it was so beautiful.

I wanted to cup her little face in my hands and kiss her so bad.

But not here, obviously.

"Let’s get out of this place,"

I said after taking one last look at this pitiful room.

Nodding her head in agreement, she said, "Anywhere with you,"


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