Novel Name : Reaper's Word

Chapter 22: Caught

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"She's waking." A man said and she tried to look around. Someone took her arm and was holding

something in their hand. Clair felt herself being laid down on a hard floor. She was feeling very


"This will keep her calm enough." She felt a sting in the crook of her arm and burning. She made a

sound of pain and tried to jerk away. It felt a lot like a bee sting, what had happened again? Her

memory started to come back slowly but now mixed with odd things. It was hard to tell how much time

was passing.

"He's coming!" Someone shouted into the room. The needle in her arm was removed.

"We'll save the rest for later. Lock it and leave her we have to go. There is no time. He'll stop for her so

we can scatter." Gustav said and there was a lot of movement in the room as at least four people

scampered out. Clair was starting to feel very tired and everything was kind of far away.

It felt like she was just floating there on the floor. Her tongue glued to the top of her mouth, it wasn't so

bad. Nothing seemed to really matter at the moment. She could just lay there and sleep. Sleep that

sounded so good. She felt something though. Something angry and dark and it was coming toward her.

Not so good she needed to leave. It meant something to her, and so she moved to sit up and the room

spun. She gave a hysterical laugh. Looking at her hands like they were new to her. Trying to clear her

head, she moved to stand. She had to leave, she grabbed the bedpost her vision blurred and she was

swaying on the spot. How did one walk again? Wow this was not fun, what had they stuck her with?

The door to the room opened and someone was standing in the doorway. She blinked trying to make

the figure out. She moved her hand from the post to rub her eyes but that was a bad move and her legs

gave out. The floor rushed to meet her, but she felt a strong arm catch her around the middle. She

smelled spearmint. In her head where she seemed trapped she knew this was bad. It was only Isaiah

that smelled like that.

Isaiah had tracked them down, Clair's scent he got just faintly. They would use her in their little ritual.

He found the room and opened the door with his mind, and standing in the dark of the room was Clair.

Not exactly the one he expected to be standing there. Which told him something was wrong with her,

plus the way she looked.

He could hear the others trying to get away as fast as possible. He smelled the scent of a drug in the

room. Her arm that held the bedpost had blood trickling from it a clear needle mark. That was probably

the worst thing he could have imagined them doing to her besides using her body.

She couldn't focus, and when she went to rub her eyes she nearly crumpled to the floor. He moved

forward and caught her around the middle. He lifted her up as she couldn't possibly walk. He set her on

the bed for a second in a sitting position. He made her look at him, but it was obvious that she couldn't

focus long. The lights in the room went on and she winced, making an incoherent sound. Her eyes

were dilated and she smelled of the drug and the scent of another man was on her clothing.

"Clair do you know where they went?" If she knew it would save him time.

"I..idona ill'" He had no idea what she was trying to say, and he pulled the hair from her face.

He could see red marks and the beginning of bruising on her temple and jaw. She took a deep breath

and in a slurred tone but understandable he got what she was saying.

"I don't know, I didn't kill beta."

"He's dead." Isaiah said both about the man who'd killed Beta and Gustav. He'd just polluted Clair with

drugs. He wanted to be able to taste her without such things. It was clear that she put up a fight and

since she didn't do it to herself, the anger was not at her. However he would still have to wait,

aggravating to say the least.

Isaiah picked her back up carrying her to a bathroom. Setting her down, so she could lean over the

bathtub. And none too soon, she was violently sick a few seconds later. Judging by her scent he didn't

think that there was that much in her system. That was good to know.

It seemed that her body was trying to quickly flush it out, and she threw up twice more though it was

mainly dry heaving. He turned on the water and let it run while he rummaged in the cabinet for

something to use. He grabbed the cap of the mouth wash and used that to give her water.

She drank it, though she half spit the first few out. He picked her back up as she was still unsteady and

unfocused. Isaiah hadn't pictured getting a hold of her like this, but he had her now and that was bad

luck on her part. He liked the game they had played, but he wasn't that nice. Wasn't going to let her go

just because others had been the reason for him to get his hands on her.

He moved with meaningful strides down the hall and then down a flight of stairs, Beta appeared. He

looked rather miffed and scented the air looking at them both. Isaiah was shown what happened, Clair

had pulled the knife from his head. She hadn't done anything to harm him. Besides the man that had

was now dead.

"Go find them. I'll be there shortly." Beta moved off and Isaiah went up the glass staircase with Clair.

Her eyes closed at the moment and she was laying against him rather limply. The drug would have to

work it course. He figured that it would take perhaps a couple of hours if that, to work it out from her

system. He knew the house would help the process move faster.

Moving into the room he walked over to where the wooden sliding doors were, and went up the couple

steps that were there. He put one knee on the bed and laid her near the middle. He knelt over her legs

and made her sit up for a second. He took the shirt from her and bra, then let her lay back taking the

rest of her clothes. He didn't want to deal with it or fight her on it when he came back.

He kept his gaze on her face however because he had a few things to do before he came back here for

her. Isaiah leaned over her and took hold of her hair turning her face toward him. Her eyes were slightly

open and she was trying to focus. He knew that she'd pay attention. If she was not here when he came

back, anger wasn't going to cover what he felt. He made sure she knew it too. If he had to hunt her

down again, he wasn't going to look human when he did it. Trust him, no one wanted that.

"If you leave this room Clair. I will hunt you down without mercy. I'm not playing with you this time. I'll

drag you back here and first make you decide how I slowly kill the person of my choosing. You will

watch. Then I will cause you so much pain you'll beg for death, understood?"

"Uh, huh." She said in her slurred voice, tears in her eyes. He knew she wouldn't risk his threat and

that was why he'd made it. Even if she was incoherent. He moved from her and to the door slamming


"You better not let this door open, or I'll damage you again." He said to the house, and he wasn't talking

about the walls. He would go straight to the heart of this place. The island with the statue. He'd done it

before trying to break it, obviously hadn't won, but he had managed to cause it pain. The house walls

had started to bleed.

However he got a calming sensation. This part of the house was his. This section would do what he

wanted and protect him more. Good that calmed him, she wasn't getting aid this time. His eyes slid to

black, he found a chute and tossed her clothes down it. Then he searched for the hell hounds who'd

found a few of the desired humans. This hunt was going to be vindictive. They touched and defiled

what Isaiah wanted most.


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