Novel Name : Reaper's Word

Chapter 6: Filling a Need

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Isaiah felt a very strong desire to laugh louder. It had been a very long time since he'd done that. Her

reaction was most comical. A little different than normal. She'd bolted instantly, where others that he'd

done that to had stood there staring at him for a moment. Like they couldn't think.

It was always helpful to control those that you fed from. Especially when they could be very inventive in

ways to attack you. He felt pain, more than a human would, he felt any physical sensation far more

intensely than a human would. However, he was capable of pushing past it better too.

Even so he was never truly pleased, nor satisfied by anyone or anything, and he'd tried. Oh did he try.

It was frustrating. Frustrating to have this human body and be unable to take care of every need, every

desire, every pleasure to his inhuman body. Really his body was two. He had his human body and

trapped inside was what he really was.

The part of him that didn't seem able to enjoy the same things that his human body did. Like right now,

he knew that it would be simple to please his human side. His other half, not so much, it never was.

There was a long list of rules and constraints on his other side. Only one time had it really felt sated. He

just felt the faint smile he had starting to fade thinking about it. Also the reason he was stuck here.

Isaiah moved down a hall, to go to the west wing of the house. He wanted to go into the greenhouse

there. The most interesting plants grew in there. One it was a good calming area. Two he felt a

presence there that he could use. He was hoping to run across another human, preferably a woman.

Having had Clair so close, his sex drive was revved up at the moment. Isaiah gave a sigh thinking.

He was stuck here until he got what he lost back. Which wasn't going to happen. What he lost was very

specific and his captors, the Grietio family, were most determined to never let that happen. Their eldest

son had a certain annoying talent, he was a rare psychic human. At least a true psychic, he could

control his talents.

Michael was his name, and it was his father that had made the plan to get Isaiah trapped in here.

Michael cross checked each human coming in the building. Made sure that none of them were truly

psychic, in that way would cause a bit of a problem for them. Though a male psychic not so much.

Isaiah had run across a couple male psychics over the years and they had lasted longer than the

others, but no psychic females.

At least one that had real control of her talents. That was the critical point, she had to be able to control

her talent. On a level that he could. He kept hoping that one would slip past Michael, but like Michael

Isaiah was capable of sensing talent. No one was able to hide their signatures, it was an unheard of

ability to be honest. Masking one's psychic signature. That took time and practice, a lot of it. It was a

learned skill and no human was capable of completely doing it. At least from what Isaiah had seen. So

it was a moot point he guessed. Michael had never slipped up even once.

Michael's sister Athena had been a psychic too. She was the reason he was stuck here. She'd been a

very strong and powerful one, able to go into the minds of others and change their memories. That had

been what had drawn Isaiah to her in the first place. However she was dead and he was stuck in here

helpless to get at those that had stuck him in here. He hadn't even cared about the woman, just the

thought of what she could provide. Yet here he was, chained to this damn place.

Isaiah heard a soft movement not far ahead. His mind picked up every detail now and narrowed down

the who, and what it would be. Definitely a woman, good, very good. He liked women, he didn’t

respond to men. Men were just items to feed from.

He was thinking that perhaps the next time he caught Clair he would use her. She might provide far

more pleasurable entertainment than the one he came upon now. There were a lot of good signs there,

but he also wasn't in the mood to kill what was most entertaining human to him either.

"Hello Laura." Isaiah spoke and she whipped around holding a knife in her hand. There was blood on it,

and by the smell it was Zeta's. She would be looking for this woman to come and kill her personally.

Zeta never took it well when a human managed to wound her.

"You just stay right there." She said pointing the blade out, she looked a bit wild eyed.

"I don't think I will. You failed in our last meeting. I’m here to collect. I don't have to keep my word." He

told her, no games for her this time. He had a few needs that had to be met right now and she was it.

He was surprised by the sharpness of which he needed to feed. The fact that he needed a woman's

body. It had been a long time since such a strong urge had struck him, but what did it matter? He had

in front of him what he needed. His human arousal could be taken care of by her. Not that she was

going to do anything for his other half. It had already closed down just seeing her. All it thought of was

prey to consume.

"You said..."

"I know what I said, and you failed to hold up your end of the bargain. I've decided to collect now." He

moved toward her his eyes going solid black. His needs riding him hard. He didn't know if he could

really control himself to not kill her before he took what he wanted from her.

"But you let me go." She said backing up and moving toward the exit of the room they were in.

"I said you could go, not that you were free to go." She looked panic stricken now. Blood always tasted

so much better with that spike of adrenaline running through it. It was such a terrific high. Nearly as

good as feeding during sex. He could get both in a minute.

She turned to run but he was in front of her quickly. Isaiah grabbed the wrist with the knife, with a twist

the bones snapped and she cried out in pain. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back through

the room dragging her by it as she fought with him. He knew she was going to. She was going to try

and stab him and things. So he broke her wrist and took her weapon. Her mind was weak, easy to


"No!" She shouted, "Wait please I don't want to die!" She wasn't really talking to him but it annoyed him

anyways. No one was going to help her. They were all just glad when they heard screams, that it

wasn’t them.

"Should have thought about that before making a deal that you couldn't fulfill." Her good hand was

gripping his wrist where he had a strong hold of her hair. Her nails dug into his wrist, tearing the skin. It

was an irksome pain but he ignored it.

He opened a door to a room just down the hall and pretty much tossed her inside. She got up but there

was no other exit she could see. Isaiah came forward and took hold of her by the throat. He was

already sifting through her memories to see if there was anything he cared to take with him from her.

His mind absorbed the information as he pulled it from her mind. A bit of blood trickled from her nose.

She was roommates with the one name Clair. Though no love loss there. She'd shut Clair out to die,

better her than Laura. He was only interested in the memories she had of Clair to figure her out. His

personal puzzle at the moment. Though they weren't much help. Clair it seemed was normally a very

shy and quiet person. A wall flower that seemed to go unnoticed. That just added to the puzzle. That's

not what he saw when he looked at her. There was a fire in Clair that Laura could see. He let it go for

the moment looking at Laura.

"How about this?" He stated still holding her by the throat, but not overly tight. He forced her to step

back and sit on the edge of the bed. "I'll give you a second chance, fail this time and I'll kill you

instantly." She held his wrist applying pressure with her good hand but she couldn't hope to match his


"I'll even give you four days immunity from me and the hell hounds, to roam where you please."

"Okay, yes, yes." She gasped, not that she really had a choice to accept or not. He was going to do

what he was going to do. The only difference would be if she was alive at the end of it. He had no faith

that she could give him what his body needed. She just didn't have what it took to satisfy him. No one

was even going to try, so he gave incentive. Just once it would be nice.

He forced her back, his mouth over hers just to keep from killing her before he finished. He didn't have

consideration for her. Really it was more of a simple fix, she couldn't very well complain when he gave

her a chance to live.


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