Novel Name : Reaper's Word

Chapter 37: If You Want Me, Play Me For It

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"Always straight to the point." He felt humor at her look.

"Sorry to disappoint you. Though I'm not sure what you could possibly want from me that you haven't

already managed to take or have." She commented with just a bit of a tint to her face.

"You are a very difficult puzzle to figure out. A challenge that I enjoy very much." He handed her the

bow and moved around to her left side. He held out a hand and the arrow came back to him. He

presented her with it and she took it.

Clair knew the basics of it, having shot a bow only a few times in gym class. She knew how to notch it.

Her knowledge past that, was pull back and let go.

"Show me, so I have a chance at this game. Otherwise what is the point? What fun will that be?" He

hadn't told her what it was yet but she wanted to have a chance.

He moved over to her. He showed her how to stand and where to place her hands. He was so close to

her she could smell him. The scent was appealing to her, but she pushed it back in her mind. She didn't

want distractions.

He stepped back slightly and she looked down the arrow. Her first shot was high but hit the target. The

second hit very near the center as did the third. She smiled, it wasn't so hard to do this. That was

unless he made her nervous. She looked at him.

"I've got something I'll play for." He looked at her for a moment clearly trying to decide if he should take

her up on her offer. Curiosity seemed to get the best of him.

"I'm listening." She knew he'd want to know what she had to say. He liked a challenge and he hated to

lose. She'd give him something he most likely wouldn't want to lose complete control over. Which was


"First I'd like to hear what you feel I need to accomplish." He was silent for a moment. A kind of odd

smile came to him.

"Just for you Clair. I'll give you rules first before the deal."

"You're too kind." She said. He moved over to the arrows and grabbed five of them and came over to

her, sticking them slightly in the floor.

"Alright, all five either center or first circle out." Clair looked at the target. She'd gotten her second and

third arrows in the second circle but barely. This time there was going to be pressure to make the shot


"No cheating from you." She said looking at him.

"Such as?" He asked looking at her. She stared at him.

"No purposely trying to make me miss."

"As you wish." He replied with a slight smile. His smile left him a second later. "What is it that you would

like to play for?"

"Me." She said. "If I manage to do as you ask I can deny you anytime I please." He was very quiet at

this and looked at the targets, before his gaze came back at her.

"Worried?" She asked him.

"I'll give you one week not forever." She would take that over nothing.

"Fine." She agreed. Isaiah looked at her. She seemed very determined. He'd decided some time ago

that if she was set on something the chances were very high for her to succeed. He could handle a

week of her denying him seeing as half that time would be during the moon. She looked at him.

"I give my word Clair." she nodded and reached down picking up one arrow. He was going to watch the

first to see and then he'd decide how he'd like to handle her challenge. She said he couldn't purposely

interfere to make her miss. Which left it open for him to interpret how to distract if she didn't struggle

with it.

She aimed, she was very steady and let the arrow go. It hit the line of the yellow center. Yes, he was

right. She would get every arrow where she was supposed to. He wasn't going to let it happen that

easily. Clair picked up the second arrow she pulled it back, and tensed when he stepped up to her. His

right hand and moved around her midsection. His other on the inside of her thigh. He stepped so that

he was flush against her. What was he doing? He wasn't supposed to do that.

"You're cheating, trying to distract me."

"Not on purpose though." She didn't see how this wasn't on purpose. She glanced at him, and he had

no welts or anything on him. Crap, she needed to be more specific next time. It must work kind of like

how she'd gotten outside. He was just doing it in a roundabout way.

"I'd say it is." She said the fingers of his right hand slipping below her pant line over her hip.

"Too purposely make you miss, I'd have to touch part of you that you require to shoot or draw the bow."

He said. She tried her best to ignore him and aimed. Though she was a bit shakier this time. She let go

and to her relief she hit the red circle.

She picked up the next one and aimed. His mouth moved over her neck as she fired and she just

barely hit where she was supposed to. She was finding it harder to concentrate with him touching her.

His mouth still moved over her neck and up to her jaw. Her body reacted and she let out a slow exhale.

He didn't touch her arms or move against her in any way that would force her to move and miss. In fact

his hold kept her where she was. He held very tight against her. She couldn't have pushed or moved

away from him if she wanted to. She could feel his arousal pressed to her backside. His scent filled her

nose. His hands moved to the front of her pants. She picked up the next arrow.

"Cheater." She hissed at him, his right hand sliding farther inside her pants with the button undone. She

tensed again, biting her lip as he touched her intimately. It took her a moment to concentrate, she didn't

have to rush. She bit her lip trying to ignore how he was touching her but that was hard.

She aimed. It took her longer this time to feel steady enough to shoot the arrow, and once again she

made it but just barely. She made a small sound. Her body felt alive and on edge, and he'd purposely

done this to her. He was a lot better at manipulation than she was, and she needed to remember this

for next time. Had to be far more specific. Next time she was going to tell him he had to stand in one

spot, not move or talk.

"One more." He said to her, his breath in her ear. "Miss and I'm going to take you right here and now."

He warned, sinking his fingers into her and her breath hitched. His voice was slightly deeper. She

wanted to win so badly but at the same time she wanted him too. He was getting a reaction from her

even though she tried to ignore it to win.

"Not if I say you can't." She said picking up the last arrow. She aimed shakier than last time. As she

started to release he bit down on her neck and she jerked slightly. The arrow hit the target but not

where she needed it. That son of a bitch, she should have expected him to do something like that. How

was that not on purpose? Guess she didn't need her neck to aim.

He moved slightly, his left hand came up to below her jaw. He forced her head back so he could take

her mouth. His right hand fully undid the pants she wore to shove them down and make her step from

them. He took the bow from her, tossing it harshly as she was still gripping it.

Isaiah turned her and took hold of her hair with one of his hands pulling her head back. His mouth

moved over the front of her neck. He walked her backward, with several quick steps he had her against

the wall. Nearly driving the air from her lungs with the way he forced her back. His hands moving over

her to pull the shirt off and his mouth close to hers.

"Remove mine." She brought her hands forward to free him from the pants he wore. He was overly

glad that she had lost this challenge. He never wanted to be denied access to her for any reason. If he

wanted, she better give damn it. His female should do as she was told.

He lifted her and brought her body onto his. She moaned wrapping a leg around him. She was always

so ready to deny him, yet she responded to him so quickly. His hands dug into her hips as he pressed

against her holding her against the wall. His body thrusting into hers. She was practically dripping from

how wet she was. Did others desire someone this badly they couldn't think, they had to have them? It

felt abnormal even for him, and each time just felt better than the last. She brought her head to his

neck, her lips brushing over the skin in feather light kisses. She had one arm around his shoulders

holding him.

"Harder Isaiah." She breathed into his ear her teeth nipping and he obliged her.

"Take me harder." She more moaned it this time. He didn't hesitate to do so. She gave short little gasps

each time he drove into her. His body reacting violently to the sounds. Her breath sliding over his skin.

Her head dropped back to the wall and he moved his mouth over the front of her neck to the side. His

teeth scraping over the pulse there.

Clair made a sound of approval and his teeth sank into the side of her neck. The white hot pain lasted

only a second. Then she felt the rush of heat through her body. Her response always so quick and

fierce to him. God that felt good, his hands dug into her as well holding her. She didn't know how she

didn't have permanent marks from him and his grip. Her nails dug through the shirt he wore scratching

but he took no note of it. He was doing just what she asked for. Taking her in a harsh fast manner.

Practically felt like he was punishing her body, but she loved it.

She could barely think. She couldn't even recognize her own voice as she cried out. His fingers dug

deeper into her drawing a bit of blood, as her body tightened around him. He raised his mouth from her

neck and brought it to her lips. She could taste the coppery tang there. It didn't bother her either that

taste knowing it was her on his lips.

Isaiah felt the slight separation of himself. His human side sated the moment her body was, but not

what he really was. It wanted more of this woman before he could feel the relief in his body. He brought

a hand up to the side of her head holding her mouth to his. His other hand moving to the back side of

her thigh, hooking her leg to lift her a bit higher.

She cried out again into his mouth. His pleasure and satisfaction ran deep as he knew he could do this

to her. He could make her come for him again and again until he wished to bury himself deep inside

her. Let himself feel his own release. No one was like Clair in his opinion.

Isaiah loved how she felt, how she sounded. He wasn't going to be able to get enough of her. He pulled

her flush against him. His body swelling just a bit more. A dark growl torn from him. Her body held him

deep as she gave a satisfied sound into his mouth feeling him come inside her. Isaiah realized

something in that moment he wasn't sure he liked but could live with. He was deeply attached to a


It was for more than this and he knew it. There were no emotions to put to it. Just that he knew he was

deeply and irrevocably attracted to her. He needed and wanted her. Not in all his time on earth had he

ever come across anything even remotely close to this. He didn't even know this was capable of

happening to him.

He knew that humans might call it love or infatuation. He didn't think himself capable of love so it must

be infatuation. Whatever it was, it was strong, and he would never let Clair go. She belonged to him

and with him. He'd do far more than kill to keep her, he realized.

Clair was breathing rather hard as her mind came down from the high. He was still pressed against her.

His head just touching the wall next to her own. His breathing was uneven but calmer than hers. He

was still holding her rather tightly, lost somewhere at the moment. She could feel it, like he was trying to

figure something out. She didn't know if that was good or bad, he sure seemed to enjoy what they'd


He brought his head up to look at her. His eyes very dark. Not hazel, but black, however the whites of

his eyes were still showing. He brought his hands to her sides sliding them up stopping on her rib cage.

She tightened her legs around him holding herself to him. He still had her pinned to the wall rather

solidly. She met his gaze and she couldn't tell what he was thinking. He seemed to have shut down on


"You fascinate and please me Clair like no other."

"You're not so bad yourself. When I don't have to fear for my life." He gave a slight smile. He moved so

his mouth was just above hers. His lips grazing hers.

"Stay as you are and you won't have to worry about it." He said kissing her lightly. Then moving his

mouth to the side of her neck to lick the bit of blood still there. She shivered slightly. Clair was very lost

at this point in time. She felt that if she just completely let go and accepted this then she was giving up

on the things she thought she believed in. Somehow though she thought she might have already lost

what she'd once been.

He let her down and forced her head up to look at him. He just studied her for a moment like he just

couldn't quite figure it out. What "it" was she didn't know but she guessed she should be thankful for it.

"Never hide from me Clair unless I say." He suddenly demanded of her.

"I'll promise that so long as you allow me the freedom to be evasive." She met his gaze. "I can't be as I

am if I'm caged completely." No he didn't think that she would be the same. The fire in her would slowly

die should he strip her of all freedoms.

"Then we have yet another bargain."

"It seems we do."


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