Novel Name : Reaper's Word

Chapter 34: Where is She

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"You're sure?" Leonardo asked. "If she's been here that long. He would have done something with her

by now. Besides, he wouldn't stop until he could use her to free himself."

"I'm telling you she's been here since before winter. I remember her, I personally told her about this

place." Michael said watching his mother work an incantation to freeze the hell hounds and Isaiah

where they were. He typically wasn’t on kitchen duty, but the last time he was. He recognized the

woman, something about her had stuck with him.

"You checked her didn't you?"

"Yes, she didn't have what was needed. I'm sure of it. I didn't even get the slightest sense of her being

psychic nor the strength."

"It's better to be safe than sorry." Michael's uncle Topaz said. When his mother finished she got back in

the car. The three of them were going up to the house with a few guns for hire. The guns for hire didn't

know that they were going to be left there. A sacrificial trade, they weren’t taking anyone out of the

house. Just eliminating a few sooner.

The three of them got into the cars there and drove to meet the men. Then take them to the house.

What Felicia had done wouldn't take effect until they hit the property. It was a good time now to

reinstate the ritual, and it would keep Isaiah from coming at them as they killed this woman still alive.

Leonardo was the one that addressed the men.

"It's a good drive, but you can have anything you want on the property and you can do whatever you

want to the occupants. We just need those living there taken care of. Especially a woman living there.

She has dark black hair, stands about five eight with a slender build. Kill her and we'll give the one that

gets her a large bonus." There wasn't anything said between the group here, all of them men this time.

This group had signed. They'd used false names, but the document would change it the instant it was

closed. It wasn't the name written, it was the person. They thought it was an agreement so if someone

turned on the others they would know who. All these men were going to be left since they were going to

take out most of the food source that Isaiah had. Isaiah had to stay supplied and healthy if they wished

to live. He would be frozen to reinstate the ritual. Which would allow them a short period of free reign

over the house and the occupants.

"Michael will drive one van. I have the other." Leonardo said and they got in the vehicles. It was a quiet

drive though these men seemed excited about this. All of them were the darker half of society. They

should thank him for ridding them of such dark criminals.

"Anyone in the house is disposable?" A man asked as they had finally reached the drive that brought

them to it. It was nearly a two hour drive.

"Yes, any of them. Take whatever you want."

"Do we have to kill them quickly?" Another asked.

"Whatever you want. We don't really care. Make sure you get any you come across though. I've

already given you half. The other half is when we get back." The two that had spoken smiled at each

other but it was Leonardo that was really going to have the laugh at their expense.

"Holy shit." A different man said looking at the house. "This place has to be loaded." There were twelve

men in all in the two vans. They came up to the front door and the men took out their weapons.

"They won't be expecting this. Most the house is dark, leave a man with dark hair and dark eyes alone.

I need to deal with him personally. He'll be waiting for us." They all gave a nod and Michael let them in.

They wouldn't be coming back out.

Leonardo went in and then down the hall to a sitting room where he knew Isaiah would be. where he

was supposed to be when this happened. He entered the room. His son and brother looking for the

dark haired woman. They would personally see to it.

He entered the room and Isaiah's gaze moved to him though he didn't move. He sat perfectly still in a

chair there. The four hell hounds laying around him. None of them moved but growls emanated around

him. Leonardo moved over to him, knowing full well that he couldn't move or do anything. Neither could

the hell hounds and so he felt very safe at the moment. There was the sound of gunfire somewhere in

the house.

"Turn your arm over." Leonard said to Isaiah who complied instantly and presented him with his left

arm. Leonardo took out a syringe, it held an opaque liquid. It was a combination of things that they

needed. With syringes it was so much easier than forcing it down his throat. It caused his blood to run

thicker and what he was to come very close to the surface.

Isaiah watched the needle go in, the slight sting. The only thing he could move were his eyes and his

mouth if he wished to speak. He slowly felt the burn up his arm. The second the liquid hit his heart his

heartbeat would shoot through the roof. It was painful, like a human having a heart attack.

"Why have you been keeping a dark haired female alive all this time?" Leonardo asked, and in this

state he had to answer truthfully to the best of his knowledge. However Isaiah was very good at

manipulating what he was to say.

"I've kept no one alive on purpose." Isaiah answered, which was the half-truth in a way. He hadn't

planned on keeping her around. It wasn't until today that he'd decided to permanently keep her. He

didn't think that qualified as all this time.

"Where is the dark haired woman?"

"I don't know, in the house somewhere." Isaiah said and Leonardo looked at him taking a silver knife

and slicing into Isaiah's wrist. His heart was beating against his chest like it wanted to escape. It forced

blood far too thick through his body.

"Is she what you need?"


"Do you know for sure?" Leonardo asked and he held Isaiah's arm over a silver funnel. The dark blood

slid down it and into a silver flask, with markings all over etched into the surface.

"If she had been what I needed wouldn't I have left by now? Used her the way that I needed?" Isaiah

growled impatiently. He was severely annoyed that the man was touching him. He couldn't just kill him.

He wouldn't even drink from him. He'd just like to see it spread across the floor as the man slowly died.

"She must mean something. What is she to you then?" There was more gunfire upstairs. Isaiah's gaze

met Leonardo's.

"She is what I want. She does for me what no other human seems capable of doing."

"That is?"

"To provide suitable company, for a multitude of reasons." Isaiah said, his eyes were black now and he

could feel his canines. His body was moving toward a very high strung state. He always hated how out

of control he was once they released him. His skin was darker now as well. His back itched from the

hidden wings.

He craved and desired. When he couldn't fulfill his needs he became more than violent. His real side

would come through and he'd tear through the house until he got what he needed. Until he calmed

himself enough. Which would take a very long time if they got Clair or every person in the house.

"Well we don't much care for the liking you've taken to her. We will be staying until we find her and kill

her." Isaiah felt a very angry spike in him. Like hell they were. He thought quickly and then he hoped

that what he'd just thought of worked.

"Where do you think she is? Can you find her mentally?" Isaiah looked at him. He'd been stripped of so

many powers when he came in here, but they couldn't take most of his mental endowments or a couple

other talents.

"Yes." He'd used no name so he could find any of the women in the house. Except Clair. He just said

her, pretty nondescript. Leonardo’s problem, not Isaiah’s.

"Then tell me where she is. Her and any other woman in the house." Isaiah narrowed his eyes, he

knew what Leonardo was doing. He knew what happened to Isaiah. How primal he became and the

drive for everything basic and simple revved up.

"She is on the third floor. Fourth bedroom on the north side of the house after the mirror room."

"Not so hard." Isaiah felt his fingertips tense on the chair. His nails starting to dig into them. The longer

he sat here, the worse it was going to get for him. His senses were so sharp right now, sight, sound,

smell, touch... he needed to get up and tear through the house. The energy in him was eating at him.

Leonardo used a walkie-talkie to speak with the others and told them where she was. Then he had

Isaiah tell him where all the others were.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving a group of well trained men behind. You should have plenty of fun with them."

With that he turned and left the room. Once he was gone, Gamma stood and glanced at Isaiah.

"No." Isaiah said and she sat back down. If she started after him then the others would know he wasn't

in control of her. They’d tear the house apart, not stopping till they found Clair. Plus he wanted to be the

one to kill the man when the time came. Gamma was never going to be able to take them alone. Isaiah

breathed through his nose and a growl came out of him. He hoped they killed Leanne quickly with the

couple other women and got out. He couldn't take this restraint much longer.


"Anyone here? We're here to help you, to get you out!" Michael called moving down the hall. They'd

gotten one by saying that. It wasn't working too well this time. However they heard more gun fire

through the house and knew that they were killing those still here.

Michael heard what Leonardo said and they made haste to the room where they were told. They went

up and down the hall toward the back of the house. They opened the door and went in. Michael pointed

to an opening up in the ceiling. Topaz was the one that spoke.

"Hello? We're looking for survivors." There was a slight movement in the opening and then a man came

down. He looked rough and hollow.

"You are?" He asked not looking very trusting. Michael cursed he thought that she was supposed to be

in the room.

"Yes, come on." Michael said. Topaz was turning to leave the room. There was noise and then a

woman came from the ceiling. He say the dark hair and smaller stature of the woman. She moved

climbing down with her back to them as she gripped the edge of the opening to drop down.

"Carlos," She started and Michael recognized her as the woman from nearly a year ago. He lifted his

gun and fired. Shot her right in the head and she fell forward against the dresser that she'd climbed

down from. Topaz turned and shot Carlos. Done, easy as that.

"Looks like she was in here, that was her right?" Michael looked at the dead woman. The bullet passed

through the back of her head and front. Her face had hair and blood. Half ruined but he recognized her.

"Yes." Michael said and looked at the woman laying on her side. She had the same dark hair same

smaller figure. He wasn't always in charge catching all the people to use. The entire family had to do it,

he always came outside to at least check for ability. Scanning groups for a psychic signature. He did

interact more with the tour like groups. That was his method of capture and she’d been in one. They

moved on to the next rooms and did as they were told. All of them were rather relieved. They didn't

take chances where Isaiah was concerned.

"He'll think twice before doing this again." Topaz said.

"Probably thought it was a good game. He'd kept her alive for a long time. Probably just dicking with


"More than likely, but he's fucked now. He'll only have that group of men to tear through only able to

feed one hunger. Unless he gets desperate." They both gave a short laugh and moved to find

Leonardo so they could leave. The men in the house were looting it. While Michael knew there were

still some left in the house from before it didn't really matter, and none were female.


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