Novel Name : A Graduation Gift

Chapter 78 Better To Be Pregnant Than To Marry Well

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After Edith left, Cassandra pulled the quilt over her head. She had no desire to get off the bed.

With her face facing the wall, tears slowly started to slide down her cheeks. Now that it had begun,

there was no way of stopping it. Her tears seemed to be endless.

In her parents' eyes, she wasn't gentle or sweet. In fact she was a cold lady when compared to Cloris.

Therefore, she never received the attention from her father which she had always craved.

This world now seemed like a bleak and hopeless place. People often preached about doing good

deeds anonymously. However, after one had done a good deed in secrecy, they wouldn't regard you as

a good person. People had a way of taking advantage of those who were kind.

Life wasn't fair and people who didn't deserve the love often ended up getting it.

While Cassandra was drowning in her misery, she felt someone lie beside her. He slowly stretched his

arms and closed them tightly against her body. His hug was quite strong and Cassandra could feel her

body temperature notch up.

Without even turning she knew it was Rufus.

In the past few days, every time he came to visit her, he would silently watch her for a while before

leaving the bedroom. But this hug came as a surprise. She was shocked to see that he had come to

bed to be with her tonight.

Anxiety started to rise in her body and she wanted to move free from his hug. Rufus, however,

assumed that she intended to run away. In order to stop her, he held her even tighter.

"You know what will happen if you continue to move!"

he whispered into her ears. This was a warning and his lips curved into an evil smile. Now Cassandra

held her breath out of fear. She didn't dare to move or make any sort of noise.

She didn't know how long it had been since his warning. But Cassandra didn't relax until she heard

Rufus's slow and steady breath. 'He has fallen asleep!' she thought with relief washing over her.

Carefully, Cassandra turned and now they were face to face.

'He is handsome. But keeps furrowing his brows even when he is sleeping. This is such a bad habit, '

Cassandra thought to herself.

In spite of his frown, there was something very peaceful about watching him sleep. It made Cassandra

feel secure and protected.

Rufus had an outstanding facial features. Watching his gorgeous face, Cassandra really hoped that

she could spend the rest of her life with him.

As she watched him, she drifted off to sleep. Tonight she didn't have any nightmare. It was a peaceful


The day before she moved to the Tang mansion, Ivy was extremely excited. Her excitement reached a

level where sleeping became impossible to her.

Her thoughts revolved completely around Cassandra. She was planning and plotting what she would

do when she could finally confront with Cassandra. Her dream was to challenge her status in the Tang

family. But when she moved in, Cassandra wasn't at home. Ivy felt a surge of disappointment. That was

when she learned that Cassandra had a fever hence she was staying in the hospital.

Horace thought that Cassandra was finding an excuse to escape. But his disappointment was gone

once he realized that it would be very difficult for Cassandra to accept the fact that Ivy would be


In a sarcastic tone, Jill said, "Well, she is aware that she can't give birth to a child. I guess she is too

ashamed to face us."

However, Lionel didn't find Jill's words funny. Instead he found it extremely harsh. He never had sex

with Cassandra so he knew why she wasn't pregnant yet. Therefore, when Jill accused Cassandra of

being infertile, he had an urge to defend her.

But at the same time he realized that Ivy was standing right next to him. He had no choice but to keep


Horace, on the other hand, also wished to shut Jill. She was being mean. Just like Lionel, he abstained

from speaking because Ivy was present. With great difficulty, he controlled himself and glared at Jill.

Ivy detected the helpless look on Horace's and Lionel's face. It was shown only for a few seconds, but

her powerful eyes noticed them. This made her realize how important her child was.

Her child meant a great deal to the Tang family which was why even Horace and Lionel feared her.

Knowing her status in the family, Ivy easily turned the Tang mansion into her own home. One by one,

she started to show her rights over everything. She was bossy and always found a reason to make the

servants work. Besides, she ordered the chef to cook all kinds of nutritious meals for her.

But when she was with Jill, her attitude seemed completely different. There was no pride but only love

for Jill.

Jill was a big fan of jade. Ivy once asked someone to go abroad to buy raw jade for Jill and later asked

an expert to engrave it, making a whole set of jade accessories. They were delicate and had great


"Auntie, this is for you!"

When Horace wasn't at home, Ivy seized the opportunity and presented Jill with this delicate and

beautiful jewelry box.

Jill opened the box. The ice jade was shining and the jade ring looked flawless. There was also a pair

of earrings shaped in magnolia flowers which was equally elegant and refined. Not to mention the

pendant, which displayed the carver's perfect and amazing skill.

Jill looked at Ivy and thought about Cassandra who seldom talked to her. Deep down she felt Ivy was

much better than Cassandra. Sadly, she wished that Ivy was her daughter-in-law.

Besides, Jill enjoyed talking to Ivy about beauty and skin care. Ivy had good knowledge in them and

would recommend her some nice beauty salons. And when it came to luxury, Ivy was an expert too. It

was a subject that she spoke about with great familiarity.

Jill sometimes spoke about this topic with her other friends but they weren't as good as Ivy. Women of

her age weren't as open and adaptive as young people like Ivy. With a busy life, it was hard for them to

follow the fashion trend.

But Ivy was different. She would buy clothes released on the Fashion Week and gift them to Jill as

soon as they came out.

When Jill put those clothes on and showed off in front of her friends, they all burnt with jealousy. In

short, Ivy made her proud.

Earlier, she was known just as a rich woman. Behind her back, people thought of her as someone

without any taste. They gossiped about her and spoke about her lack of fashion sense. But ever since

Ivy moved in, she would help her pick out the outfit. By now, Jill felt her life would be hard without Ivy.

So she gathered her courage and complained to Horace, "You know what, Horace. I didn't feel the

presence of a new member until Ivy moved in. She is so much more cheerful and friendly when

compared to Cassandra. Cassandra, on the other hand, doesn't even bother to look at me!"

Listening to her words, Horace just rolled his eyes. He directly pointed out that she was being


"You idiot! Ivy takes money from Lionel for the gifts that she gets you. They are not her presents! They

come from the Tang family. She wants you to like her. Of course she is willing to do anything in order to

please you. She isn't sincere and you are a fool for falling!"

Watching the back of his head, Jill glared at him with annoyance.

With anger, she continued, "Even if Ivy did that on purpose, she is still way better than Cassandra.

When Cassandra sees me, she acts like a mouse that has seen a cat. She runs away from me and

never tries to strike up a conversation. I can't remember having a proper conversation with her!"

After he heard Jill complain, Horace felt anger surge inside him towards Ivy.

"Cassandra isn't good at flattering others. She is talented and can manage the design department of

the Tang Group. What can Ivy do? Tell me! She is good for nothing!"

Jill didn't want to give up so she murmured, "I don't know what she can do but she's the one Lionel

really loves! And she has a baby which Cassandra doesn't. No matter how talented Cassandra is, she

is not capable of winning Lionel's heart."

Hearing Jill, Horace burst into laughter.

"We can't be so sure of that, Jill. Cassandra is extremely talented and Lionel might fall in love with her

some day. As for Ivy… she will leave when she gives birth to the baby. She is not a permanent member

but a guest of the Tang family."

But Jill was stubborn and wouldn't listen to Horace. No matter what Horace said, she still believed Ivy

was the best. Jill even urged Lionel to get off work as early as he could so that he could come home

and accompany Ivy.

Lionel was busy taking care of Ivy recently. He helped her buy all kinds of baby products. Moreover, he

drove her to do body check, accompanied her to take parenting class and even did prenatal yoga with


Ivy took satisfaction at being given such proper care. She loved all the attention she received from the

people in the Tang family. All these made her feel like she was Lionel's wife. And she intended to spend

the rest of her life feeling this way.

Her determination to take Cassandra's place magnified as the days passed. She was willing to do

anything in order to become a permanent member of the Tang family. She had no intention of giving up

so easily.

Rufus was the only one in the family that gave her a cold shoulder. He seldom talked at dinner. At

times, he made his distaste evident. In order to ignore her, he would talk business with Horace. He

pretended like she had no part in his life.

Ivy was aware that it was Rufus who had changed the video in the victory banquet before. To be

completely honest, she was a little scared of him which was why she tried her best to stay away from


After all, she was pregnant and if Rufus did something to hurt her baby, she would lose everything.

Ivy didn't know what Rufus thought of the baby. Hence she wasn't in a state to task risk.

The worst was yet to come. Cassandra knew that sooner or later she would have to go back and face

Ivy. She had stayed in the hospital for more than a week. There was no reason for her to stay there any

longer. If she did, it would certainly raise suspicion.

Rufus helped her complete the discharging formalities. Once he was done, he went and picked her up.

Cassandra was nervous and he could tell it from her expression.

As Rufus drove to the Tang mansion, Cassandra found herself fidgeting and sweating.

'I am Tang family's daughter-in-law. Ivy is no one! I am the one who is married to Lionel, not Ivy. Why

should I be nervous? If anyone must feel nervous then it should be Ivy, ' she told herself inside her


Glancing at her, Rufus stretched out his hand and patted on her shoulder. Although he didn't utter a

word, his action somehow calmed her.

'You got this, Cassandra. There is nothing to be afraid of, ' Cassandra told to herself internally, trying to

cheer up.

When she walked into the living room, Horace wasn't there. She was brought face to face with Jill who

was sitting on the sofa.

When she saw Cassandra, she passed her a quick look and then brought her attention back to the TV

which she was watching.

Taking a deep breath, Cassandra began to greet her, "Mother, I'm back."

Jill sneered at her and continued to watch her drama. She didn't think Cassandra deserved a reply.

Watching this rejection, Cassandra felt a little humiliated. With no intention of trying again, she started

walking towards her room. When she was about to walk in, she heard someone walking behind her.

She turned around and saw that it was Lionel and Ivy.

Cassandra couldn't help but notice Ivy's growing abdomen. Ivy was wearing a tight dress like she

wanted everyone to notice her tummy.

It was a common knowledge that pregnant women would prefer loose clothes because their figure

would be out of shape during pregnancy. Ivy, however, took pride in it.

This baby was her ploy to gain respect and replace Cassandra in the Tang family, therefore she

couldn't wait to flaunt it.

While walking past Cassandra, Ivy put one hand on her belly and looked coldly at Cassandra.

"It is better to be pregnant than to be married," Ivy said with a smug smile.


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