Novel Name : A Graduation Gift

Chapter 112 Cassandra's Final Decision

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Vernon's case was finalized at court; the judges finally gave him a ten-year jail sentence.

Edith wailed with agony, however, Cassandra seemed so indifferent that not even a hint of tears could

be found on her face.

Since the responsibility of managing the Qin Group fell on her shoulders, she did not have the luxury of

time to allow herself to fall into sadness. There was a more pressing need for her to immediately start

devoting herself to the hectic work schedule ahead of her.

Accompanied by Cassandra and Cloris, Edith stepped out of the courtroom. The sky was clean and

blue; the clouds looked pure and white.

Having made up her mind to disperse all the grief-stricken memories that had been afflicting her family,

Cassandra felt the need to say to herself silently, 'I will try my best to support the family, to maintain and

sustain all the things that we have been enjoying.'

Finally, the Union of Real Estate was soon to be established in G City. The election of the Director of

the Union was rather imminent, and everyone was highly concerned about this event. People from all

walks of life were enthusiastically guessing which group would be able to win over the other, the Tang

Group or the Dawn Star Group.

Although the two parties had their own strengths, it seemed that the Tang Group had a higher chance

of winning the game. Recently, the Tang Group was exhibiting an overall enthusiastic aura. As the

manager of their architectural design department, Cassandra was granted a resounding award thanks

to her outstanding performance in an American architectural design competition. Meanwhile, the Tang

Group had already invested in some projects in G City, such as the construction of Nursing Home

Project and the Amusement Park Plan, which had all won the group a positive reputation as a strong


While the Dawn Star Group had undertaken just the same amount of projects as the Tang Group, due

to these projects being of smaller scale, it was difficult for the company to broaden their sphere of

influence in the city. Although the company did have a great number of business counterparts, it was

highly likely that it would be at a disadvantage when it came to the scale factor. Given this, it was

difficult to say whether or not Dawn Star Group could seize the votes of their partners.

Right at this critical juncture, a piece of rather heavy news was just disclosed by the insiders, which

could possibly reverse the situation.

Vernon, who had just been sentenced to jail for bribing an official, was found to be related by marriage

to Horace Tang, the Chairman of the Tang Group.

Even more shocking was the news that Cassandra was Vernon's biological daughter.

As the information was bombarded throughout the people in G City, the companies of real estate

experienced much turmoil.

As Vernon was found to be guilty of his crime, the people turned cautious as to avoid any signs of

connection with him. To the everyone's surprise, the Tang Group had quite a close relationship with the

Qin Group.

The residents could barely stop their imagination from running wild. Since the Tang Group was so

closely tied to the Qin Group, how could it be as clean and uncorrupted as it appeared to be on the

surface? The inner workings were probably not much better than those of the Qin Group. They could

be all tarred with the same brush.

For example, the largest private hospital in G City had planned to build a hospital branch recently. Such

a crucial project ended up being taken over by the Tang Group. Although Jenks and Horace did share a

friendly relationship, with someone spreading the news entangled with rumors, many still chose to

believe that it was not as simple as it seemed to be—the Tang Group must have done something

behind the scenes to get such an opportunity.

The discussions inevitably reached Horace's ears, who could do nothing but foamed with anger.

"Who could've done this? They exposed the relationship between me and Vernon at this crucial time. It

must be part of some plan against the Tang Group!"

After slamming his hands on the table to vent his anger, Horace suddenly began to cough heavily.

In a hurry, Jill rushed up to him to pat his back and ease him as he channeled air back into his lungs.

"Don't be angry. Don't be angry. Lionel told me that the election for the Director of Union will commence

soon. Is it going to get affected?"

Still in a blur, Jill could barely understand the complex business world with such an innocent mindset.

"Of course it's going to be affected! And the effect is huge!" Horace exclaimed.

Again, he fell into a coughing fit so hard as if he were coughing his lungs out. He could barely catch his


In a panic, Jill hastily asked someone to call Doctor Jason in.

His eyes clouded by a dark mist, Horace was both angry and anxious. Who could've purposely

disseminated the information?

It was timely, just before the election. If the Tang Group's reputation was damaged because of the

incident, they would consequently lose the election, allowing the Dawn Star Group to take the winning


Unfortunately, the bad news didn't end there. Someone had also taken a photo of Lionel accompanying

Ivy to prenatal care which later became another hit headline for the public. If the baby was Lionel's,

news would get out that he had committed adultery.

In the past, the public only knew of his mistress but wasn't aware of Cassandra's existence as his legal


As it became known that Lionel was a soon-to-be father of his mistress's baby, the public wouldn't stop

gossiping about it.

Maybe because it was a part of human nature, spectators loved to stick their noses in other people's

businesses and comment on other people's affairs. The two incidents had been the hottest topics of

people's daily conversations now in G City. Cassandra, who stood at the center of the gossip tornado,

was under the most pressure.

It was already unusual for her to become the manager of the architectural design department right after

her graduation from college, which many considered a stroke of undeserved luck and envied. Very few

individuals truly appreciated her talents from the beginning. It was her hard work and skills that shut the

others' judgmental mouths. Not only was she acknowledged by the employees of the Tang Group, but

she also received many compliments and accolades from her clients as well.

Still, all her efforts and accomplishments seemed so trivial under the storm of rumors.

Some merely turned their blind eyes to her achievements and claimed that she had assumed the role

because she was the daughter-in-law of the Chairman of the Tang Group.

Others claimed that she didn't have a real relationship with Lionel and that their marriage was simply

an arrangement where the two had agreed to not intervene in each other's life.

Some even made the absurd claim that Lionel turned to Ivy because of Cassandra's inability to bear a


The overwhelming rumors gave Cassandra a severe headache to the extent that all she wanted to do

was cover both her ears and shut her eyes until the nonsense cleared away by itself.

"It's all bullshit!"

as she fixed her coffee at the table, Stella advised her to ignore all the gossip.

Though Stella had always been straightforward and strongly worded, she indeed made sense and

Cassandra had gotten used to the way she expressed herself.

While she tended to be rather carefree, Stella was well capable of doing her job.

In fact, she had arranged an interview with one of the local business newspapers and asked the

journalist reporters to craft an interview journal with the Tang Group. In the question and answer

session, she purposely threaded the topic about the widest spread rumors regarding the Tang Group.

"The Tang Group is the pioneer real estate company in this city and even in the province. One of the

integral reasons for its success lies in the development of its employees. I am aware that our

architectural design manager, Cassandra Qin, has been allegedly involved in some scandals recently. I

can promise everyone that it is because of her ability that she has assumed her current position. As for

her personal life, I hope that she is not unnecessarily disturbed by the public and is able to stay away

from public focus. After all, everyone has the right to guard what he or she treasures in life," Stella


Her solemn expression and ambiguous answer aroused even more curiosity in the public.

What was Cassandra trying to guard? After the interview, there was a sudden shift in attitude and focus

of the public, and people started believing that it was Lionel who had done something wrong.

All of a sudden, the post headlines became criticisms on Lionel's affair and they were everywhere. The

agitated public spoke on behalf of the diligent architect and condemned the disloyal husband.

In fact, when Cassandra's true identity was revealed, Stella had contested her, "Cassandra, am I not

your friend? How could you hide that from me?"

Her anger almost brought her to tears.

"Stella, I didn't mean to keep it from you. I just didn't want anyone in the company to treat me differently

because of my identity as the Tang's daughter-in-law," she explained.

After seeing Stella's reaction, Cassandra realized that the secret she kept from her had hurt her friend

deeply. Although she was aware that trust was paramount between good friends, she still hesitated to

confess to Stella until the moment it was unveiled by someone else.

"Do you really think I would do that? Would I judge you and doubt your skills just because of your

relationship with the chairman?" With stern words, Stella challenged her friend.

Cassandra's betrayal seriously damaged Stella's trust in her. She was a straightforward person, so she

naturally disdained any form of insincerity. Among the people in the Tang Group, Cassandra was

someone she trusted the most, but she turned out to be the one who wasn't even honest in terms of

her very identity.

"Stella, it's not only that I don't want others to see me as the chairman's daughter-in-law. Can't you see

how the relationship is between me and my husband?" Heaving a deep sigh, Cassandra tried clarifying


As much as she didn't want to point out the harsh truth, that was her reality.

She simply wasn't capable of forcing herself to act as Lionel's dear wife in front of other people or

follow him wherever he went. Her acting skill was not even comparable to that of Lyndsy, and she could

barely hide her true feelings as well as Ivy could.

It turned out that Cassandra's explanation didn't do well for Stella, as she didn't buy it. Though she

knew that Cassandra must have had her reasons, she wasn't so eager to find them out. All she knew

was that she felt cheated—how could she not be the first to know of it?

Having heard the news from someone other than Cassandra was unacceptable to her.

"Then, what do you plan on doing next? Are you going to take over your dad's company?"

Quickly, she pushed aside her negative feelings and let her concern for Cassandra surface.

"I'll take over, of course. That's my dad's only asset in his entire life. I've tried so hard to save it and I'll

guard it for as long as I'm able to."

Her tone was determined and firm.

"What is this nonsense?" Lionel shouted in anger.

The blogs and posts online only ignited his burning fury and almost drove him to throw his computer

against the wall to vent out the fury.

"Mistress of Lionel Tang Forced His Wife Away!"

"A Playful Man and a Forbearing Woman, How Can the Able Woman Win the Game?"

The article titles that drew the eyes of the public portrayed Lionel as some kind of bastard Casanova of

his era.

While Lionel was deeply irritated by the public judgment, Ivy, being one of the protagonists, was

unconcerned by the offensive remarks online, for all she cared about was how to beat Cassandra. She

had a vague feeling that by breaking the news, it would become harder for Cassandra to stay in the

Tang family.

It was Cassandra who was under the most stress, being pressed by the Qin and the Tang families at

the same time.

The Tang Group was eager to explore the market and expand themselves, while the Qin Group, under

accusation, was on the brink of collapsing.

Being right in the middle of these two matters, Cassandra had no way to stay balanced.

If she supported the Tang Group, it would definitely doom the Qin Group; and if she decided to support

the Qin group, Horace would be disappointed.

It was a tough situation. 'Which side will you choose, Cassandra? What will you do to break out of the


Which side will you tilt the balance to? Are you going to be trusted by the Tang Group as you were

before?' Ivy asked silently.

As if she were the evil witch who saw Snow White with the poisonous apple in her hand, Ivy's mouth

twisted into a wicked smile. She wanted to know how Snow White would make her final decision.


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