Novel Name : A Graduation Gift

Chapter 423 An Accident On Set

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Lionel looked at Cassandra, begging her with his eyes.

'Cassandra, are you really going to let the Tang Group die right under your nose?' he seemed to say.

The silent question asked by Lionel was yet to receive an answer. Cassandra took a deep breath and

let out a huge sigh.

'I have dreamed to be an architect almost all my life. Still, reality strikes. Maybe it's not meant to be. I'm

no longer the type of person who would go for my dream despite everything that the world is telling me.

I'm no longer that stubborn child, ' Cassandra thought.

She knew that Lionel was sincere. A myriad of thoughts crossed her mind.

Never could she have imagined that Lionel would ever ask her to return to the Tang Group. Strangely,

she did not seem to want to go back anyway.

"Mr. Tang, there are plenty of other excellent designers. I'm afraid I no longer want to go back," she

declined firmly.

Again, she had to reject Lionel. But he wasn't giving up just yet.

"Why? Cassandra, please come back. I will give you a much better salary compared to what you earn


Lionel tried to exclaim enthusiastically, hurriedly thinking of a good deal that Cassandra might have

difficulty refusing.

"It has nothing to do with money. I will stay here for as long as Lyndsy's studio exists. When I was

hopeless, it was Lyndsy who gave me a chance. We, humans, should appreciate other people's

kindness and pay it back, shouldn't we?"

Cassandra replied seriously. Lionel's eyes landed on the documents piled on her desk. Suddenly, he

realized something.

"Fine, then. Forget about it. Since this is what you want, I won't ask you again. But this I assure you:

our doors will always be open for you. If ever you decide that you want to be the Architectural Manager

of the company again, I will graciously accept," he said gently before he finally took his leave.

He wanted to be sure Cassandra knew this. She put up a polite smile and responded, "If chance

permits, I would love to work with you someday, Mr. Tang."

'I will never be going back with him but this is the least I can do. I should at least make him feel good, '

she thought.

Squinting his eyes, unconvinced, Lionel turned and finally left.

When he arrived in his car, he took out his phone and searched Lyndsy's recent activities.

"Famous actress Lyndsy is shooting a new film at the Film Base. The director of the film, who has

gotten a budget of thirty million, is the well-renowned…"

Lionel read the news online as a slice of cruelty flashed across his eyes.

'Cassandra did say that she would work for the studio for as long as it existed. Well then, I guess it's

time to make the studio disappear, ' he thought as a sinister smile crawled across his face.

In a chilly night such as this one, that smile would probably send shivers done anyone's spine.

'I know you'll be back, Cassandra. You'll be back sooner than you think. I'll make sure of it, ' he swore.

In the Film Base, Lyndsy was preparing herself to be lifted up. The movie, set in an ancient setting, was

being filmed by the best teams in the country. This was also the biggest project of TY Group. Because

of that, everyone was determined to make sure that it was perfect.

That day, Cassandra was also there to accompany her employer.

While she was helping straight out her clothes, the martial arts director came over to check the

condition of the equipment that would be used to hang Lyndsy. Then, he went to her again just to make

sure that she had not changed her mind about doing the routine herself.

"Are you sure you don't want a stunt double for you? The routine is quite challenging today,"

the martial arts director asked with concern. For an award-winning actress like Lyndsy, there was

absolutely no need for her to take the risk.

"Lyndsy, why not use a stunt double? Look! The stunt double is ready!"

Cassandra echoed the martial art director's sentiments and also showed concern, pointing at the stunt

double who was already dressed and made up, ready to take on the scene.

It looked really dangerous. Cassandra could not help herself from worrying about Lyndsy.

"This is the first time that I am in a movie of this genre. I would almost offend myself if I get someone

else to do this scene for me. No way!"

Lyndsy replied stubbornly. Besides, these people were the best in their fields. She had her full faith in

them. Nothing could possibly go wrong.


Cassandra started, still trying to think of ways to make Lyndsy change her mind. In her gut, she felt as

if something was wrong. She couldn't explain it, but she really felt like something bad was going to


"It's okay, Cassandra! Don't worry. Just stay here and watch my performance,"

Lyndsy assured her as she grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face the other way. Then, she

patted her back and proceeded to go on set.

Helpless, Cassandra just turned around and followed Lyndsy with a glance before she finally heeded

her instruction to stand aside.

Lyndsy was straightforward. She could be pretty stubborn, it was difficult to change her mind. When

she said something, more often than not, it was final.

"Alright, I'm ready!"

she called out as she slightly swung her costume. The white dress was flowing in the air, making her

look like an angel.

The martial arts director smiled and walked towards the director.

With a megaphone, he announced, "Get ready! Everyone in place!"

All the people involved prepared themselves for the next sequence. According to the plan, they were

going to do a trial first.

Cassandra covered her chest with her both hands. She felt her heart racing. The machine had lifted

Lyndsy to some height so Cassandra had to raise her head.

Under the clear, blue sky, Lyndsy looked enchanting. After she was in position, the director confirmed

that the camera was rolling, and finally called out, "Action!" Soon, Lyndsy started flying downward very

swiftly, guided only by the machine.

The wind blew against her hair. She was gorgeous and elegant.

A mild smile lit up her face. At that moment, she was just like an innocent angel.

Cassandra watched, dazzled by her beauty. Lyndsy was indeed beautiful.

What she did not realize then was that this was going to be the last smile that would ever be caught by

the camera.

With a loud cry, Lyndsy's graceful descent turned into a quick freefall. Like a kite without a string, she

fell forcibly to the ground.

Her white costume was dirtied by the dust on the floor.

A big thump echoed through the set. After that, no other sound came out of her.

Cassandra was petrified. It was as if time had stopped, her surroundings froze. In the next moment,

she realized that people were starting to gather around Lyndsy.

Everyone was frightened, horrified, and struck with terror.

While Cassandra, her lips slightly apart, looked at what was before her with her mouth wide open in


Someone started to call for an ambulance while someone else tried to maintain order. Still, Cassandra

was stupefied.

She looked at the broken string, then looked at the people around Lyndsy. Suddenly, she felt a surge of

strength in her body that propelled her to run to the crowd.

She was silent, but tears flowed from her eyes and dropped onto the ground.

With all her might, she squeezed through the small space in between the people until she reached the

innermost layer where she was able to see Lyndsy.

She was facing down with half of her face flat on the ground. Eyes closed, face dirty, she was like a

dust-covered pearl.

The sight made Cassandra tremble. She felt her knees give in and ended up squatting on the ground

as she tried to wipe the dust off of her friend's face.

She was very pale but the part of her face that was on the ground was red as blood seeped from her


The dirt that mixed in with it turned reddish brown. Cassandra felt her hand grow cold from fear.


Cassandra started to say her name softly, tears streaming down her face.

Lyndsy stayed motionless, like a broken, lifeless doll. There was no way she could hear Casandra's


The ambulance soon arrived. Medical staff came down and the crowd automatically gave way for them

to move the patient.

The martial arts director started to describe the incident to the doctor, gesturing with his hands to

indicate the height from which Lyndsy dropped.

Absent-minded, Cassandra rose and looked at the faces in front of her.

She then started to walk towards the martial arts director. Before she could even think about what she

was going to, she blurted out, "Didn't you double-check with everything and guarantee her safety?

Didn't you claim that you are the best team hired by the TY Group?"

Her voice was quivering. Every word she uttered seemed to drain all her energy.

"Miss Qin, there are always risks involved with stunts like this. We did a thorough check of the

equipment before we started filming and confirmed that it was, indeed, safe to use. We will be sure to

conduct another investigation afterward," he replied diplomatically.

He seemed to be very experienced in dealing with such questions. He was ready with canned answers

for every disgruntled client such as Cassandra.

"Risk? Why did you let her film this given the risk? Couldn't you do it with a computer instead?"

Cassandra could no longer control herself. She shot accusations without trying to mince her words. Her

usual composure was nowhere to be seen. When a sign that indicated 'TY Entertainment' came in her

sight, she felt like a huge box of fury exploded. Finally, she lost it.

"Miss Qin, please calm down. The priority now is to take Lyndsy to the hospital and help her recover.

Let's talk more after that is settled,"

the martial arts director replied coldly. He looked very unfazed with the situation. He was composed––

too composed. He seemed unmoved by Cassandra's confrontation and the panic on everyone in the


Tears trickling down her face as Cassandra watched her friend be carried into the ambulance. Worried,

angry, and terrified, she followed.

After taking a couple of steps, she suddenly turned to warn the man with a grim face, "If anything

happens to Lyndsy, I will make you pay!"

There was coldness in her eyes. Never had she been this frightened all her life.

Just now, Lyndsy was lively and excited. In the next moment, she looked almost dead. She fell from

such a big height. Was she able to survive and recover?


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