Novel Name : A Graduation Gift

Chapter 116 What's Her Name

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This was perhaps the first time that Cassandra was dreaming during an afternoon nap. She'd fallen

asleep in a distorted position in the office chair.

Time flew fast in her dream. Seasons changed in seconds. One second it was summer; then, autumn;

next instance, winter. As she stood there looking at the leaves and light change around her, a shadow

accompanied her. She recognized it to be Rufus, standing next to her, through the tumultuous changes.

The spring flowers were beautiful and so were the fallen autumn leaves. The winter snow glistened so

beautifully it stunned her.

She looked at Rufus through flying hair in front of her eyes, grabbed his hand and walked in the snow.

Their heads were covered in gently falling snow, making it look like they had grey hair. It looked like

they were a couple grown old together. Dreams often, were considered to a method of wish fulfilment.

Cassandra always believed the idea of two people in love growing together was the most beautiful and

romantic thing in the world. She had always imagined to be with someone who she could share this

with. Before she could enjoy that imagined reality in her dream, Stella entered the office.

Cassandra opened her eyes, perturbed by the slight sound of the door closing behind Stella. She had

always been a light sleeper and woke up very easily. She raised her head and saw Stella looking down

at her.

"Oh... Stella. What's the matter?"

On finding it was her best friend who had entered the room, Cassandra let down her guard, slid back in

her chair and rested her head on the desk again. She was still sleepy.

"Whose is this from?"

Stella asked, waving a white paper card at her, confused.

Cassandra got alert the moment she saw the card. Her eyes widened in surprise and panic took hold of

her for a second.

"Oh, I have no idea. Maybe someone dropped it unintentionally,"

Cassandra said, taking the card from her and throwing it in the trash bin under her desk. There was still

a slight hint of panic on her face.

Stella had always been a careless person. But Cassandra's unnatural behavior was so obvious that

even she found it strange. She could tell when her friend was nervous or trying to hide something.

As Stella glanced around the office, her eyes landed on a round trace of water on Cassandra's desk, It

looked like something had been placed on the desk, which left some water behind.

The size of the circle looked quite familiar. It looked exactly like the size of the container Stella had

seen in the trash can!

Stella furrowed her eyebrows, recalling how nervous Victor was when she ran into him and how

Cassandra had a similar reaction. Something was surely going on between those two. Or was it a mere


Stella had always sensed Victor treated Cassandra specially. One time, he would even put lumps of

sugar in her coffee himself.

And today, as per Stella's instinct, he'd bought lunch for Cassandra.

What was even more surprising was he had even tried to destroy the evidence by throwing the

container away, to keep this a secret.

Something truly was fishy. Could it be that Victor had feelings for Cassandra?

To add to Stella's wonderment and suspicion was the white paper card. Perhaps, it was from Victor,

which was why Cassandra got all nervous about it? Was she trying to keep this whole episode with

Victor a secret from Stella, her best friend?

Honestly, Stella didn't think a sturdy and intimidating man like Victor would have such beautiful

handwriting. It looked so elegant, like a girl's. She hadn't expected that but then again there really was

no point dwelling on it.

She hesitated for a short while, staring at Cassandra with squinting, complicated eyes. She couldn't

resist asking anymore. Finally, she let it out.

"Cassandra, I think we should talk," she said, gently biting her lower lip.

Stella looked serious, determined to have a conversation, in order to warn her. What she was doing

was very dangerous. As a friend, it was Stella's moral duty to prevent her from making such a big


"A talk... About what?"

She got pretty nervous at the very sound of confrontation. Stella's dead serious face made her stomach

drop. She had a bad feeling about this.

What if Stella suspected something already? Maybe that was why she wanted to talk to her? She

couldn't stop trying to analyse.

Stella took a step back, fetched a chair and sat beside Cassandra, reaching out for her hand. She put it

in her lap, looking at her with a succinct expression. Cassandra started to breathe faster.

"Cassandra, everyone makes mistakes. It's something that happens to all of us. But the most important

thing is realizing your mistake and correcting it while you can,"

Stella said with a deep frown on her face. It seemed like she really was worried for her and was only

looking out for her best interests.

"Stella... I..."

Cassandra was at a loss for words. She didn't now how to respond. It definitely seemed like Stella had

found out about her and Rufus.

But why she would refer to it as a mistake, Cassandra couldn't really tell.

"You don't have to explain anything. I know you and understand what could be the reason for it.

Everyone in the Tang group knows what kind of man Lionel is. Ever since that video of him making out

with that other woman has come out, everyone has started to see the real side of him and that he is in

the wrong. He isn't a faithful husband at all. But, he is, after all, Horace Tang's son which is why no one

has the guts to say anything to him."

Stella gulped, thinking of the horrible video that had come out at the victory banquet, shocking


That was the day Stella had realized life was indeed like a soap opera at times. She'd never expected

to witness such a big drama. And she couldn't even imagine it would happen to her best friend.

"Stella, I don't want to judge Lionel. I don't care about what kind of man he is. I just don't want to talk

about him. Everyone has their flaws, including us. It's not like I'm perfect,"

Cassandra took a deep breath and said to Stella with a bitter smile on her face. She had made some

big mistakes in the past, and she was willing to face the consequences. When she thought of Ivy who

was pregnant with her husband's child and staying in Tang family's house under the same roof with her,

she felt like a big loser. Even at the beginning of this marriage when she had already expected to be

unhappy, she hadn't thought things will get twisted to such an extent.

At the same time, part of her understood Lionel and Ivy. They were already together before Cassandra

had come along. Honestly, she was the reason for the crack in their relationship. And now, even though

she was Lionel's legal wife, she still felt like a third party infiltrating someone else's relationship. No

wonder Ivy hated her so much. She had, without intending to, taken away everything that could have all

been hers.

"Okay, Cassandra. I don't want to talk about Lionel either. All I'm trying to tell you is Victor is a really

nice man. He is the kind of man who doesn't talk much but has many good qualities. He won't banter

with you over silly things. He is so kind, so helpful. Plus, he's so strong. You will feel so secure with


One after one, Stella counted all the good points about Victor. She was trying so hard that Cassandra's

confused face escaped her notice.

Cassandra had no idea why Stella would bring up Victor out of nowhere. Whatever they were talking

about had nothing to do with Victor, for God's sake!

"Wait a minute, Stella. What are you talking about? Why is Victor in the picture?"

Cassandra interrupted Stella, staring at her quizzically.

"Huh? Isn't he trying to woo you? Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. I just want to remind you if you really

can't live with Lionel anymore and want to pursuit your own happiness, you should divorce him first and

then get together with Victor. That's the right thing to do. If you are with Victor without divorcing Lionel,

you will come off as a cheater. Lionel's father would be furious if he found out,"

Stella continued, somberly. Her grip on Cassandra's hand tightened.

"Cassandra, if you find someone who really loves you, please tell me first. I am on your side, no matter

who it is. I will do everything in my power to help you."

Although, when Stella thought of Victor and Cassandra together, a bitter feeling crept up in her heart.

She was her best friend, and would be happy and gladly give her blessings if she was happy.

Stella was touched by her own emotions. She could sacrifice her own happiness for her friend's sake.

Cassandra let out a sigh of relief.

Stella had misunderstood the situation, thinking Cassandra was in a relationship with Victor and knew

nothing about Rufus. Cassandra didn't know how she should explain the situation to her friend but she

was relieved her secret was still safe.

Anyway... She was still touched by Stella's promise of being by her side, no matter what.

"Stella, you know what a tragedy my marriage is. And yes, I have considered divorcing Lionel. But right

now is not a good time. I need to think about it very carefully. I will bring it up at a more suitable time.

But thank you. Thank you for understanding me. I am so glad I have a friend like you. But there really

isn't anything between Victor and I. You've misunderstood something,"

she said, gratefully. Though she was a bit amused, wondering where Stella had gotten that bizarre


Stella froze upon hearing that. At the same time, a rush of excitement and joy filled her heart. She

didn't feel bitter anymore. There was hope!

Cassandra didn't seem to be lying. Plus, what reason did she even have to lie to Stella? She knew her

friend. A person like Cassandra wouldn't lie when it came to something like this, she knew that for sure.

So, Victor had nothing to do with her! Now that she thought of it, she really was operating on


"By the way, how did you manage to list so many good things about Victor, Stella? I can hardly think of

anything! To be honest, I did't expect you to know him so well! I never thought he was your type!"

Cassandra chuckled, teasing her, no more afraid of her secret being out.

"He... He is not my type at all!"

Stella denied, almost too quickly. Despite that, a gorgeous blush took over her face. Any person with

eyes could tell she was lying.

"Uh huh. Don't you lie to me! A little bird has told me you even cried on his shoulder at the concert!"

Cassandra smirked. It looked like she didn't plan to let this go so easily. It was such a rare sight to see

a blunt, out-going person like Stella to blush like that! She really enjoyed to see this side of her friend.

"That... That was because the concert was so moving. The pianist was just so good, I got emotional,"

Stella tried to explain, but that only made it look like she was overcompensating. Cassandra could see

how her eyes lit up as she dwelt on a thought in her mind.

"By the way, the pianist is famous around the world! She is so young and talented. Besides, she is very

beautiful and stylish. Her personality is so appealing, you can't even imagine! You know, I didn't even

want to go to the concert at first. I just went to finish that task. I didn't expect I would cry by the end.

She was just that good, I tell you! At least, now I know good music can really touch one's soul and be

overwhelming. Never will I ever complain about people who get touched by music."

Stella's eyes shone with excitement as she told Cassandra about that concert. Cassandra could tell

from the look on her face how much she had loved it!

"Really? She's so good she taught you to appreciate music? She must possess some magical powers!

I remember you saying you'd rather just listen to some pop songs on your phone than go to a concert,"

Cassandra kept teasing her, with a wholesome smile on her face. It really was surprising the concert

made Stella change her mind about Classical music.

"No kidding, Cassandra. If you get the chance, do go to her concert. She is stunning, like an angel!

Watching her play is like admiring a beautiful painting. You cannot help but hold your breath!"

Cassandra's interest piqued manifold. Stella had never obsessed over any other female celebrity

before. Usually, she would be the one judging them. Yet, here she was fangirling! It truly was surprising.

The artist had to be amazing to trigger a response like this out of Stella!

"The pianist, what's her name?" Cassandra asked, curious.


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