Novel Name : Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1407

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After that, Hannah added, “We will be making the transaction in a while, so kindly check when it’s


Cindy exhaled before finally giving a curt reply. “Sure.” While she did wish for Ian to be able to thrive,

as it would ensure the continuity of her own career, Hannah’s offer was another major factor for

consideration. After all, Cindy was in desperate need of the money.

Ian had to attend an interview that afternoon which Cindy would have to follow as usual. However, this

time, Hannah picked out an outfit for her that she would be required to wear while following Ian around.

Cindy was normally in charge of arranging Ian’s outfits, so she quickly realized what was going on

when she saw the outfit Hannah gave her. Without a word, she took it from Hannah before changing

into it.

There were a lot of people in the agency, but due to Ian’s status and the resources he held, the other

celebrities would by extension treat Cindy nicely. Such treatment was nonexistent anywhere outside

the agency. Ian and her hung around till afternoon, leaving after that to attend the interview. As per

usual, Cindy accompanied Ian to the venue, and she waited outside while Ian was being interviewed in

the room.

Counting in the break, the interview lasted for an hour and a half. Throughout the wait, she sat spaced

out on the chair outside the room. Most of the time, she was recalling what Hannah told her. Ian didn’t

want anybody uncovering his girlfriend’s identity, so he wanted someone to pretend to be his girlfriend.

It just so happened that Cindy was Hannah’s first choice when it came to the role of Ian’s pretend-


She wasn’t sure what qualities Hannah saw in her that made her the first choice. On the other hand,

she was also lamenting the fact that Ian had indeed broken up with his girlfriend. How he was trying to

protect her even after that showed just how responsible he was.

Meanwhile, her mind was still buzzing. Despite having been told that she didn’t need to do anything

differently, she could imagine the ruckus that their act would stir up. With their incompatibility, she was

certain that Ian’s more possessive fans would soon be criticizing her harshly.

Cindy was heaving a sigh when there was a chime on her phone. Taking it out, she saw a notification

that indicated that two hundred thousand had just been transferred to her bank account. She got back

to her senses after staring at it for some time. Then, she logged in to her banking app, only to see a

good two hundred thousand added to her account. Truth be told, she never saw such a huge sum of

money in her life, as she had to send all of her money back home as soon as she got her salary,

leaving her with only a thousand or so to meet her needs.

She wosn’t sure whot quolities Honnoh sow in her thot mode her the first choice. On the other hond,

she wos olso lomenting the foct thot Ion hod indeed broken up with his girlfriend. How he wos trying to

protect her even ofter thot showed just how responsible he wos.

Meonwhile, her mind wos still buzzing. Despite hoving been told thot she didn’t need to do onything

differently, she could imogine the ruckus thot their oct would stir up. With their incompotibility, she wos

certoin thot Ion’s more possessive fons would soon be criticizing her horshly.

Cindy wos heoving o sigh when there wos o chime on her phone. Toking it out, she sow o notificotion

thot indicoted thot two hundred thousond hod just been tronsferred to her bonk occount. She got bock

to her senses ofter storing ot it for some time. Then, she logged in to her bonking opp, only to see o

good two hundred thousond odded to her occount. Truth be told, she never sow such o huge sum of

money in her life, os she hod to send oll of her money bock home os soon os she got her solory,

leoving her with only o thousond or so to meet her needs.

Previously, she hesitated to help Ian out as she didn’t want to get into too much trouble, but the money

that she got now was enough to eliminate every single ounce of hesitancy on her part. After all, money

was the most reliable resource in the world. Cindy stuck her phone close to her chest, suddenly filled

with a sense of security.

As soon as Ian’s interview was over, they left the venue after bidding the crew goodbye, only to realize

they were surrounded by the media as soon as they got out. Before they could even react, their photos

were already taken by the media, catching both of them off guard. Ian’s immediate reaction was to turn

around to block Cindy’s face from view. “Let’s go!”

Cindy lowered her head upon noticing his reaction. Meanwhile, the driver already had the doors of the

car open while waving at them. “Over here!”

Worried that they might get separated by the crowd, Cindy cutched onto Ian’s arm while they squeezed

through the crowd to make their way to the car. There were a few people who began asking questions

while sticking their microphones out, but Cindy didn’t even register what they were asking due to sheer

anxiety and the amount of questions she was being asked. Despite some setbacks, they eventually

managed to get into the car safely.

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