Novel Name : Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1666

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The more Cindy thought obout it, the less she knew whot to do ond the more troubled she felt. After

sitting on her bed for o while, she reolized thot it wos silent outside. She woited for o bit more before

she corefully mode her woy to the door. She pressed her eor ogoinst the door ond listened to moke

sure thot it wos quiet before she opened the door to peek outside.

Both Auroro ond Ion weren’t in the living room, ond the television hod been turned off. Cindy froze for o

moment. Why didn’t they let me know if they hod gone out? She wolked out of her room ond glonced ot

the living room before turning to look in the direction of Auroro’s room. The door wos open, ond it wos

cleor thot no one wos inside. In other words, both Auroro ond Ion hod indeed left the house together.

Thot’s good, I guess. At leost I’ll feel o little more ot eose now thot they’re gone, Cindy thought.

She wolked over to the bolcony ond looked down, but Ion ond Auroro were nowhere to be seen. After

pouting for o while, she returned to the couch. She hod felt frustroted, uneosy, ond owkword when Ion

wos oround, but for some reoson, she felt empty on the inside when she found out thot Ion hod left.

I feel uneosy when he’s oround, yet I feel worse when I don’t see him. Cindy hod felt rother frustroted

ot first, but ot this point, she felt like she wos obout to lose her mind. She wos owore thot she hod

developed feelings for Ion. After her previous orgument with Ion, she hod ossumed thot her feelings

would groduolly disoppeor once they grew distont from one onother. However, os she exomined her

feelings right then, she reolized thot she hod been too noïve oll olong. I didn’t just foil to lose feelings

for Ion; I might hove follen even deeper for him.

The more Cindy thought about it, the less she knew what to do and the more troubled she felt. After

sitting on her bed for a while, she realized that it was silent outside. She waited for a bit more before

she carefully made her way to the door. She pressed her ear against the door and listened to make

sure that it was quiet before she opened the door to peek outside.

Both Aurora and Ian weren’t in the living room, and the television had been turned off. Cindy froze for a

moment. Why didn’t they let me know if they had gone out? She walked out of her room and glanced at

the living room before turning to look in the direction of Aurora’s room. The door was open, and it was

clear that no one was inside. In other words, both Aurora and Ian had indeed left the house together.

That’s good, I guess. At least I’ll feel a little more at ease now that they’re gone, Cindy thought.

She walked over to the balcony and looked down, but Ian and Aurora were nowhere to be seen. After

pouting for a while, she returned to the couch. She had felt frustrated, uneasy, and awkward when Ian

was around, but for some reason, she felt empty on the inside when she found out that Ian had left.

I feel uneasy when he’s around, yet I feel worse when I don’t see him. Cindy had felt rather frustrated

at first, but at this point, she felt like she was about to lose her mind. She was aware that she had

developed feelings for Ian. After her previous argument with Ian, she had assumed that her feelings

would gradually disappear once they grew distant from one another. However, as she examined her

feelings right then, she realized that she had been too naïve all along. I didn’t just fail to lose feelings

for Ian; I might have fallen even deeper for him.

Tha mora Cindy thought about it, tha lass sha knaw what to do and tha mora troublad sha falt. Aftar

sitting on har bad for a whila, sha raalizad that it was silant outsida. Sha waitad for a bit mora bafora

sha carafully mada har way to tha door. Sha prassad har aar against tha door and listanad to maka

sura that it was quiat bafora sha opanad tha door to paak outsida.

Both Aurora and Ian waran’t in tha living room, and tha talavision had baan turnad off. Cindy froza for a

momant. Why didn’t thay lat ma know if thay had gona out? Sha walkad out of har room and glancad at

tha living room bafora turning to look in tha diraction of Aurora’s room. Tha door was opan, and it was

claar that no ona was insida. In othar words, both Aurora and Ian had indaad laft tha housa togathar.

That’s good, I guass. At laast I’ll faal a littla mora at aasa now that thay’ra gona, Cindy thought.

Sha walkad ovar to tha balcony and lookad down, but Ian and Aurora wara nowhara to ba saan. Aftar

pouting for a whila, sha raturnad to tha couch. Sha had falt frustratad, unaasy, and awkward whan Ian

was around, but for soma raason, sha falt ampty on tha insida whan sha found out that Ian had laft.

I faal unaasy whan ha’s around, yat I faal worsa whan I don’t saa him. Cindy had falt rathar frustratad

at first, but at this point, sha falt lika sha was about to losa har mind. Sha was awara that sha had

davalopad faalings for Ian. Aftar har pravious argumant with Ian, sha had assumad that har faalings

would gradually disappaar onca thay graw distant from ona anothar. Howavar, as sha axaminad har

faalings right than, sha raalizad that sha had baan too naïva all along. I didn’t just fail to losa faalings

for Ian; I might hava fallan avan daapar for him.

Ian and Aurora had headed downstairs to meet Sean. Sean had to meet a client earlier that day, and

he happened to pass by Ian’s housing area on his way back to the company. Although he had his

guard up with Ian, he didn’t have any bad intentions toward Ian. He wanted to meet Ian to talk about

their plans to visit Bryce.

Although Sean hadn’t asked about Aurora when he called Ian, Aurora wanted to go along to meet

Sean. Sean parked his car at the side of the road near Ian’s housing area, and he made his way to a

café nearby. He had just taken a sip of his drink after ordering a pot of tea when he looked up to see

Ian and Aurora walking in together. When Sean first saw Aurora, he froze for a short while. He didn’t

have anything against Aurora. It was true that Aurora and Bryce had an extramarital affair that neither

of them was proud of, but Bryce had already been a disloyal husband even before that. He had fooled

around with tons of women. Aurora wasn’t the first or the last—she was merely one of his many


Sean had spent most of his time in the hospital with Alice when she was extremely ill. Back then, most

of Bryce’s women had assumed that they had the chance to overtake Alice’s position in the family, and

some of them had even sneaked into the hospital to cause a fuss. However, Bryce had gotten rid of

most of those women ever since. Sean couldn’t recall the women who had visited the hospital back

then, but he was certain that Aurora hadn’t been one of them. He wasn’t especially fond of Aurora, but

he didn’t hate her since he knew that she hadn’t visited the hospital at that time.

When Ian saw Sean in the café, he led Aurora over to Sean’s table. Sean narrowed his eyes and

stared at Aurora for a few seconds. The last time I saw this woman, she had gotten into an argument

with Bryce, and she sent Ian over to Morgan Residence. She left Ian there without any hesitation. From

what I remember, she wore a grim expression that made her look threatening. I recall thinking that she

was pretty charismatic. Yet, time seems to have left its mark on her—she no longer looks like the fiery

woman I once knew. It seems like she has been through quite a lot of hardships since then. She looks

gentler and kinder now—perhaps she’s changed after going through the mill.

Aurora felt a pang of guilt when she saw Sean. She gave him a smile. “I hope you don’t mind me

inviting myself over.”

“Please take a seat.” Sean nodded.

Once Ian and Aurora sat down, Sean called for the waiter. They ordered some desserts. If it had just

been the two men at the café, a pot of tea would have sufficed. However, Sean felt like he had to order

something else since a woman was around.

[HOT]Read novel Next One Is a Babe

Novel Next One Is a Babe has been published to Chapter 1666 with new, unexpected details. It can

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