Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 372 Rufus’s Call

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At this time, Winnie stretched out his arms to embrace Brian, trying to give Brian some of her modest


“If I really have to leave you and the children, if we never see each other again, I’d rather wish I was

dead, so that you will not live in illusion but have a steadfast life. I......”

“Don’t say that. I’ll try my best. Anyway, I won’t let Grandpa hurt your life. Winwin, don’t say that, or how

can the children and I live in peace?”

When Brian listened to Winnie’s words, his heart was broken. She had hopelessness and pain as that

he felt when he lost his mother. He must not be able to accept the person he loved most leaving again.

“Brian, it is possible. You should be prepared. Promise me now that if I do go away, take good care of

the children and not let them suffer. You also need to help me take care of my aunt and Vanessa. I

have peace of mind until you take care of these people.”

Winnie said sadly, trying to be strong.

She knew Felix, and though he would not kill her, the loss of her children would make no difference to

her death. If she was alone, it’d better than dead, so she might kill herself.

Winnie let go of Brian, not waiting for Brian to refute, kissed Brian on tiptoe.

She did not want to listen to Brian’s powerless words, or they would be sad.

The kiss was bitter and sentimental. But Winnie still liked the feeling of kissing Brian and she felt it


As Brian said, maybe these two days would be their last two days. Perhaps these two days were their

last memories.

So stay, that was the only time she could have.

At the same time, Rufus paced up and down in his room, thinking about his worries.

After thinking for a while and checking the time again, he decided it wasn’t too late, so he called Isobel.

The phone had been answered after a long time, and then there came the deep voice of Isobel.

“Why are you calling so late?”

“How are you and Vanessa?”

Hearing the voice of Isobel, he missed her spontaneously. Rufus was afraid of that he was too obvious,

so he asked about Vanessa too.

“We are fine. What are you trying to say?”

Isobel’s feelings were different from Rufus’. Every time Isobel heard his voice or saw him, she felt sad

and distressed.

Her whole life was gone for this man. She had spent her whole life in Rufus.

Sometimes Isobel asked herself if it was worth it, but oddly, she never regretted it.

Rufus knew Isobel hated him all the time and felt hurt all the time. As years passed minute by minute,

his hatred to him did not diminish.

He deserved to be abhorred by Isobel, after all he cheated her pure love and she could not get over all

her life.

“I want Brian and Winwin to be together......”

“I don’t agree.”

Before Rufus could not finish his words, he was negated by Isobel.

“Isobel, don’t be so quick to deny it. You hear me out.”

“I have two children here, Winwin also came today, I think they are happy to be together and two

children were excited all the time. I think it’s better for them to be together so they can have a complete


Rufus finished that with a breath, afraid that Isobel interrupted him again.

“Are you sure that Brian will accept Winwin? Are you sure that Brian will forget all his hatred? If you

can’t promise that, don’t say it again.”

Isobel knew that a family of four to be together would be good for everyone. But realistically speaking,

Brian could not overcome the obstacles in his heart. He could not forgive her, and he could not accept


“I’ve thought about what you’re worried about, but what they’re doing is more painful.”

Rufus continued to analyze.

“They’re in a very ambiguous relationship right now, and they can’t live without each other. It can’t last


“Isobel, this is what I think. There are only two possibilities. One is that a family of four has a happy life

together. The other is that Brian cannot get over the grudges of last generation and two people

completely separate. If they can give up each other, it is much better if the start a new life.”

Isobel felt it was reasonable.

But Rufus neglected one point: two people who truly loved each other would never give up. Just like

her, did not marry for a lifetime for love.

“I have a question, if two people completely separate, what will happen to the children?”

This was Isobel’s concern. If the Bennet family gave the children to them, she now would leave with

them. There was not need to try, because Brian could not forgive her.

“Children...In a sensible way, it would be better for the children to stay with Winwin. But the Bennt

family doesn’t want the kids to go, especially my father.”

“Isobel, if it comes to the worst and they can’t be together, I will try my best to help Winwin get the


Rufus could only guarantee that, for now it seemed that he could not persuade his father, nor force his


“It seems you can’t guarantee the ending. Don’t even try, just let it be.”

Isobel was disappointed. 20 years ago he let her down, and he did it again today.

Isobel continued.

“I’ve been thinking about it, too. I’m not going back to B City if you take care of the kids for them. In this

way, Brian will never know that I am Winwin’s aunt, so that the children can spend more time with their

parents. When the children are older and more able to bear it, let them choose.”

Isobel thought at the stand of the children, but it was bad for Winnie.

“I can’t take care of them. You come back and take care of them.”

Rufus refused.

He did not want the meeting to end so quickly after twenty years, did not want their love and hatred to

continue to be shelved.

He wanted to solve the problem left over from 20 years ago.

And Rufus has his intention. If Brian and Winnie could be together, Isobel could forgive him. Once

Isobel forgave him, he had a chance to be with Isobel again.

“Sooner or later, when I return, I will meet Brian. It cannot be concealed for long.”

Isobel was determined to be out to celebrate the New Year because he was afraid of meeting Brian.

Usually Brian was busy with work, and he had rare opportunities to meet Winnie, let alone to see her.

But in New Yeas, Brian had a rest, so he would always contact Winnie. It was possible to meet her at


“You can’t hide it forever. Sooner or later Brian will find out about your relationship with Winwin. Isobel,

I’d better face reality and solve the problem as soon as possible while I still have some ability.”

Rufus still insisted on his opinion, but he must have Isobel’s consent to the implementation of this


Isobel was silent for a moment. What Rufus said made sense. It was not so difficult when you are

mentally prepared to accept it.

“Give me some time to think about it.”

Isobel was not sure, because Rufus did not let her heart sureness, so she was going to have to think it


With that, Isobel hung up the telephone directly, and Rufus was immersed in meditation.

He felt that he had been very thoughtful, because the children were the priority.

As long as the children were good, it did not matter the adults suffer grievance.

In the next morning, Winnie, accompanied by Brian, went home and changed clothes. Then they went

to the airport to meet Stella and his husband.

Looking at Stella and her husband waking out from the airport exit, Brian gave a smile. His sister and

brother-in-law had not changed too much. They looked still so happy.

“Winwin, it is my brother-in-law holding my sister’s hand.”

Before they reached, Brian introduced first.

“I see. They look happy.”

Winnie said in an envious tone, seeing such a harmonious and loving picture.

“Brian, Winwin!”

Stella quickly walked over and excitedly called their names.


Brian first gave Stella a hug, and then went to say hello to his brother-in-law.

Stella hugged Winnie. She was surprised to see Winnie.

“Stella, welcome back.”

Winnie greeted her.

“Winwin, I’m glad you could come to pick me up, thank you.”

Stella’s tone was kind, and the smile on her face had been maintained.

“Honey, come over, let me introduce you.”

Stella called her husband who was talking with Brian.

“Winwin, this is my husband. His name is Joshua.”

“Honey, this is the Winnie who I often mention with you.”

Afraid that Winnie would be embarrassed, Stella did not mention her identity.

Winnie was moved, but her identity would be revealed one day.

“Hello, brother-in-law, my name is Winnie, Brian’s friend, the mother of the two children.”

Winnie introduced herself politely and frankly. Although Stella kindly hid her identity, she still mentioned

her sensitive identity.


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