Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 560 Get Drunk don't go home

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Brian made a side after finishing the matter began to call to Winnie after his word, but he had been

unable to get through. He was worried, so he had to call Vanessa.

"Vanessa, is your sister with you? I failed to contact her."

Brian was not in the mood to apologize. He wanted to find Winnie and explain to her.

"No, she’s been away for a while and hadn't been back. She said she was going for a walk, but it's

raining hard and she still hasn't come back."

Vanessa was also worried about Winnie, so she did not argue with him. She exaggerated it, so that

Brian would be anxious.

After the call with Winnie, it was raining outside. Vanessa thought her sister would be back soon, so

she waited.

The rain got heavier, but her sister had not yet come back. She thought her sister should be

somewhere to shelter from the rain, when the rain stopped, her sister would come back.

But she was wrong. The rain almost stopped, but her sister had not yet come back. She called her

sister just before Brian's call, but no one answered.

She wanted to go out to look for her sister, but she could not leave two kids at home. She was anxious

but helpless.

"Where has she been? I keep calling her, but she doesn't pick up."

When Brian said this, Vanessa had walked into the bathroom with her phone.

"You asked me what she has been? She wouldn't be out in the rain if it wasn't for you. She could not

look sad at home for fear the kids will find out, but you, do you want the kids to find it out? Don't you

think you're going too far?"

Vanessa finally did not hold back but loudly accused Brian. Brian understood Vanessa's mood at the

moment and did not say anything.

"Vanessa, I will explain it when I get back. Contact your sister your first and scold me when you find

her, ok?"

Brian asked. Now the most important thing was to find Winnie. It was raining heavily outside and Brian

was more worried.

Vanessa hung up the phone angrily. Brian was right she should find her sister first.

Vanessa sat on the toilet and began to call her sister again and again.

Brian hung up the phone and was to call Calvin, hoping Calvin think of a way to find Winnie. But at this

time he received a message from Wendy.

Brian clicked opened the video and saw that Winnie was singing in the bar in tears.

It was the first time that Brian heard Winnie sing, and the first time he knew that Winnie could sing so

well, but he heard it in this way.

Watching Winnie had been in tears in the video, listening to her hoarse voice, Brian's heart was broken.

He knew that Winnie was sad because of him and went for drinking and that she had been enduring it.

Then Wendy sent a few pictures, it was then Brian knew that Winnie and Stefan were together.

Seeing that the two people were so close to each other, Brian was uncomfortable. But he felt more at

ease since Winnie was with Stefan.

How did Wendy get these pictures?

As Brian was suspecting, Wendy sent him a voice message.

"Brian, don't get me wrong. Winwin is in a bad mood and has drunk a lot of wine. I am worry, so I sent

you these. Come and pick her up.”

Then Wendy added.

"Don't think much about it. I come over to drown my sorrows and I happen to meet Winwin."

Brian did not judge Wendy's behavior but replied.

"Wendy, keep an eye on Winwin for me, I will send someone to pick her up."

After that, he called Calvin. And Wendy replied at this time.

"Don't worry, Brian. I'll keep an eye on her."

After that, Wendy saw Stefan holding Winnie up. Winnie was drunk, and the two were ready to leave.

Wendy was nervous. If Calvin came, he would fail to pick up Winnie. Should she tell Brian that Winnie

had left or not?

After a moment of thinking, she decided to tell Brian later, so she had been secretly following Stefan's

car after settling the bill.

Vanessa had been calling her sister for an hour and she did not know what to do. The last call was

finally connected.

"Sister, where are you? You didn't answer all the calls I've made. I am so worried about you."

Vanessa was to cry and asked before Winnie said a word, but it came a male’s voice over the phone.

"Vanessa, don't worry, I am Stefan. I'm with your sister now. You needn't worry.”

It was Stefan who answered the phone, because Winnie was vomiting in the light rain.

Stefan had to pick up the phone for fear that Vanessa would be worried.

"Stefan? Has my sister been with you all the time? Did she get drenched by rain?"

Hearing Stefan's voice, Vanessa rested assured, but she still did not understand what happened.

“No. I met her at the bus stop when it started raining. She was in a bad mood and asked me to have a

drink with her. We were at the bar and didn't hear you calling."

"Don't worry."

As soon as Stefan said that, Winnie, who was vomiting, stood up, and she staggered to reach out and

answered the phone.

"Vanessa, don't worry about me. I just had a few drinks. I'm not going home tonight. Tell the children a

random reason and don’t make them suspect."

Winnie was drunk, but she was sober. Knowing that she was in a mess, she felt the children would see

something wrong if she went home.

"I know, take good care of yourself. Sister... Brian has been trying to contact you. He said he could not

get through your phone and he was worried."

Vanessa still told her sister about Brian after a moment of hesitation.

"I don't want to hear anything about him tonight. I've blacklisted him for the time being."

"Vanessa, call him later. Just say I'm home, I'm not feeling well and I'm going to bed. I'll wait until he

comes back."

Winnie was in prevarication and did not want to answer his phone today.

After saying that, she ran to a side and vomited up.

Wendy put out the car and turned off the lights, parking in a place where Winnie could not see her, but

she could see Winnie.

Wendy felt it was the time and sent a message to Brian.

"Brian, don't let Calvin come. Winwin and Stefan have left the bar. Stefan Will send Winwin home."

After sending the message, Wendy continued to follow Winnie.

By this time Winnie had got into the car and the car had started. But it was not in the direction of

Winnie's house.

"Why not go home?”

Stefan asked Winnie while driving.

"Vanessa and the kids will be worried if they saw me get drunk. You have no idea how smart my kids

are. They can tell if something's going on just by looking at my face. I don't want them to know about

his father’s news so early.”

"Find me a hotel. I'll be home in the morning."

Winnie did not want to go home after drinking. After drinking she was weak and could conceal

everything. She was afraid of telling her two kids on the spur of the moment.

"I got you a hotel when you were throwing up. A friend of mine is the manager there. I asked her to

prepare it for you."

Stefan had a fast move.

"Thank you!

Winnie feebly thanked him. she had no strength because she vomited just now.

"Why did you cheat Brian that you had gone home?"

Stefan asked another question.

"I don't want him to worry about me and I don't want him to know that I was drinking for this matter. He

must know why I drank, how much I care about him. It's shameful that I'm clinging to him at this point."

Winnie's idea was simple. If she told Brian she did not go home, Brian must be worried about her, must

send someone to find her. But at this point, she really wanted to be alone.

Vanessa put down the phone. After making up a reason to the kids, she told them to sleep. After that,

she called Brian.

"Don't worry, my sister is back. She said she isn't feeling well and she wants to sleep. You can talk wait

till you come back."

Vanessa conveyed her sister’s words to Brian. She knew that lying was not good, but that last thing her

sister wanted to hear was Brian's apology. She could only help her sister.

At this time, she and her sister had no one to rely on except for each other, taking care of each other.

"Your sister has gone home? Is everything all right? Was she caught in the rain?"

Brian didn't feel anything wrong. He received Vanessa's call after receiving Wendy’s message. It must

be Stefan sent her home.

However Brian was worried about Winnie and wondered if she was drunk

"Brian, you don't have to worry about my sister. I can take care of my sister even if she got caught in

the rain. From now on, I'll take care of her and we won't bother you again."

"Let’s talk wait till you get back."

Vanessa then hung up the phone.

She could not answer him because she did not know how her sister was. And only Brian could hurt her

sister, so she had no expectation for him, but disappointment.

Brian wanted to explain but when he called again, Vanessa had turned off the phone.

Brian was upset. He knew Winnie was said and she did not want to talk to him at the moment.

But he was passive, it had happened out of his expectation. He had tried his best to make it up. What

else could he do?

At the same time, Daenerys had a few friends come to her home.

It was Emily, followed by Leo and Oscar. Kevin was happened to be home.

"What should we do? Shall we call Winwin? Why can't I feel at ease?"

They were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Emily wanted to call Winnie, but Daenerys stopped her.


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