Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire By Moonlight Muse Chapter 12

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12. The Sangue Pack


He stepped forward, raising his eyebrow as he took a drag on the cigarette. Why did that look so damn

fine..? Something about a man smoking always looked sexy.

My mind was messed up...

He was shirtless, that drool–worthy body of his making my stomach flutter like crazy. His black jeans

sat low on his hips, and from this angle I could see the curve of that sexy ass of his too.

“Keep wishing for that. You ain‘t all that.” He replied, his sharp blue eyes meeting


“Oh yeah, right, it‘s my dream to have you drooling over me. How can I forget, I‘m head over heels.” I

shot back mockingly, not missing the way his eyes trailed over me smoothly before he looked back into

my eyes. 1

Although I wanted to ask about his son, I wasn‘t sure if I should.

To hell with it, I‘m asking.

“I never knew you had a son, like no one has ever mentioned it.”

“Why should they? My business is no one else‘s.”

“He‘s cute, unlike you.” I shrugged, turning my back to him.

I didn‘t want him to look at me with those eyes, that were so intense that I felt that he was peering into

my soul. He had already done so, took it all and then tossed me aside. “He‘s a good kid.” At least you

treat him well. “Definitely not like you.” I said, turning back to him.

His eyes met mine, and to my surprise, he jumped down, landing a foot away from me. My heart

skipped and I almost smiled. Now that was something I would do. I was about to speak when his gaze

flickered over me, and I suddenly realised what I was wearing. “I had some questions regarding that

dead wolf.” He said, hooking the thumb of his free hand into his jeans as he smoked his cigarette. My

stomach sank. How did I think this would never come up?

“I was just... There‘s nothing to say.” What was I doing in the middle of nowhere...

“You weren‘t alone. Care to share exactly who you were there with?”

“I don‘t know who that wolf was. He came out of nowhere and attacked me.” I replied defensively,

feeling as if I was suddenly being interrogated.

Leo stepped closer, his eyes on me as he blew out a string of smoke.

“You weren‘t alone, there were others who vanished. So let‘s do this again. Who were you meeting out

there? Because as far as I‘m concerned, your parents think you are in Sweden. What are you running


My stomach sank, but I looked at him emotionlessly.


His eyes flashed and he grabbed hold of my hair, twisting his hand into my locks as he yanked me

closer, tilting my head up.

My breath hitched as his scent invaded my senses. “I know when I‘m being lied to, little she–wolf, so

don‘t test me.” He growled.

My heart was thumping, and I heard his speed up slightly... Chest to chest, the bond between us

sparked... an emotion I didn‘t want... a pull I didn‘t need... pain I didn‘t deserve...

But the moment I felt his package brush my stomach, reality hit me with a slap. I placed my hands on

his chest and forced him away.

“First of all, I don‘t owe you any answers, secondly, be a bit respectful to the woman in your life and

stay the fuck away from me.” I said coldly. “Damn Rossi.” 3

I didn‘t wait for a reply. Pushing past him, I entered the apartment and locked the door. His eyes met

mine for a moment through the glass, glowing steely blue before I pulled the curtains shut and closed

my eyes.

I needed to stay away from him, physically at least. 1

The moment he got up in my personal space, it became hard... I would not let him play with my

emotions... 1 I pressed my legs together, hating how he had fixed himself in my mind, the image of him

in just those black jeans... Even if I was never going to approach him, it was definitely ok to masturbate

to him. Yup, I‘ll assault him in my thoughts. 5

I chuckled at the thought, dropping onto the bed, and rolled onto my stomach, imagining Leo in hot pink

boxers. 2

I cackled at that image.

Aww, he would look cute!

No wait, imagine those plush lips covered in hot pink lipstick. 2 So cute!

I wish I could speak to Sky about this, she would have fun mocking him with me, but I couldn‘t tell

anyone anything. Especially not who my mate was. I grabbed the tablet and opened one of the two

chat apps I used, I signed in and texted Mama and the others, not wanting them to worry about me,

before going to sleep...

The sound of someone knocking on the door awoke me, and I sat up.

“What time is it?”

Another knock. I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my discarded pants from the night before, I

slipped them on as I walked through to the main room and opened the door.

Oh it was a good thing I did put some pants on. There stood Nikki, carrying some breakfast.

The girl was fine, I don‘t blame Leo for choosing her, plus those breasts were sexy.. Some women were

just blessed with cantaloupe melons, then there were some who had big honeydew melons, and then

there was me with my mango–sized ones. Shame. A

“Good Morning, did you sleep well?” She asked.

“Morning, yes I did, thank you.” I smiled at her, ignoring the pang inside of me as the image of her

kissing Leo returned.

He‘s hers. 3

“Great.” She sauntered past me and placed the bag on the kitchen counter. “I brought breakfast. You

are welcome to cook if you want, but I knew you had nothing for today.”

“I can‘t cook, trust me, but thanks, and don‘t worry about me. I‘ll find something to eat, I always do. You

guys get mice or rats running around here, I could just grab one of them?” 4

Her smile vanished and she looked disgusted. I guess my humour didn‘t go down well with her.

“Kidding.” I added.

“Oh yeah, of course!” She tossed her hair back and shook her head. “So anyway, breakfast is here.

You are free to roam around town, permission from Leo.”

She emphasised his name, leaning on the counter. 1 “That‘s nice of him.” I replied, opening the bag.

“Yeah, it‘s not like Leo to even allow anyone from another pack here, especially if they aren‘t mated to

someone from our pack... So, how did you get into his good graces?”

Thanks to Selene‘s weird humour, I guess? 1

“You should ask him, it‘s a mystery to me too, he isn‘t very likeable, is he? I mean, apart from being

handsome, he‘s quite mean. Don‘t tell him I said that! But if it helps, he let me come here because he

knows my mate.” I said, placing my fingers on my neck as I gave her a playful wink. It wasn‘t a lie. “Oh

yeah, sorry, I forgot you‘re mated.” She said, her gaze dipping to my neck, and she frowned.

“Is something worrying you?” I asked, taking out the sandwich. Ah, tuna crunch! Nice. “I just, I don‘t

want to sound like I‘m possessive or anything, but I‘d appreciate it if you didn‘t hang around my

boyfriend in nothing but your underwear.” She pursed her lips, looking at me defiantly. Last night... she

must have seen Leo and I from one of the windows. I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. “Are you

actually worried? Seriously, Leo hates my guts. Besides, I‘m a little psycho and am not as sexy as you,

my girl, so don‘t worry, you‘re the one Leo wants.” I placed the best grin I could summon onto my face,

despite the crushing pain inside of me.

Yeah, I didn‘t compare. She was sexy, polite, with no loose screws and she was calm... Leo and I

would just knock heads constantly. We were a match the goddess made whilst she was drunk on moon

wine or something weird like that. 3

Do they have wine up there? Hmm, I‘m sure they probably do. Damn, she should stop working when

she‘s so damn drunk. 2

Are you listening, Selene?

“Yeah, I guess it was just me being possessive.” She forced a smile.

Guess she no longer liked me...

“He kind of intruded on my balcony, you need to whip his ass into behaving.” I shrugged, biting into the

sandwich. 1

She let out a laugh.

“Oh, I miss the days I was a careless teenager. You‘ll grow up and you‘ll realise nothing is so easy.”

She replied in her sweet tone. “Well, have fun.” . Nice dig.

She waved her fingers at me before she strutted out, and I sighed.

“I will definitely have fun...”

That fucker.

Damn Rossi.

Once I had pulled on some ripped denim skinnies, a black crossover halter top and a pair of sneakers, I

left the apartment. I would go to the shops, get some groceries, order a sim card, grab a phone...

I walked through the streets, feeling so many eyes on me, but no one said anything until I was busy

looking at a window display.

“Whose mate is she?”

“She is marked...”

“She‘s hot.”

I looked over at the two men who were talking quietly, and gave them a withering look.

“I burn too.” I replied sweetly, turning towards them. “You do know it‘s rude to talk about someone when

they‘re within hearing distance?”

The two blond men exchanged looks and I realised the big, muscular one was the one I had seen with

the dogs last night. He had a beard, with dark blue eyes, whilst the other had quite a lean build, with

grey eyes.

“Emmet, Delta of this pack.” The leaner one said, walking over to me and holding his hand out.

“Azura.” I replied, taking his hand.

Jackie‘s mate?

“Ah Azura, now it makes sense. Jackie, the pretty little doctor who treated you, is–”

“Your mate, nice to meet you.”

He smirked and nodded.

“Eric, Emmett‘s older brother.” The bearded bear replied, his eyes wrinkling as he smiled.

“I like you.” I replied, shaking his hand.

Emmet cocked a brow as Eric grinned.

“I like you too.”

“Don‘t let his words get to you, he‘s just a thirty–four–year–old who hasn‘t found his mate.” Emmet


“Jealous that he is living the single life?” I replied, automatically going into defensive mode.

Emmet‘s smirk vanished as Eric let out a loud laugh, he raised his hand for a fist bump.

“I‘m being real now, I like you.” I winked at him, fist bumping him. “So, care to point me in the direction

where I can buy some sewing stuff?”

The boys exchanged looks.

“Yeah, no one really has that kind of shop here.”

“Hmm, shame.” I sighed. I really wanted to make a voodoo doll to pass my time.. “If you write me a list,

I‘ll be going out to the city later, I could maybe grab what you wanted?” Eric offered.

I think I definitely liked him.

“Oh yes please, that would be great!” I exclaimed. Eric took his phone out of his pocket before

unlocking it and holding it out to me. He had opened the note app and I began writing my list quickly. I

skimmed it over and typed in the last item. Ice blue buttons at least 1 cm in size. 3 “Thanks so much,” I

said, taking my wallet out of my pocket and passing him forty pounds.

“That won‘t be necessary, it‘s just a few–”

“I’m paying.” Icut in firmly, ending the conversation with one glare. “So, how are your injuries now?”

Emmet asked, watching me keenly. He seemed too sharp for my liking, and I gave him a thumbs–up

casually. “They‘re healed, I can‘t even tell anymore.” I replied, turning so they could see my back,

where all that was left was slight bruising which should hopefully be gone soon enough.

“Cool. Welcome to the Sangue pack, home to the most fearless wolves in the country, I‘m sure your

pack doesn‘t compare.” Emmet smirked.

Was it just me being paranoid, or was he trying to find out where I‘m from?

“Nice; well it‘s great to stop by here... I‘ll be on my way, bye.” I walked off, slipping my hands into my

back pockets as I walked away, feeling their eyes on me. Why was everyone so curious to find out

where I was from...

Two hours later, I had walked around the entire town, and I had even done some shopping. The pack

was impressive and of a good size, but it was the training section

that was to die for.

Not only did they have the latest state–of–the–art gym hall, but the training facility was a computerised

hall with built–in automated firearms and machinery, that would attack the training wolves was

something right out of a movie. I was in awe. Sure the academy and even our packs had similar things,

but this...

This was an entirely new level... The entire ground in the room moved, giving the effect of an

earthquake. The illusions created by the computers made real–life situations appear in the room down

below. Right now, they were in a forest setting being attacked by some kind of monsters.

This shit was right out of a zombie apocalypse movie!

A few men and women were watching.

“It‘s impressive, isn‘t it?”

I turned away from the indestructible display window and looked at the man who seemed to be in his

thirties. He was in a suit, well built, tall, with black hair and hazel eyes.

“Raj Kapoor, the Sangue Pack Beta.” He introduced himself. 1

“Azura.” I replied with a small smile as we shook hands. “And yes, very impressive, the technology is

so advanced. We have rooms with firearms and stuff, but the life–like illusion without any eyewear?

Plus the fact that they are actually using their sense of smell, although it‘s all machinery?”

“The younger Alpha is impressive with anything to do with technology, he actually came up with this

when he was abroad, at the tender age of twenty. He had the blueprints and a vision. His father was

the one who put the idea forth to the council and ... Well, everyone started something similar, but it was

our young Alpha who was the mastermind behind it. You have to admit, even with all the impressive

magic and technology of the Academies for the Gifted, none will be as fine as this.”

I stared at the screen above the glass, a view that showed us exactly what those below were seeing,

and shook my head.

“No, we saw a metal room, one that would often be filled with magic at times but this… It‘s a whole new

game change... Alpha Leo is smart, I‘m impressed.”

“He is a good man too.” Raj said with a nod, before he pointed at a woman who had been thrown to the

ground. “There‘s a system that also assesses teamwork and strategy.”

“No wonder no one from this pack even needs to go to the academy.” I murmured. 1 Raj smiled

slightly..”Well, that‘s another story. I haven‘t seen you before, I thought all the new mates had arrived a

few weeks ago.”

“Oh no I‘m not mated to anyone here, I‘m just visiting. The little Alpha knows my mate.

“I replied, internally smug at my newfound name for Leo. “Ah, I see.” Raj nodded and after chatting for

a bit, I took my leave. It was obvious, unlike my pack, anyone who entered this one was strictly

watched. Did the Beta talk to me to evaluate me?

I entered the block of apartments and the first thing I noticed was Corrado sitting forlornly on the floor,

whilst a woman was crouched over him trying to cheer him.

“Would you like to go play outside, Corrado?” She was asking.


“Ice cream?”


I headed to the lift, looking at the boy who now turned, watching me curiously. “Hey kiddo.” I flashed

him a smile. “You alright?”

“I‘m... bored.” He said after a moment.

That wasn‘t the word he was going to use, he had changed his mind mid–sentence.

“Now you shouldn‘t be bored, kids your age should be up to some mischief! Want to come to my place,

I‘m going to cook?” I offered before I could stop myself. “I don‘t know if Alpha Leo will be ok with that.”

The woman said hesitantly. “He‘s bored, and besides, you will be there with him.” I reassured her,

pressing the lift button. “Ah, of course. That can work.” She smiled, obviously relieved. We entered the

lift, and Corrado hurried in excitedly. Were there no other children around for him to play with? “What

are we going to cook?” He asked.


“Well... I‘m thinking, sandwiches.” “Oh, I love sandwiches!” 1 “Perfect. When will his dad be back

again?” I asked the woman. “Late, I‘m afraid.” She replied. 2 That works. I did not want Leo showing up

and giving me shit. I guess I will be having company for dinner tonight.

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The

Heart Of Fire By Moonlight Muse Chapter 12 - the best manga

of 2020

Of the Moonlight Muse stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Alpha Leo

and the Heart of Fire. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has

been translated to . Let's read now

the author's Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Moonlight Muse story right here


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