Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 86

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“So, tell me, are you all a bunch of animals or are some of your men human?” Web remarked casually.

I wasn’t the only one fucking shocked as the rest tensed at his words.

“Didn’t your fucking informer tell you the answer to that shit since you seem to be all- knowing?” I

remarked coldly, refusing to allow my shock to show. “Besides, you’re clearly fucked up in the head if

you even believe that trash. Not high are you, Web?”

He chuckled, puffing away on his cigar. “Sure, he did. Let me ask though, common courtesy… besides

you can pretend all you want, I’ve seen a lot boy.”

“Right, so since you fucking know shit, how about you answer some questions?” I sat back, letting

some of my alpha aura envelop me. “The bullets you purchased from my man, who did you sell them


He raised his eyebrow, “Ah… the type that is deadly to your kind… one shot and poof you’re dead.” He

laughed as he made a gun with two fingers.

‘He’s a weirdo.‘ Azura coughed again, and my eyes flashed.

“Put that shit out now,” I growled venomously.

I knew he was trying to rile us up, and although I wasn’t sure, he probably had something up his

sleeve. His men were searched on the way in… but who knows what he’s up to?

He smirked before taking a long drag on it and then placed it down, releasing a large amount of smoke

towards us. I glanced at Azura, but she seemed to be fine for now. Simply frowning as she watched

Web coldly.

“So, who did you sell the bullets to?” I asked, my patience wearing thin as Ace walked over, picked the

cigar up, and tossed it aside.

He simply smirked, making a flare of anger rush through me. I wasn’t here to fucking play.

‘Bar the door.‘ I commanded through the link. Taking my gun out, I cocked it before pointing it at Web.

“Start talking or you’re dead.”

His smirk faltered, as all my men followed suit, taking out their guns, as Jax tossed one to Azura. One

which she caught with a little too much excitement, but the way she spun it and was weighing it showed

she knew how to handle one.

“Code 3.” I heard Dan murmur, and I knew that the entrance was now blocked.

Web tensed as his men moved forward to shield him. “We’re talking, and I only intend to talk Web, tell

them to step aside or they will die.” I growled venomously.

I could see the hesitancy in his eyes as his gaze flickered to the door before he motioned to them to

step back, but I could tell he was on edge, eyeing the guns with his shrewd eyes. “We had a no–gun

policy, Schurke! If everyone outside knew this, they won’t be having it. Use it and you break a code of


I sat back down, downing my wine, my eyes set on him. “I created the fucking code,” I said

coldly, raising my gun. “What’s the name of your client Web? I’m losing my patience.”

He frowned, glancing at his men before swallowing hard, a bead of sweat trickling down his cheek from

behind his mask.

Fear was rolling off him, yet he was still acting cocky… on whose words?

“I don’t know his name! But he knows you all, oh he does.”

I smirked. Oh, he fucking knew more than he was letting on. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Web, I want the

fucking name!” I thundered, kicking the table with such force it went smashing into the far wall across

the room, making Web jump back from his seat.

His eyes were wide with fear as he stared at the heavy table that should not have moved at all. “ J.G!

that’s all I know!” He shouted, panic obvious in his voice as his heart thundered and I almost smirked, a

coward would always be a fucking coward.

“Judah Gallahan, does he look familiar?” I asked. Reaching into my pocket, I took out a printed picture

of the Bastard and tossed it straight at Web.

He caught it clumsily looking down at it, his gaze flittered to his men once again.

‘Observe the men. He keeps looking at them.‘ I commanded through the link. I couldn’t take my eyes

off Web, and he and his men would be watching me intently but not my men.

‘They’re his usual, nothing out of the ordinary unless one secretly managed to get a wire past security.”

Ace added sharply.

“This… y–yes.” Web muttered, tension surrounding him.

“So that’s the man you sold the bullets to?” I demanded. “Tell me everything you know about him.”

“I don’t know anything about him…” Web denied, his stress clearly visible. This was not how he was

expecting the fucking conversation to go.

‘I think one of them is acting a little suspicious, yeah I think he’s wired. He isn’t-” Jax began. I didn’t wait

for him to finish, my eyes flashing as I pulled the trigger. It only took a matter of seconds, as I shot each

one faster than anyone could comprehend. They fell to the ground like fucking flies, a bullet each

through the forehead. 1

‘Search them.‘ I commanded as I stared at Web. His mouth hung open as he gasped for air, backing

away from me. I raised my gun. “Sit the fuck down.”

There was no longer room to play, and he knew it, slowly taking his seat. His hands were shaking now

as Ace, Dan, and Jin did a quick search over, pulling out a hidden microphone from one of the men.

Dan destroyed it before they dragged the eight bodies to the far corner of the room.

“Please don’t hurt me, you know I mean well! You killed my son, but I’m here!” I stood up, closing the

gap between us, power and dominance radiating off me, and pressed my gun to his forehead.

“Then start fucking talking or I will blow your brains out.” I hissed, slamming the side of the barrel

against his head.

He shouted out, his head snapping to the side and his mask sliding off his face. It hit the floor with a

clang making Web whine like a fucking dickhead.

“I don’t know him alright! He just approached me, showed me what the hell you were, and it made

sense! That’s all!”

“Then I don’t need you alive, since that’s all the fucking information you can give.”


“No–no wait! I- he! Wait, yeah! He- and he wanted more bullets! I talked to your man, and he- he said

he’ll provide them, but the cunt only gave a quarter of what we wanted! He took money and left! I’m

telling you the truth! Where the fuck are my men!” He was watching the door in panic. Seems like the

fucker didn’t realise that no one was going to fucking come to his


“What did Judah offer you in return?” I snarled,

Hesitating, he looked up at me before he frowned. “Money and power, if I obeyed him, he’d take care of

you!” He spat, trying to gather himself.

He was still trying to act fucking brave, but he had already pissed himself, the stench making me shove

him back as I took a step away. 1

“Did Emmet ever know who you wanted those bullets for?” I asked coldly.

“Does it matter? He was getting the money that he needed.” He replied, wiping his forehead with a

shaky hand.

That was true… so Judah was behind this… but why… what was his incentive? Azura?

I glanced at her as she stood there, no playfulness on her face, her eyes fixed on the door, her gun at

the ready.

This made me adamant that somehow he knew about Azura’s powers. “When did you first sell the

bullets to this man?” I asked coldly.

“Don’t abuse your power Schurke… I have friends in high places, too.” Web hissed, his eyes scanning

the room once more as if an escape route would suddenly pop up.

“Answer me.” I growled, shooting him in the leg. He jumped, hissing in pain as he glared at me with

fear and rage.

“It’s been more than a year since he approached me! Saying he heard I had a special kind of bullet.”

He snapped through his pain.

Then it was a coincidence that our two worlds collided… but what was his intense desire for Azura.

Was it to possess her or her power?

“And was it recently that he asked you to get close to me?” I asked icily, jerking my head towards the

microphone. If I was right, Judah was fuckin smarter than I gave him credit for…” For all I knew, Web

himself may be wearing a hidden microphone or camera.

“I… Yes, maybe.” He was unnerved, still scanning the room, his eyes darting left and right.

So Judah knew I was Schurke Wolf… that the Sangue pack was the ones who were part of the

Heimtückische Wölfe Cartel.

I felt Azura’s distress through the bond and turned sharply, she looked indifferent as she watched the

door, but she wasn’t feeling like herself. Almost lethargic.

I scanned the room, my gaze falling to his cigar that lay across the room.

‘Check the cigar. Is there any poisonous substance in it?‘ I ordered through the bond. Dan was

on it instantly.

One sniff and his eyes flashed as he looked at me. ‘Wolfsbane…‘ he muttered, making my gaze snap

to Azura. She was pregnant, meaning it would affect her more.

‘Get Azura out of here.‘ I commanded Jax and Li Sheng. ‘He was smoking wolfsbane.‘

‘On it.‘ Jax replied. They both moved towards her as I pressed the barrel of the gun against Web’s

forehead once more.

“Who did you meet before coming here?”

His face drained of colour, his heart thundering, and I wrinkled my nose at the smell of sweat, fear and

piss mixed in one.

“Counting to three.” I whispered menacingly in his ear. “Three… two…”

A bullet went off, a window smashing above us and I jumped back just as Web was shot in the

stomach. Another loud sound went off as we opened fire on whoever had shot through the far window.

Web clambered away to safety, clutching his stomach in fear.

“I didn’t do anything!” He yelled, staring at the shattered stained glass window.

“Move out!” I shouted. We couldn’t risk it, not when it could be bullets that could hurt us.

I saw Azura shoot towards the window, her eyes blazing, and then another round of bullets came,

streaming through the window. “Duck!” I shouted, but she didn’t move, instead, she held up her hand,

and a shimmering silver–gold stream of light blasted from her hand creating a shield. “Let’s get out!” I

commanded as Jin opened the door. Azura let her shield down before we stepped back into the room

of people.

“Schurke, shall we get Web?!” Li Sheng shouted.

“No, we can’t risk going back in there,” I replied, scanning the hall before me.

The entire place was a mess, the sounds of bullets going off. Clearly, everyone didn’t know what was

going on, the confusion and fear making them go into attack mode. Everyone was firing at one another.

The only thing on their mind was survival.

Dead bodies lay on the floor, and the smell of blood hung in the air.

My men created a protective formation around me and Azura.

The last I heard was Web letting out a manic laugh. “You betrayed me!” He shouted to the empty room

as some of his men rushed in to grab him.

‘Keep moving Baby Girl.‘ I replied. I knew the low dose of wolfsbane wouldn’t harm her or the pup, but

it would slow her down. Her mind was sluggish, like someone drunk, but even then she kept moving.

We ducked behind a table as I reloaded my gun, shooting another round at the men who were trying to

block our path.

Fucking Web’s men.

“Fuck!” Ace growled.

I turned back sharply, my hair falling in front of my eyes as I saw Ace clutching his abdomen, blood

pouring from his wound as he fell to his knees a few feet behind me…

The sounds from around me suddenly faded away and all I could think of was the man I considered a

brother injured before me. My heart thundered violently in my ears, fear bleeding into my heart.

No… I couldn’t lose another… Not this time…

Update of Alpha

Leo and the Heart of Fire by Moonlight Muse

With the author's famous Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire series authorName that makes readers

fall in love with every word, go to chapter Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 86 readers

Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Alpha

Leo and the Heart of Fire series are available today.

Key: Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 86


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