Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 35

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35. These Emotions AZURA. Everything was a blur…

Fear, horror, panic.


I didn‘t know how, but I wanted him to fix this. He seemed to be the type to always know what to do. 2

I was always strong and didn‘t need anyone, but was it weird that he gave me a sense of strength and


When he took back his rejection, I felt my wolf come to life in a way, feeling a cool wave wash over

me… Then when he told me to mark him… I knew it was for this baby, and that‘s all that mattered to


Our baby deserved to live.

The strength I had felt. The pain in my stomach had subsided, and then whatever he had injected into

me, seemed to work. I had felt a similar sensation to how it felt when Kiara healed me in the past. A

strong surge of coolness washed over me.

He looked guilty, the worry in his eyes so raw and intense that I didn‘t know what to say. The way his

hand rested protectively on top of mine on my stomach... I was about to say something when Kiara had

come, but when she tried to heal me... nothing changed and when she spoke, I understood why.

Leo had saved our baby by himself.

The sheer relief I had felt was unexplainable. My baby was safe.

Thank you, Goddess.

Thank you, Leo.

He had turned away, simply saying ‘good.‘ In that cold, emotionless voice of his. That cold exterior had

returned with full force.

I now looked at Kiara and Raihana.

“How are you here?” I asked them.

“Your mate got Uncle to call Kia, and well, I was the teleporter here.” Raihana smiled, her brown eyes


Kiara nodded as she caressed my hair.

“Leo called you to this pack?” I asked, uncertain of what to think. “Excuse us.” The doctor smiled

politely, and all four women present left the room. “He did.” Kiara smiled. “For you.” My heart skipped a

beat, but I remained silent.

I felt as if I wasn‘t in my body, feeling as if I was looking down on all of this. The most important thing

was that my baby was ok. Our baby. “He sure has changed, I‘ve not seen him in years. He‘s lost his

pretty boy looks.” Raihana remarked, making Kia smile. “It has been ten years since we saw him...”

She said sadly.

Ten years... Yet he called them for me... Well, for our baby…

He did this for our baby, not me, and that‘s ok, because at least I know now that although he hates me,

he cares for our pup... 2

There was a knock on the door, and I adjusted my gown before the door opened and there stood

Marcel and Alejandro.

“Hey there.” Alejandro greeted me, he cupped the back of my head and kissed my forehead.

“How are you feeling, Azura?” Marcel asked.

I felt a little guilty that he didn‘t know I was pregnant with his grandchild...

“I‘m ok.” I replied.

“And so is the baby.” Raihana added as Marcel gave her a hug.

“I‘m glad to hear that.” He said quietly.

They made small talk, but I was unable to focus. The weight of the situation was heavy on my


We had marked one another to save our baby... but... what about us as a couple?

It wasn‘t enough… It just... wasn‘t.

He didn‘t want me... But now that he knew I am carrying his child, would that change his mind?

Because I didn‘t want that, I didn‘t want that to be the reason...

I just didn‘t

“Are you ok?” Kiara asked, running her fingers through my hair.


I had my hand on my stomach under the sheet feeling relieved. Seeing our little baby on that screen

again, and Leo‘s reaction, it was a moment that I don‘t think I‘d ever forget.

I was a mess.

“Well, it‘s late, I think we should all head back to mine. You haven‘t come here in years, and it would be

an honour to have you here. Azura, I think you are better off at mine too.” Marcel smiled gently at me,

and I nodded. “Sounds like a good plan, I think I‘ll spend the night with my sister whilst you two can

catch up.” Kiara stated, smiling at the men. . “Ah, sounds like a plan.” Marcel chuckled, although

Alejandro didn‘t seem too keen on the idea, but he simply nodded, his eyes on his mate.

“I‘m going to head back. Thank you for the offer though, but I haven‘t even brought my clothes or

anything.” Raihana said, with a toss of her long dark hair.

Marcel chuckled.

“Ah of course, how can I forget that you need your essentials. However, thank you for coming in time.”


“Obviously I do, I have a reputation to uphold. Also, there‘s no need to thank me, we weren‘t really

needed, but I‘m actually glad to have popped down to see that ass of a Rossi after years.” She shook

her head before smiling at me. “Get him on a leash, girl, you got it in you to get him in line.” 2

She winked at me as Kiara chuckled.

“Thank you, Raihana.” I smiled slightly, and she gave me a nod before she chanted a spell.

A wave of power filled the room, before she vanished.

Being the eldest granddaughter of Endora, she was the one to inherit that magic. Witchcraft was

passed down from eldest daughter to eldest daughter. Endora herself never had a daughter, so it went

down to her first granddaughter. She was a powerful witch, and the Luna of a pack as well.

“I need to clean up a little...” I said my legs were covered in blood, and I felt sticky. “Yeah, sure, but I

think the fucking question is, how the fuck did you end up in hospital, to begin with?” Alejandro asked.

I froze mic


y blanket off and looked at them as all three turned to me.

Marcel frowned deeply.

“The Delta of this pack attacked her. That‘s all I was told by my Beta, who has him in a cell until Leo

deals with him.”

“Leo, not you?” Alejandro asked, taking out a cigarette.

“Baby... not in the hospital.” Kiara reminded him softly. I got off the bed, the blood that coated my legs a

reminder of what almost happened.


“Fuck” He grumbled, shoving the pack back in his pocket. “Yes Leo, he is the one that deals with


“Yet you refuse to fucking give him the title. I told you to do it, I don‘t care about the consequences. I’d

like to see what exactly he does.” Alejandro told his brother as he went over to the box that Leo had


“I know...”

“What the fuck is this?” Alejandro asked. “That‘s what he gave me to heal.” I said before entering the

adjoining bathroom, wishing I had something else but this tiny gown to wear... I didn‘t know how to feel,

Emmet had known about my pregnancy which meant Jackie had told him... He had tried to hurt my

baby on purpose. I won‘t forgive him for that... and I wanted to know what Leo was planning to do

about it...

It was much later into the night. I had showered before I changed into some clothes that someone had

brought from my apartment for me. I had only a little dinner, not feeling up to it after everything that had

happened. We had talked to mama earlier, although we didn‘t mention what had happened, not

wanting them to worry. I told Kia to fill her in when she was alone without Dad around.

I was now laying in bed in one of the bedrooms of Marcel‘s mansion, with Kia curled up next to me.

She was fast asleep, her hand resting on my stomach protectively.

It was past midnight, but I was unable to sleep. I felt so restless...

Emmet‘s final words rang in my head. ‘If I‘m going down.. How sick was he to target an unborn child?

And let‘s not forget now Leo knew about this baby.

“Can‘t sleep?”

I turned my head, looking into Kiara‘s gorgeous eyes.

I sighed heavily, staring back at the ceiling.


“Want to share?”

“Well, I was thinking about Emmet, how could he target an unborn child? You know Kia..He reminds me

of him... He was beating his mate and she was hiding it from everyone. She even denied it! He got

angry because I told Leo about it.”

Kiara sighed as she propped herself up on her elbow. “Mm... So it reminded you of him... You know,

abusers try to justify their actions one way or another. I just hope this Jackie is strong enough to break


Unlike Indigo... “Yeah... I hope so too. I wonder what Leo will do...” “You two have marked one

another... Maybe you could ask him?” She suggested gently. I had told her that earlier, but she also

knew it was still complicated. “Not today... I don‘t even want to face him right now.” I whispered. “What

is it Zu?” She asked softly. I sat up slowly and stared at the bedding, shaking my head slowly. How do I

explain everything I was feeling? “At least I know he‘ll be a good dad.” I said, shrugging.

She smiled.

“Oh? Have you seen him around kids?”

I tilted my head.

“Don‘t you know that he has a five–year–old son? Corrado?” I asked curiously.

No, she didn‘t The surprise on her face answered that.

“Oh… from an Omega or...” She closed her eyes, shaking her head. “I’m sorry I–”

“I don‘t even know who his mama is but it doesn‘t matter, he‘s adorable.”

She seemed relieved, but I could see she wanted to ask me something,


She smiled slightly before becoming serious.

“Did it... remind you of Atlas?”

Atlas, my half–brother... A sour taste filled my mouth. I realised why she‘d say that...

I was being biassed maybe, but Corrado was not born from an affair, or I at least hoped Leo was

faithful to the mother at the time, and he hadn‘t been dating anyone else at the time.

“It‘s different.” “He‘s a good person Zu...” She whispered, and I simply frowned. “I‘m surprised Marcel

never mentioned it.” I said instead, changing the topic. “No he didn‘t... I‘ll ask him tomorrow... But then

again, he hasn‘t said much about this pack, respecting Leo‘s wish. Marcel is just stuck in the middle,

wanting this to work.” She sighed before smiling gently. “Let‘s not worry about that for now... Leo cares

for you. If he didn‘t, he wouldn‘t have called for me.”

“Or he cares for his pup.” I suggested.


I was happy that he did, don‘t get me wrong... But at the same time, I don‘t think us as a couple would

work... He already told me he regretted marking me... 1 “Talk to him.” Kiara encouraged softly, almost

as if she knew what I was thinking.

I nodded, not sure if I would as I turned my back on her. 1

“Yeah...” I said, closing my eyes.

She ran her fingers through my hair tenderly, and I appreciated her not pushing the topic. I was blessed

to have so many who loved me... But didn‘t Leo realise, so did he? I saw the way he became distant

when Kia and Raihana had entered... The way he just wanted to leave...

With Kia‘s comforting touch, sleep soon overcame me and I welcomed it...

I was staring at something intently through maybe a crack or bars... I wasn‘t sure...

I was terrified. I don‘t know why, but I was...

A shriek of agony reached my ears, and I began looking around frantically.

“Please stop! Don‘t hurt her!” A young boy‘s voice left my lips as my entire body shook with anger,

frustration, and fear. 2

I began running, climbing over what looked like some rocks, and stared down into the dimly lit room.

The sight before me made my blood run cold. There on the floor in a five–pointed star, surrounded by

symbols written in what looked a lot like blood, lay a woman. She was pinned to the floor with four

daggers, one embedded through her wrists and two through her ankles, This was dark magic... I could

feel it.

My eyes blurred as I took a shuddering breath, and I wiped them in irritation.

Pain and agony were clear on her face as a dark, smoky shadow swirled around her. Everywhere it

touched her, it sliced into her skin viciously.

“Please stop! Don‘t hurt her!” The strangled sob left me.

Where was I? What was this?

“Shut him up before I kill him too.” A woman‘s voice hissed ominously, and it was then I saw her. Her

back was to me. She was wearing a long black dress, her hair was halfway down her back, and she

had her hands raised. She began chanting, and the room seemed to become darker. There was an

immense evil around her, one that was beginning to grow around the woman on the floor. 2

A woman with brown hair and ashy skin. Skin that was littered with scars, burns, and bruises.



It sounded like him, but it was a voice void of emotion.

“No! Dad, save mom!” I seemed to scream again, and it was then I realised what this was. 2


A memory

Not just any memory, but one that belonged to Leo.

I was in Leo‘s head.

My heart was pounding as Marcel approached, pulling open the barred door and grabbing me by the

collar. “You need to learn to control yourself, boy.” He growled. “Dad! Please help her!” He begged.

Marcel shook his head, his eyes blank as he dropped me, or should I say, Leo, onto the ground.

“Lock him up.” He growled. “Please! Help mom!” Leo‘s scream broke into a sob, and then something

struck the back of his head. Jarring pain seemed to split open my head and my eyes snapped open.

My heart was pounding violently as I looked around, I was back in the bedroom at Marcel‘s mansion.

That woman was Endora. The one on the ground with daggers in her wrists and ankles was Leo‘s


I felt sick...

What had Leo been through and seen as a child... I sat up staring at the clock on the wall, unseeing

with only one thought on my mind. What else was Leo going through? The fact that that memory or

nightmare came to me meant Leo was still having nightmares of his past. I pulled my legs up tucking

them against my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

But no matter what I did to calm my erratic heart, I was unable to, feeling tenfold more restless.

Suddenly the restlessness seemed to ease and I realised that it had been Leo‘s feelings. It was hard to

differentiate between my emotions and his. But he must have put his walls up just now.


‘What is it?‘ His reply came after a moment.

‘Can we meet? I need to talk to you.‘ I said quietly. I don‘t know why I said it, but those emotions I had

just felt were intense... I needed to see that he was ok.

Silence followed and just when I thought he wouldn‘t reply, he did.

I‘ll be there in ten.‘ ‘Ok‘ I slipped out of bed unsure of what I would say when I met him, but I don‘t think

I was going to be able to sleep anyway. I guess here goes nothing... 2

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The

Heart Of Fire Chapter 35 - the best manga of 2020

Of the Moonlight Muse stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Alpha Leo

and the Heart of Fire. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has

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Leo and the Heart of Fire Moonlight Muse story right here


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