Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 45

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45. Letting her Misunderstand LEO.

“So that‘s him?” Song asked Azura quietly. “Yup.” “Ok Azura, he‘s so–”

“Don‘t, I bet his big ears are listening in.” Azura muttered. 4

I was outside the hospital room whilst they talked inside quietly, but yeah I could still hear and see them

with the door slightly ajar. Azura was sitting next to her friend with her arms around her.

We had gotten back pretty fast, I had Azura with me and I knew instantly why she had felt that pain. In

the fight, I had overexerted myself, and she had felt it... Luckily, she had regained consciousness pretty

quickly before we even got back to pack grounds.

Since then, she has been watching me intently, almost calculatingly... I had to fucking make sure that

didn‘t happen again, for her sake... 1

But then what about overall?

The bottom line was I‘m fucking dying, and that pain would only increase as the days and weeks

passed by. 1

The doctor had checked her over and she was fine. As for her friend, she had been tended to and was

in good care, although she‘d be hospitalised for a few days.

My injections weren‘t really ideal to use on a human... however I had recommended they give her a

very diluted dose to see if it helped. If it didn‘t help, it didn‘t, but just trying the small amount held no

harm. “So, what are you going to do now?” Jax asked, hands in his pocket as he stood across from me.

“Regarding?” I asked, walking away from the hospital room and down the corridor.

“Regarding our Luna and her friend?” 2

“Song Daquin is welcome to stay until she‘s healed.” I replied shortly. “And the Luna?”

“Stop calling her that.” I muttered. “Until she joins the pack?” Jax persisted. Why the fuck was he so

pushy? He was the only one I would be seen around the pack with. Not everyone knew how close I

was to the six, and I preferred it that way. We‘d occasionally go for drinks on a night out, but lately,

everything has just felt so fucking busy. ‘I don‘t fucking know.‘ I replied, ignoring the two nurses who

were giggling and staring at us. Why were most women so fucking annoying?

‘Can I say for once Schurke Wolf doesn‘t have the answer?‘ Jax‘s reply came as we stepped out into

the dark. 2 I took out a cigarette and lit it, not replying to him and instead taking a long drag.

Did you place the body where I asked?‘ I asked the others through the link. ‘Yeah, treat it as if he‘s

alive.‘ Ace‘s voice came. ‘I‘m not going to take risks.‘ I replied frowning deeply, the link open so all

seven of us could converse. 1

‘What are you worried about?‘ Jin asked quietly. # , I frowned, my mind wandering back to the drive

home, as I stared at the stars in the sky... (FLASHBACK) I slowed down, feeling as if I was missing

something as I turned a sharp corner. I didn‘t feel at ease, and it wasn‘t Azura. ‘Shane, Li Sheng,

change of plan, do not bring the body inside of the pack... keep him in the underground cells at location


Roger.‘ Shane said instantly. ‘Understood...” Li Sheng‘s reply came.

‘Why?‘ Jin asked.

“Just do it. I don‘t want that... thing inside this pack. He isn‘t a werewolf; I know that much. Besides

those bullets were made to kill werewolves instantly… he survived after multiple shots. I know he‘s

dead but... just keep him the fuck locked until I run his prints and do some tests, then we‘ll dispose of

the body.‘

Seeing the way he moved, even after I shot him point blank with a bullet that should have killed, didn‘t

go unnoticed... he was still able to move... So what‘s the guarantee that the other bullets worked? 4

I looked over at Azura, who was asleep, her chest rising and falling, and ran my knuckles down her jaw.

I wasn‘t going to take any chances...


‘It was too easy... I‘ve seen Azura fight Emmet, she‘s good, yet she didn‘t stand a chance against

Judah... So how did he go down so easily?‘ ‘Because Schurke Wolf beat his ass?‘ Ace offered. ‘Isn‘t

Sera wanting you home?” I countered. 1

‘Always, but she‘ll be fine. She knows I‘m working. Either way, I guess it‘s better to be safe. Shall we

just burn him and get that shit over with?‘

‘Burning isn‘t always the answer, especially if Leo doesn‘t think he‘s a werewolf.‘ Dan reminded him. 1

“And the tests he wants to run.” Shane added.

‘We‘ll figure out what he is. Dan I want you to begin running some tests, but keep him bound, and I

want at least four of you there with him.‘ I ordered. ‘I think you are being too paranoid, Leo.‘ Jax added

thoughtfully. >

‘Na... you can never fucking be too careful. Think smart.‘I frowned.

‘Like you always do?‘ Ace‘s cocky voice came. I knew he meant the entire situation with Azura, but that

shit was totally different... I know I will have to talk to her sooner or later and I can‘t avoid her forever…


The way that bastard had talked to her had made my blood boil. I hated the bastard with everything I

fucking had.

‘He‘s under surveillance and we have six men watching him. You can relax. If we see or think anything

is out of the ordinary, I will alert you.‘ Li Sheng said, currently he was watching him as I wanted one of

the six to constantly be on alert. That location was close enough to be within linking range.

‘Good. I‘ll come to check on him tonight if I get time, I need to go pay a visit to Emmet too. Think we all

need to get some rest for now. Jax, are the preparations for the drugs to be traded with the buyers


‘Yes... regarding that, I was meant to tell you Web is one of the buyers. He went through another, but

it‘s definitely him. Do you want me to cancel it?‘

I frowned, I had killed his son for him trying to double cross me... why would he do business with me,

even if the drugs were sought after, he definitely had a reason and I was certain that was to get

revenge. 1

‘No. Let him be, we‘ll keep an eye on him.‘ I replied.

Johann Weber, also known as the Web was a forty–nine–year–old mobster, one who I hated fucking

dealing with. That was the type I fucking wanted dead... His son who I had killed, was worse than his

old man, if that was even fucking possible. A rapist and a sick bastard. Although I put his death down to

Johann Weber trying to double–cross me, I got rid of him because he was sick. There were things I

could look past, but someone like Harry Weber didn‘t deserve to fucking live.

‘Did you send the money to the orphanages, I asked?‘ ‘Yup, 50k donated to each orphanage in the

county by an anonymous benefactor.‘ Jax replied, as he walked beside me.

‘Good. ‘You‘re a good person Leo, you just need to let it all go... Just ease up and remember you

deserve some of that happiness too. I get that you want others to be better off... but I mean, not

everyone cares about humans as you do.‘ ‘Human, werewolf, or whatever, those are still children. Even

fifty thousand won‘t make a dent in the support they need.‘ ‘You‘re doing enough, Leo.‘

Was I?

“Turn in for the night, I‘m going to


We both stopped and I took a drag on my cigarette as I spotted her running over, her breasts bouncing

and looking damn fine... “Excuse me...” Jax smirked slightly, before walking off.

So much for avoiding her...

She watched Jax walk off before her gaze returned to me. She was wearing the same outfit as earlier,

although she had removed the bulletproof suit before the doctor had done her checks. “Why didn‘t you

get checked?” She asked, almost accusingly. “Because I‘m fucking fine.” I replied, blowing out the

smoke slowly. She frowned slightly, looking me over as if expecting to see an injury. She met my gaze,

observing me intently, but I remained emotionless until she shook her head, looking uncertain.


“You should get some rest.” I said to her glad she didn‘t push it. I turned away, ready to leave.

I knew I couldn‘t keep denying or ignoring the situation and that soon I would need to figure this shit out

for her, Corrado, and our unborn pup...

“Why are you avoiding me?” She asked, grabbing my arm. “I‘m not.” She raised an eyebrow. “I‘m not

stupid, Leo.” She growled. “Is it because of what happened when we were making out?” 1

“No.” I lied coldly. It was partially... her memory... “Besides it was a fucking mistake.” 1 “Yeah,

everything when it comes to me is a fucking mistake for you, isn‘t it?” She hissed coldly. 1 I knew my

words had hurt her, and although I didn‘t fucking mean it in the way she was taking it. I didn‘t have the

fucking courage to tell her why it was a mistake. Maybe her hating me would work better for her. 1

I was someone who was always fucking in control, but when it came to her... I was a fucking mess.

“Think whatever the fuck you want. Regarding the deal I made with you... how do you want to do it?

Let‘s get it over and done with soon.”

A flicker of hurt flashed in her eyes as she searched my cold ones.

“Then what?” She asked sharply. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Why, do you want to stay?” I shot back coldly.

Her eyes flashed, and she glared at me.

“No why would I want to stay with a dumb twat like you. Yeah, let‘s get the deal over with then.

I knew she was speaking in anger, but was it wrong that pissing her off was pretty amusing?

“I‘d rather be dumb than look like a fish.”

“Excuse me?” Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Have you seen the movie Shark Tale? You look like Lola with those lips.”

She paused for a moment before her eyes flashed silver.

“You loved these lips.” She growled, glaring at me. “Wrong.” I replied arrogantly. I love those lips. “Fuck

off Leo, I don‘t know why you‘re being a dick, but carry on. Thanks for dealing with Judah. Once we‘ve

both fulfilled our halves of the deal... we go our separate ways.” She said, I felt the flash of hurt and

anger through the bond before she slammed her walls up completely.

“Perfect.” I replied. My gaze dipped to her lips before I looked away.

Maybe it was for the fucking best... I didn‘t want her getting attached... We looked at each other, and I

guess there was one fucking thing we had in common... We were both stubborn–as–fuck.

Her chest was heaving as she glared at me icily.

“I‘ll speak to Marcel in the morning, and in the coming days I‘ll arrange for Alejandro to call that bastard

to his pack and I‘ll do that shit. Whilst we‘re there you can talk to your brother.” 1

“You sure are in a rush to get rid of me.” She said bitterly. 1

No, I just don‘t have much time...

Our eyes met and it was fucking suffocating. All I wanted was to pull her close and fix this shit, but we

couldn‘t always have what we wanted... 4

“You are always welcome to this pack.”

Even when I‘m gone...

“Welcome to visit... Thanks” She said sarcastically, her eyes meeting mine. “You are a total dickface.”

She turned and was about to storm off when she stopped. Turning back, she stepped closer, grabbing

hold of my jacket. Our eyes met and her heart skipped a beat, the intense pull making me struggle to

control myself. Just when I thought she might yank me down and kiss me, she punched me in the

stomach. Fucking hard. 4 I clenched my jaw, refusing to give her the satisfaction, she was packing

quite the fucking punch.

I glared at her.

“You are so fucking violent.” I growled.

“I am going to find a staple gun before I leave.” She muttered before storming off, making me raise my

eyebrow. , I couldn‘t help but smirk as I massaged my stomach. It hurt more than it should have. Fuck I

was getting weaker.

‘Nice ass.‘ I taunted.

‘Fuck off.‘ . I might just do that, whilst picturing you in my head. The moment she entered the hospital, i

looked up at the sky. I know Jackie always pushed me to see Kiara... Parts of my body had already

begun shutting down, and if it wasn‘t for the medication and shit, I was using, I would be long dead.

I had left it too late and now when there may be a part of me that wanted to live on, even if it meant

putting aside my ego... Deep down I didn‘t think Kiara could heal me. She wouldn‘t be able to fix this…

I know I was past that point… She was only able to heal something that was damaged, not completely

gone, just the way she couldn‘t regenerate limbs. 3

I took my phone out, staring down at a number I‘ve always had but never rang, but I don‘t think even he

could fix this shit. 12

I just needed to get everything I needed doing, done, before my time came to an end. 1

For everyone.

A/N: Due to GN app being under review, none of my books are showing on the app unless they are

already in your library. You can however go to the website and search for my name or book and they

will come up, which will then allow you to ‘d******d to app‘ which will add the book to your library. ♡ 3

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