Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 121

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121. Turn of Events


I stare at him unblinking, as those words. sink in.

Fuck, after the fact the two had some sort of connection that they denied and now this? What more do

they fucking want?

“So, what’s the issue? You two can deny it, but you both have feelings for one another? Isn't this the

fucking push you need?” I say, my eyes dropping to Mom’s mark on his neck. It is the only thing I really

remember her by, the only physical sign of her existence aside from the fleeting memories I hold. We

had nothing, no pictures, no videos. … nothing.

“She ran. I guess the Moon Goddess really created an incompatible pair.” Dad says.

“Oh, for Goddess’s sake, no she did not.” Azura snaps. “She’s scared, because she cares for Leo. She

doesn’t want to hurt him... that is the issue here because I am sure as hell that she wants you. What

sane woman wouldn't?”

I cock a brow as I look at my gorgeous mate, who has a hand on her stomach, clearly in pain but hiding

it well. I feel on edge too, excited even, knowing our pup is going to be here any day. I can’t wait… I

smile softly before I turn back to Dad, “I'll go talk to her. Where is she?”

“Upstairs, she’s a fast runner...’

“She always has been.” I smirk slightly. I remember the first day I saw her in the orphanage. She had

tried to run, and she was fast for a little runt. The urge to ask Dad for a photo of Mom's mark before I

go up fills my mind, but I’m unable to...I feel Azura’s intense gaze on me and I smoothly look up and

give her a sexy smirk, but she doesn’t fall for it, her eyes boring into me. She's fucking sexy, a little

psychotic, but she fucking knows me...

Swallowing the odd lump in my throat, I compose my emotions and walk past Dad, heading upstairs.

“You know, I Know you're a Rossi, but why can’t at least one damn Rossi just meet their mate and not

have any issues crop up?”

Azura says to him, making him chuckle.

“Well... that’s a good question, but believe it or not, things were pretty different with Petra...” Dad trails

off and I’m glad my back is to him. It’s not that I’m not happy.

If this is how I feel about Mom’s mark going, it just shows how much harder it must have been for

Kareena to get rid of her own mate’s mark. She had her tattoo done today, and it’s not small. It runs

over her shoulder and right beneath it; she had Shane’s name placed.

She had to mark Jax first, for Jax to be able to mark her and remove Shane’s. It had only been the four

of us there and once it was done; we left her and Azura to have a moment. Jax was quiet after. The

entire mood had been somber, but I hope this is the start to her healing.

I follow Winona’s scent to her room, and I knock on the door.

“Winona?” I call.

“Yes?” She answers, her voice almost sounding normal.

“Can I have a word?”


I knock again and after a few moments the door opens, and she smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

“What is it?” She asks softly.

“Is Azura alright?”

I push the door open and frown, noticing the bed hasn't even been touched. It’s past midnight. She

would usually be asleep by now.

“Yeah... she’s still getting her contractions, but she’s doing ok.” I say, “Dad told me you two are mates.”

Her face falls and I can see the fear in her eyes and the guilt as she shakes her head, almost as if

she’s denying it.

“I don't want it, I will never hurt you. I promise! I’m so, so sorry!” Her eyes fill with tears and she’s

clutching her hands in front of her, almost as if asking for forgiveness. “I owe you my life. I promise I'll

never do anything to upset you! If-if you want me to leave-"

“Winona!” I growl, making her come to an abrupt halt and at the same time, the dam. on her tears

breaks, making her tears stream down her cheeks.

“I'm sorry.” She whimpers. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

Why the hell am I having to deal with so many emotional women recently? Because you're the alpha, I

tell myself, and the fact

that I care for them. “Stop apologising. This is going to be weird as fuck, but I’m going to come out and

say it. He likes you, you obviously fucking feel something for him, then go for it. I’m fine. Mom has been

dead for fucking years. Dad’s alone. If the Goddess has given him a mate, then who are we to stand

against that.”

Yeah, I’m fucking saying this... after questioning my own given mate back then.

She frowns slightly, brushing her tears away.

“It isn’t that easy.” She says.

I know, but I’m trying to make it easier.

“Why isn’t it? Is he too fucking old? If that’s the issue then I get it.” I say.

The frown deepens, and she shakes her head.

“You shouldn't say that about your father.” She says.

I cock a brow. “And since when have you started telling me what I should and shouldn't fucking say?

Oh yeah... since you got a little possessive of him.” I reply coldly.

She looks down, not replying, and I lean against the door frame, crossing my arms.

“Look... life is fucking short. Sometimes you have to put aside your logic and go for it. Yeah, I'll miss

seeing that mark on Dad’s neck, but more than that, I want to see him happy, and if you’re the one who

he’s fucking mated to and wants, then why are you going to withhold that happiness from him? Take

your time Winona... but don’t hold back on my account. I have my woman and life isn’t so fucking

empty anymore. Dad needs that.”

I frown as I glance around the room. “And you need a bit of a life too... you’ve always taken care of

Corrado and me, you're twenty -seven, you ain't getting any fucking younger, so do something for

yourself for once.”

She nods, but she doesn’t move. “Thank you.” She says after a moment. I’m about to ask her what she

is going to do when I hear a painful gasp from down the hall.

“Leo!” Dad shouts.


I glance at Winona, who smiles. “I think the baby is about to come.” She says.

I don’t reply, running down the hall and steps to find Azura holding the rail at the bottom.

“My waters have broken.” She says as our eyes meet. My heart thumps and I feel... nervous… I nod, I

know this shit... We just go to the hospital, everything is there already.... Right?

“Ok. Ok, so we go back,” I say as Dad smiles and nods.

“My grandchild is about to arrive.” He says. “I should call Elijah...”

“Yes! Call Mama, she kept saying I might be early, and I was like no signs...” Azura says as I scoop her

up just as Winona appears at the top of the stairs.

A slight tension falls but neither Dad nor Winona let the awkwardness settle in and

Winona smiles at us. This time it reaches her eyes.

“Good Luck Azura, I'll be here with Corrado. You should all head to the hospital.” She says, giving

Azura the thumbs up. “You got this.”

Azura nods as Dad reaches into his pocket. ” The keys, no phone! Ok, Leo, you take my car, it’s right

outside the gates. It'll be faster than getting one of yours. Head to the hospital, I’ll come on foot, I’ll ring

Elijah, Alejandro, and Maria! Oh, and Raihana, she said, I have to tell her...”

“Does everyone need to know I’m going into labor?” Azura mumbles, wrapping her arms around my

neck as she frowns. “I can walk.” She adds in a clipped tone.

For a moment I simply look at her, unable to explain these emotions before I lean over, giving her a

quick peck on the lips, knowing she’s in no fucking state for anything longer than that. “They love you

and are kinda excited?” I kiss her shoulder.

“Stop kissing me! We need to get to the hospital,” she growls, and I find myself chuckling as I head out

the door. That's my girl.

‘Azura’s waters have broken. We’re heading to the hospital.’ I say to the boys through the link. Time to

meet our little angel or devil... officially.

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire - the best

manga of 2020

Of the Moonlight Muse stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Alpha Leo

and the Heart of Fire. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has

been translated to Chapter 121. Let's read now the author's Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Moonlight Muse story right here


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