Novel Name : Let's Get Married

Chapter 496: Sudden Cerebral Infarction

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Summer vacation is a busy time for shops, because the students finally have free time. Lily tries her

best to spare time for Adair, but she has her hands full.

Coincidentally, Ryan is going to London for a few days. Adair misses London, so Lily agrees to let him

go with Ryan after some thinking.

Before they leave, she repeatedly cautions Adair, feeling that she can never stop worrying. She used to

feel find Harry nagging, but now she understands him as a parent herself.

After they set off, Lily thinks that she can finally rest. However, a call from Bree bursts her bubble—

Harry had a sudden brain infarction and was sent to the hospital.

Lily is so scared that she can't even hold the phone steadily. Blanching, she says, "Mom, don't panic. I'll

rush over right now!"

When Gladys hears the commotion, she asks with concern, "Lily, what's wrong?"

"It's my family. I have to go to the hospital. Take care of the shop. Call me if you need anything," she

quickly explains, walking out with the car keys.

She drives all the way to the hospital. After parking her car, she runs into the elevator and finds the

emergency room. On the bench in the corridor, Bree is sitting alone. Bending, she looks so weak,

lonely and helpless.

Lily walks to her side and hugs her. "Mom, how is Dad?"

"It's not good. The doctors are rescuing him. He lost his consciousness on the way here." Bree is

extremely worried. As she speaks, tears fall out of her eyes. And she is still terrified by what she just


The old couple was going out for a stroll after breakfast. They have developed that habit after they

retired. Unexpectedly, Harry lost his footing while he was changing his shoes. In the next second, he

leaned on the wall and sat down on the ground, never getting up again.

Lily stares at the red light of the emergency room, feeling as if her heart were being fried on a stove.

She knows Harry hasn't been in good health, but he has been getting physical examinations on time all

these years. How could he suddenly have a brain infarction?

These questions can only be answered when the doctors come out.

Time passes by. The waiting is long and excruciating. Neither she nor Bree speaks. Perhaps they are

too worried, or not in the mood. Silence feels better now.

A long time has passed, and even the air around them seems to become thinner. At last, the door to

the emergency room opens.

The doctor in charge walks out, followed by a group of paramedics who push Harry's bed out.

Lily jumps up from the chair like a spring, strides to the doctor, and nervously asks, "Doctor, how is my


The male doctor takes off his mask and glances at her and Bree. "Are you family members of the


"Yes, I am his daughter."

"The patient's condition is complicated, but we can confirm that it's a cerebral infarction. He still needs

a lot of examinations. You guys can check him in first. He will be transferred to a ward." When the

doctor notices Bree's red eyes, he turns around and whispers to Lily, "Come with me."

"Okay." Lily hands her purse to Bree. "Mom, walk straight to the second window and get him

hospitalized. I have cash in my purse. You can use it. I'll go with the doctor now."

"Alright. You go. Tell the doctor about your father."

"Don't worry."

Lily follows the doctor into the office. There are other people, but it is not noisy, He turns on the medical

computer monitor, and two black-and-white brain CT scans appear. "We took these just now. They

show that two of your father's brain vessels are blocked. One is a small vessel, and the other is an

important vessel. He fainted because of the latter. Judging from the shadows, the clots are not small,

and they are pressing his cranial nerves. So, even after he wakes up, he won't be able to move freely,

and he might even suffer from temporary hemiplegia."

The doctor's words weigh like a stone, crushing Lily's heart, leaving a pang. She asks with a frown,

"But this never happened before. Why is it so serious this time?"

The doctor shakes his head and sighs, replying, "He must have experienced something like this but

minor. Either he didn't tell you, or he didn't take it seriously. If it had been caught sooner, some

medicine would do. But now, he needs surgery."

"Do you mean there were signs?"

"Yes." The doctor takes out Harry's medical records and writes something down. "With their children

striving to earn a living, the parents don't want to cause them trouble. When he wakes up, you can ask

him. He must have been unwell before."

Lily is struck dumb. All these years, she has not been living a stable life, but Bree and Harry have never

showed disappointment or troubled her. She naturally assumed that they didn't need her, but ignored

the fact that they were old. Most of the time, they just didn't want to bother her, even when they did

need her.

Noticing that she is down, the doctor comforts her, "Don't be too sad. This disease is common among

the elderly. It won't be that difficult to treat. We just have to wait for your father to finish the


"Then when will that begin?"

"Tomorrow. He needs to rest today."

Lily thinks for a moment before saying apologetically, "Doctor, if it has to be tomorrow, I'd like to transfer

him to another hospital."

"Another hospital?" The doctor is little surprised. This is the best public hospital in the city. "Where do

you want to transfer him?"

"Karl's Hospital. I have friends there, so it should be more convenient," Lily says truthfully. After all, it is

about Harry. She can't possibly make do with it. He must receive the best treatment, and she trusts Karl

in this.

The doctor understands what she means. That hospital is exclusive, even for the wealthy. Although it is

a private hospital, many of its facilities are much better than those of the public hospitals.

The doctor stops writing. "Alright, then I will prescribe the medicine for tonight, and leave the rest to


"Alright, thank you."

Lily leaves the office and goes straight to the ward. Because the incident is unexpected, Harry can only

settle in a crowded public ward with three other patients.

the fact that they were old. Most of the time, they just didn't want to bother her, even when they did

need her.

Noticing that she is down, the doctor comforts her, "Don't be too sad. This disease is common among

the elderly. It won't be that difficult to treat. We just have to wait for your father to finish the


"Then when will that begin?"

“Tomorrow. He needs to rest today."

Lily thinks for a moment before saying apologetically, "Doctor, if it has to be tomorrow, I'd like to transfer

him to another hospital."

"Another hospital?" The doctor is little surprised. This is the best public hospital in the city. "Where do

you want to transfer him?"

"Karl's Hospital. | have friends there, so it should be more convenient," Lily says truthfully. After all, it is

about Harry. She can't possibly make do with it. He must receive the best treatment, and she trusts Karl

In this.

The doctor understands what she means. That hospital is exclusive, even for the wealthy. Although it is

a private hospital, many of its facilities are much better than those of the public hospitals.

The doctor stops writing. "Alright, then | will prescribe the medicine for tonight, and leave the rest to


“Alright, thank you."

Lily leaves the office and goes straight to the ward. Because the incident is unexpected, Harry can only

settle in a crowded public ward with three other patients.


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