Novel Name : The Moon and The Ocean

Chapter CHAPTER 12

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After an hour of twisting and turning on his bed, Moon decided to go and see Ocean. He got up, wore

his clothes, wrote a note to his mother to know that said, "Ma, I'm going to see Ocean and will be back

by breakfast. Love you."

He left the note on his bedside table and jumped out of his window. He looked around, no one was

there. He smiled to himself and in a flash, he was standing in Knight's Villa. He got into Ocean's room

and found her sleeping peacefully. He stripped off his shirt and climbed into her bed.

As the bed moved a bit, Ocean opened her eyes and found Moon beside her. She smiled looking at his

face. She brought her hand to his face and brushed her fingers over his cheek. He kissed her forehead

and she whispered.

Ocean: I thought you said you'll be staying home because of your father.

She said it with a teasing raised eyebrow. A smirk appeared on his face and he whispered back


Moon: What can I do? I'm addicted to you now.

Ocean's cheeks turned pink along with the tip of her nose. She narrowed her eyes and just then she

realized that Moon was half naked. She quickly tried to get away from him but he stopped her. He

grabbed her waist and pulled her soft body to his hard chest. Her heart beat rose and her breaths

became heavy. In a flash, Moon was on top of her, he pinned her to the bed and looked at her with that

smirk still plastered on his lips.

Ocean tried to get herself free from his hold but he was strong and she couldn't fight him. He leaned in

and pecked her lips. She gasped at the sudden contact with his cold lips. Her cheeks were red by now,

she was blushing hard. Moon leaned down and captured her sweet strawberry lips in a toe curling and

blood rushing kiss. He sucked her lower lip hard, asking for entrance. She parted her lips and his

tongue slipped in her mouth. His tongue moved and roamed around every corner of her mouth. Her lips

were also moving in sync with his lips. After a few minutes passed and he broke the kiss for her to fill

her lungs with oxygen.

Breathing heavily, she put her head on his chest and he held her small figure tightly. He inhaled the

sweet scent of her body and felt a spark all over his body. Ocean giggled cutely and asked him.

Ocean: Someone missed me so much in a few hours only.

He kissed the top of her head, pulled her body fully on his. Now she was lying on top of him. He guided

her gaze towards his, he smiled looking at her stunning face and replied.

Moon: I can't stay away from you, it's not my fault.

She giggled again and put her head back on his chest, listening to his calmly beating heart. She closed

her eyes and soon she was asleep. Moon stayed awake for a bit while, thinking about things his

parents were talking about. He wanted to know more about it but he couldn't just ask them. He wanted

them to trust him and tell him everything they have hidden for years from him. He doubted that Zeus

even knew anything about it. He again inhaled the sweet vanilla scent of Ocean's body and closed his

eyes. It wasn't long when they both were snoring.


6 Months Later:-

It's been 6 months, Ocean and Moon have been dating. Everyone in school knew about them being

together. Moon already won Jack's heart when he saved Ocean's life. Their life was perfect. They both

go to school together every day, stay together in school and after school they meet each other on the

lake side. And on weekends, they spend most of the time together, some times at Moon's place and

some times, into the woods. Zeus had also visited twice in these 6 months and everything was perfect.

He was like a big brother to Ocean as well. She ever wanted an order brother and Zeus always treated

her like a baby sister. They look really cute and perfect together and Everyone was happy seeing them

both together except for Mala.

Mala was jealous of seeing Ocean with Moon. Moon was the most popular and handsome guy in the

whole school and she wanted to be with him. She knew Moon and his family were loaded. It was

Friday, the last day of school before the winter break.

Ocean was very happy and excited for Christmas this year. Mr and Mrs Kart had personally invited her

to Kart's mansion. They wanted her to stay with them and celebrate Christmas and new year with

them. Ocean got really close to Moon's family, especially his mother. She was really kind, loving and

caring. She treated Ocean like her own daughter, saying that she always wanted a daughter but got

two sons. Maria even requested Ocean to call her mom.

After the last class, Moon and Ocean made their way out of the car. They had planned to get Ocean's

bag from her house and then they would be at Kart's mansion. Hand in hand, they were happily

walking when Mala stopped them by blocking their way. She gave Ocean a disgusted look and spoke

to Moon.

Mala: What's so special about her? She isn't even that pretty!

Hearing her, Moon got angry. He pulled Ocean to his chest and wrapped his arm around her waist. He

then spoke to Mala but loud enough for everyone around them to hear him clearly.

Moon: What's special about her, I need days to just tell you her specialities. She's very kind and very

caring and you know what Mala, she doesn't care for how much me or my family are loaded. She is not

greedy like you. And that's the main reason I like her and I am with her. Now if you excuse us, my

family is waiting for both me and Ocean.

Saying that Moon grabbed Ocean's hand and pulled her out of the school. They got in the car and

drove off. Moon took her to Jack's Villa, She grabbed her bags which were already packed, bid her

goodbyes to both Jack and Lora and went back to Moon's car. She got in and Moon drove off again.

Moon stopped the car in front of his mansion's gate and turned to Ocean with a pleading smile on his

face. Ocean giggled at his cute pleading look and asked him in a fake annoyed voice.

Ocean: Now what do you want?

Moon: Mom's gonna ask you about the room. Please tell her you'll be staying with me, please…

Ocean felt her heart warmed up, she wanted to kiss that cute face he was making but decided to tease

him a little. She rolled her eyes at him and hopped out of the car. She turned to look at him and found

him looking at her with the same pleading eyes. Ocean shrugged her shoulders and said with a smirk.

Ocean: Nope.

And with that she ran to the door and rang the doorbell before Moon could be out of the sudden shock

she gave him. Until Moon could do anything, Maria opened the door and invited them both in. Ocean

hugged Maria and happily went in, but Moon only gave a forced smile to his mother and followed

Ocean in the living room. Moon sat Ocean's bags on the ground and Ocean greeted Derek. Derek

happily greeted her back. Moon also greeted his father. Ocean looked at him and found a sad smile on

his face. She didn't want him to be sad, she just wanted to tease him a little. Maria came into the living

room and asked Ocean.

Maria: I have settled a room for you, but Moon said you both will be living in the same room?

Ocean had a cheeky smile and said.

Ocean: Yes, I'll be good with him.

Moon looked at her with a shocked look on his face, which was then turned into a big smile. Maria

nodded and spoke again.

Maria: Okay then, go and unpack your stuff. I'll send some snacks for both of you. The dinner will be

ready soon.

Moon and Ocean both nodded and Moon pulled her to his room. As soon as they stepped in his room,

Moon locked the door and caged her between his arms and the door. Ocean looked at him through her

long, thick lashes and her cheeks were pink. He leaned in and pecked her lips. He then scooped her up

in his arms and took her to bed. He gently put her on bed and took her bags. He went to his closet and

set all her things. He went back to Ocean who was nervously playing with her fingers. He sat beside

her and pulled her in his lap. Her cheeks turned in a bit darker pink, she closed her eyes and buried her

face in the crock of his neck. He chuckled, seeing her reaction. He grabbed her hand and kissed her

palm. They stayed like this for a while, without a single word, they sat together.


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