Novel Name : The Moon and The Ocean

Chapter CHAPTER 31

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When I opened my eyes again, Ocean was not by my side. She was hugging Vivian tightly and

sobbing. My heart clenched seeing her crying like that. But I knew I could not interfere. They both had

longed for each other. It was a mother daughter reunion. I stood up and Vivian opened her arms for me

as well. I smiled and went to her. She hugged us both together. She held us tightly. It felt so good to

know that I and Ocean were born mated. But still I had some questions inside my head.

We finally broke the hug and sat back on the couches. Vivian asked us to eat something. Our

stomachs were growling by then. We both hopped off of the couch and filled our plates with food in

front of us. Vivian chuckled as we started eating. Ocean giggled and wiped my lips. I had smudged

cream all over my lips.

Vivian: I can see you have questions in your head Moon. First of all, thank you for bringing my daughter

to me. Secondly, I am here to answer all your questions. Just ask me.

Vivian said and I nodded my head. I set my plate aside and looked at Vivian.

Moon: I have heard ma and pa talking about the baby of Sam Knight, who died that day. How come ma

and pa know about that when they did not see Ocean at all? I mean the dead baby.

I asked and she sighed.

Vivian: Your father was an Alpha that time. Of course I needed to tell him everything. I needed his

protection. I was not this powerful by then. Also, Sam Knight came back when Ocean was very sick.

She nearly died. And that happened right in front of your father. That was why he knew that Ocean was

dead. But in reality, I was able to revive her.

She replied and I nodded my head.

Moon: What happened to you after you told him that his daughter died?

I asked and she smiled.

Vivian: You should not have to worry about that. It was my mistake. I had to bear the consequences.

She replied.

Ocean: What do you mean? What did you do?

Ocean asked in a worry laced voice.

Vivian: I fell in love with a demon. You just can not expect a demon to love you back. He would use you

and would throw you away like trash.

Vivian replied in a sad tone. Ocean and I exchanged looks then looked back at Vivian.

Ocean: Does that mean that I am the daughter of that demon?

Ocean asked Vivian. I looked at Vivian who sighed and narrowed her eyes like she was ashamed of

something she had done in her past.

Vivian: Unfortunately yes! He was your father. Vincent Redford's father adopted him. He was the same

age as Moon's father. But because Vincent's father adopted him, he was known as Vincent's brother.

Vincent Redford is your grandfather, Moon. Nobody knew about that secret except for the people

closest to the Redford family. It was a dark secret. Everyone hid it exactly like one.

Vivian explained. We both were looking at her with wide eyes. We were shocked hearing about

Ocean's father. But what worried me more was the look in Ocean's eyes. I saw fear in her eyes. Like

Vivian had told us about Ocean's demon. I wrapped my arm around her waist and she looked into my

eyes. I pecked her forehead lovingly and she took a deep breath.

Vivian: You two should leave now. We do not want your father to find out about you both so soon. You

two have a lot to learn now. And you also need to learn to fight. You both are more powerful than

anyone could imagine. And to polish your powers a bit more, you have to learn to fight.

She said and we both nodded our heads. We stood up and so did Vivian. She walked us to the door.

One last time, she hugged us both. It was like she did not want us to go but she was helpless.

Vivian: Do not try to visit me again. If your enemies find out, they will hurt you and that will kill me. I had

done everything in my power to keep you both safe. Do not ruin years of my hard work.

Vivian said and we both nodded our heads. We stepped out of the cabin and went to my father's car.

Without a single word, we all hopped into his car and drove off.


Killing the guards out of his way, an ancient vampire made his way towards the basement of the castle.

The castle was old and damaged. But of course, nobody cared for that. The ancient vampire was here

to get his work done. He knew that the time had come. He unlocked the door and stepped into the

huge hall that was guarded by the two vampires. The ancient vampire let his velvet cape fall down on

the dusty ground as he saw the last two guards lunging themselves on him.

With an easy swing of his flexible body, the ancient vampire captured one of the guards head in his

hands. And without wasting any time further, the ancient vampire ripped the guard's head off. The other

guard pulled out the dagger that was given to him when he was appointed to guard that old castle. The

dagger was not a usual pine tree wood. It was an enchanted dagger that was made of the wood of the

summer sun tree. It could only be found in the fairy land. An enchantress made sure to bring the huge

beach of the summer sun tree and made a few daggers out of it. Myth says that the summer sun tree

from fairy land has pure rays of the sun running into its veins.

The guard lunged himself at the ancient vampire. But it was not his lucky day. Before the dagger could

even touch the ancient vampire's body, the ancient vampire ripped the guard's heart out of his chest.

The guard fell on the ground with a loud thud. The ancient vampire threw the heart on his face and

went away. He could hear the knocking that was driving him crazy. He knew that the time had come. It

was time to get his master out of the coffin that his master was locked in.

He ripped the locks off of the coffin and grabbed the slab of the coffin. He moved it off of the coffin. He

then made a small cut on his palm and let the blood drop on the coffin's cover. The blood traveled

towards the chanted circle. It broke the magic that kept the devil locked inside the coffin for years. The

ancient vampire opened the coffin and gasped loudly as he looked at his master. He was still the same

as he was years ago when he last saw him. Kneeling down on the ground, he welcomed his master

back into the world.

Ancient vampire: Welcome back, father. I had been waiting for this moment for so long.

Ancient vampire said to the vampire master.

Vampire Master: I know my son Parko. You must have been through a lot to get me out of here. I know

my son. But do not worry anymore. I have a surprise for my first born.

The vampire master said and the ancient vampire smiled and stood up.

Parko: What is it father?

Parko asked his father in an excited tone.

Vampire Master: I will give it to you but you have to give me something as well. You know, I have been

out for years and I need my strength back to get started again.

Vampire master said and Parko bowed his head in respect.

Parko: Anything for my beloved father. What can I serve you, father?

Parko asked.

Vampire Master: Your life…

Vampire master said wickedly then grabbed Parko by his neck. He held Parko up from the ground. As

Parko struggled to breathe, the vampire master opened his mouth with his sharp and long fangs ready.

He bit Parko and sucked all the blood he had in him. Parko struggled to get himself free from the devil

but it was too late. The devil was stronger than any other vampire he had ever confronted. Soon, Parko

was lying on the ground lifeless. Vampire Master pulled Parko's handkerchief out of his pocket and

wiped his face.

Vampire Master: What a fool you were to follow me instead of your mother. Your mother tried her best

to get you out of my hold but… tsk tsk tsk tsk, poor Parko son. You were no good for me to let you live

except for your blood that gave me my strength back. Now, it's time to find my beloved daughter who's

powers have awakened a few days ago. Along with the son of my beloved nephew. But first, I need to

find my beautiful wife and have her whole. My dear wife, I am coming.

Vampire Master said and within a flash, he was out of the castle.


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