Novel Name : The Moon and The Ocean

Chapter CHAPTER 16

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It had been a few days since Moon had come to know that Mr and Mrs Kart aren't Moon's biological

parents. Moon hadn't spoken a single word since then. He was so upset and heart broken. He was

always either locked in his room or at the lake. He even started spending his nights at Ocean's. He

even warned guards not to follow him. Derek told Zeus about Moon's behavior. Zeus left everything

and went back home to find out what's troubling his baby brother. Ocean on the other side, was worried

about Moon as well. She didn't ask him anything but she could feel that Moon wasn't feeling well. He

was either angry all the time or lost in his deep thoughts. He was trying his best to hide his pain. He

hadn't told Ocean about it all. Mr and Mrs Knight welcomed him with open arms when he asked if he

could stay with them. Ocean was sitting on her bed. A movie was played on her television but her mind

was nowhere to pay attention towards the movie. She was still thinking about Moon. Moon came into

the room. He laid on the bed with his head on Ocean's lap. He wrapped his both arms around her small

waist and his face was buried into her lap. He inhaled her vanilla scent and sighed.

Ocean: Moon…

Ocean whispered.

Moon: Hmmm.

He hummed.

Ocean: What is wrong with you? You can tell me anything, you know that, right?

Moon: I know Ocean. I'm fine. Don't worry so much about me.

He replied with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. She could see pain in his eyes. She wanted to

do something for him that would make him feel better. Every time she needed him, he was always

there to help her. This time he was the one who needed her. An idea popped up in her mind and she

smiled. She got up from bed, took her mobile from the bedside table and played, Hero of Enrique

Iglesias. Moon was watching her but didn't say anything. She came to bed and offered Moon her hand.

Moon stared at her hand for a few moments then took it. She pulled him off of the bed and dimmed all

the lights of her room. She came close to him, wrapped her arms around his waist and started moving

feet with the music. Moon smiled and wrapped his arms around her as well. They moved in sync with

the slow music rhythm. Moon forgot all his worries at that moment, in her arms. He felt carefree. He

wasn't worried about anything. He wanted his life like this, where he could hide in her arms and no one

would ever trouble him. She was his escape from all the worries. He was glad that he had found her

and she was with him in his hard time. Moon pinched her chin lightly and guided her lips towards his.

He captured her lips in a soft kiss with both of their arms still wrapped around each other's bodies.

Moon broke the kiss and carried her back to the bed. They both laid cuddling with each other. Moon

kissed the top of her head and they both drifted off.


Zeus came back home after he made sure Moon was with Ocean. He stepped into the mansion and a

few unfamiliar scents hit his nostrils. His eyes glowed golden and his claws and fangs grew. He went

into the living room and found some people standing there. He growled loudly and everyone inside the

room bowed, except for the strangers. Derek stood up and growled back, but it wasn't louder than

Zeus' growl. Zeus looked at his father and nodded his head as an approval for him to speak.

Derek: They are Moon's biological parents, Kevin and Linda Samuels.

Zeus: Why are they here?

Kevin: Don't you know boy? We are here to take what belongs to us.

Hearing him Zeus' anger rose and he roared at Kevin.

Zeus: It's Alpha Zeus and don't forget, you are standing in my territory. If I want, I will rip both of your

hearts out of your chest and dump your good for nothing bodies in the junkyard and not a single soul

would have any idea what happened to you.

Kevin: You dear to threaten us?

Zeus: I can do more than just threaten you. Now get out of my territory or you both will pay the price for

disobeying me in my territory and threatening me as well.

Zeus said it and Kevin started laughing hysterically.

Kevin: You think your pity little threats would scare me. No, no, no boy. You are underestimating me.

Linda: We are here to take our boy back and we will take him with us.

Saying that, Mr and Mrs Samuels turned around and left Kart's mansion. They went straight to Moon's



Finally, Moon was smiling. Ocean's plan worked and Moon was smiling again. It wasn't like he always

smiled but Ocean was happy that he was taking baby steps. Hands in hand, both Moon and Ocean

made their way to the parking lot of the school. Ocean was cracking silly jokes to make him laugh and

he laughed. But his laughter died as his eyes fell on the people standing in front of his car. Ocean

understood his uneasiness. She gave his hand a little squeeze. He looked at her and she gave him her

cutest smile. They made their way to the car, he signalled Ocean to get into the car. She didn't ask

anything and did as he told her to do. He unlocked the car and Ocean hopped in. He was about to

open the door for himself when Kevin grabbed his elbow and turned him around.

Kevin: Avoiding us isn't going to change the fact that you belong to us. Today or tomorrow, you have to

accept the fact and come with us. Now it depends on you whether you want to follow us happily or we

have to take you forcefully.

Moon: Keep your hands to yourself Mr Samuels. And you dare to follow me in my school?

Linda: Son, you can't talk to us like this. We are your parents.

Linda said it as loud as she could. Moon looked around and found his school fellows staring at him with

pity for him in their eyes. His heart started beating erratically as he never faced anything like this in his

life. He took a few steps backwards, turned around and started running towards the forest. Ocean

called him many times but he didn't listen. He kept running, tears stung in his eyes and they started

flowing freely from his ocean blue eyes. He didn't bother to wipe them off of his face.

Ocean hopped out of the car. She saw Mr Samuels and a woman with him smiled mischievously. As

Moon ran away, they both left as well. Ocean quickly locked the car. She was thankful that Moon

dropped the keys on the ground beside the car. She quickly ran to find Jake, she gave him car keys

and told him to take the car to Moon's mansion. Then she as well, started running towards the forest.

Jake: Ocean wait, you don't know where he would be?

Ocean: No Jake. I know exactly where he would be. I know my Moon.

Jake: Okay then, good luck.

Ocean: Thanks.


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