Novel Name : The Moon and The Ocean

Chapter CHAPTER 13

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Moon and Ocean made their way to the dining room. Moon sat on his chair and Ocean took a seat

beside him. Derek came and took his seat. Both Moon and Ocean greeted him. Derek greeted them

back and they all waited for Maria to come to the dining room. Maria came and took her seat beside

her husband. They all ate without a single word. After dinner, Ocean helped Maria with the dishes and

Moon sat with his father. Maria and Ocean came into the living room and joined Moon and Derek. They

talked for a while and then they all went to their rooms.

Next night came and Moon took Ocean to his room earlier. Ocean was confused but didn't ask him.

Ocean didn't know much but Moon knew it was a full moon night. And all the creatures would be blood

thirsty. Moon came out of the bathroom, freshly showered and ready to go to bed. He was drying his

hair with a towel when he looked at Ocean. She was lying on her stomach, her legs were hanging in

the air. She was busy watching a movie that Moon played before he went to take a shower. His heart

skipped a beat when his eyes fell on her bare legs. She was wearing her father's t-shirt that ended till

her upper thigh. But she didn't realize that because of her current position, her shirt rose further up and

her legs were fully on display for Moon. Moon threw the towel and went to her. Just like that, he laid his

body on hers, careful not to hurt her. She gasped as his thigh rubbed her bare, soft skin. He buried his

face in her hair and spoke.

Moon: You're so stunning. I don't know how I'm going to wait for us to turn 18. But I can't wait to make

you completely mine.

Ocean smiled and hid her face in her hands. She was blushing hard. Salty smell of her arousal hit his

nostrils and he smirked, knowing his effects over her. She was turned on. Moon pecked her shoulder

and moved away from her. He laid down straight on the bed. Ocean quickly laid close to him. She

wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head

and inhaled her sweet vanilla scent deeply. They both were still watching the movie. A yawn escaped

Ocean's lips and she looked up at the Moon. Moon smiled and turned off the TV. He held her tightly

and whispered softly.

Moon: Good night my Ocean.

Ocean: Good night my Moon.

With that, they both closed their eyes and fell asleep in each other's arms.


Ocean: Moon…

Ocean called his name. It was dark and she was cold. She wasn't in bed anymore but in the forest. Her

hands and feet were as cold as ice.

Ocean: Moon…

Her voice came out hoarse. She looked around and tried to remember her way back home but her

mind was blank. Suddenly, her eyes spotted something, something red and was glowing. Ocean

clapped her hands on her mouth to block her sobs. She started to move backwards. It was him. She

saw him again. The man with red eyes. She turned around and started running away from him. She

looked behind while running, he wasn't there anymore. She stopped and looked back again to confirm.

She was right, he wasn't there. She sighed in relief, turned around and was about to leave when

someone grabbed her by her waist.

Man with red eyes: Where do you think you are going? I'm hungry, don't you know.

He dug his fangs in her neck and she gasped.


She gasped loudly and sat up on the bed. She was breathing hard and her heart was wild in her rib

cage. She looked around, she was still in Moon's room. She sighed and wiped her sweat with a tissue.

She filled a glass with water and downed it in one go. Still her heart was nowhere to be calmed. She

decided to go out in the fresh air. She opened the door and went out of Moon's room. She went

downstairs, opened the door and walked out. She was barefoot, the grass under her feet tickled her

soft feet. She silently kept waking in the garden. She looked at the sky which was shining bright with

the full moon. She smiled and sat down on the ground, admiring the view. She heard a crack, like a

twig got crushed under a heavy foot. She looked around but saw nothing. She brushed it off and turned

her attention over the moon again. She heard a low growl and turned to look around again. But this

time, she found two wolves looking at her like a prey. They both were big, bigger than a grizzly bear.

One of them had light grey furr and the other one had white and grey mix. Both of their eyes were

glowing silver and they slowly started to March towards her. They both were blocking the main door,

she couldn't go back inside the mansion. She turned around and started running. The only way to save

herself was to run into the woods. That's what she thought, but she didn't know, she was going exactly

where those wolves wanted her.

Ocean kept running deeper and deeper into the forest. After a few minutes, she stopped and turned

around. She held a tree and tried to catch her breath. She heard a few cracks and looked around. She

gasped out loud when her eyes fell on wolves around her. Not just two, but 30 wolves looking at her.

Growling lightly they made their way to their prey. Tears welled up in her pretty eyes and a loud sob

escaped her lips. One of the wolves was close to her. It lunged at her and she closed her eyes, but it

never hit her. She opened her eyes again only to see Moon, he was holding the wolf's neck with one

hand, like it was nothing but a small dog. Moon stood up and looked at the other wolves. They were still

looking at her like they wanted a piece of her. Another one jumped on her from behind but Moon was

faster than it. With an easy swing, he was between Ocean and the wolf. He punched it on it's forehead

and it flew backwards. With a loud thud, it landed on the ground. One by one they lunged at them and

easily Moon sent them all flying back. They were all on the ground in a few minutes, trying to stand up

again but failed. Moon smirked and looked back at Ocean. She was shivering with fear. He quickly

scooped her up in his arms and carried her bridal style. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck

and hid her face in the crock of his neck. Moon looked at the wolves one last time before he zoomed

back into the mansion.

Moon brought her back, she was still in his arms. He opened his room and walked towards the bed

after locking his room door. He sat on the bed with Ocean still in his lap, sobbing quietly. He rubbed her

back soothingly and kissed the top of her head.

Moon: It's okay Ocean, I'm here. You're safe.

But it didn't work. Her sobs got louder. Moon didn't know how to deal with it. He never had dealt with

any girls in his life. Even if anything happens between him and Ocean, he always took his mother's

advice. But not so lucky, Maria couldn't help him. He slowly rocked her back and forth in his lap, trying

to calm her down. She was shivering in fear. Moon couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't see her crying.

He grabbed her by her hips and swung their bodies. Ocean was now lying under Moon. He rubbed the

tip of his nose with her nose. He started to rub his lips on her lips. She tried to hold his face but he

pinned her hands above her head. He kept teasing her with his lips until she gave up and kissed him.

The salty smell of her arousal hit his nostrils and he smiled. He intertwined his fingers with her and

kissed her back with equal passion. He broke the kiss and started trailing wet kisses. He kissed her

jawline, then her cheeks and then her neck. She moaned loudly when he bit her neck lightly. It was her

weak spot. He kept nibbling and sucking her sweet spot until he wasn't sure that she's fine. He let her

go and laid beside her. She quickly moved closer to his body, wrapped both of her arms around him

and rested her head on his chest. He circled one of his arms around her waist, pulled her even closer.

He kissed her forehead and spoke.

Moon: No one can hurt you Ocean. I promise you are safe with me.


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