Novel Name : The Moon and The Ocean

Chapter CHAPTER 40

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Zeus was standing in front of the cabin his father had told him about. He smirked and stepped into the

cabin. According to Derek, there was only one person who knew how to kill Ocean's evil father, Valtor.

And that was an enchantress who was twice more powerful than Vivian. But Zeus was not sure why

Derek did not tell him her name.

A wolf who was standing outside of a room where that enchantress was, stopped Zeus. Zeus glared at

him as he did not show any respect for the Alpha.

Young wolf: Pardon me, Alpha. But you are not our alpha. We only obey our mistress. If you want to go

inside and meet her, you should get into the line and wait for your turn.

A young wolf said to Zeus in a very disrespectful way. Zeus would have fumed in anger and would

have beheaded him. But he was worried about his brother and his family. He knew Valtor would take

any chance he would get to destroy everything and make his baby brother Moon, a puppet.

Zeus just glared at the young wolf and went away. He went into the line and waited for his turn. After

what it felt like eternity, but in reality, five hours later. The young wolf called Zeus that he was now

allowed to meet the enchantress.

Zeus entered her room and he cursed under his breath as his eyes fell on the most powerful

enchantress. Enchantress Hellenora.

Hellenora: Welcome, Alpha Zeus. We finally met again. I have been waiting for you.

She said in a taunting tone that made Zeus grit his teeth in anger. But he again controlled himself. He

had a family to save from an evil vampire. And Ocean had already told him what would happen if Zeus

did not find a way to kill Valtor.

Alpha Zeus: So that was the reason why pa did not tell me your name, Hellenora. How are you?

Alpha Zeus replied in a sarcastic tone. He poured his anger into his words. He was not visiting

Hellenora for a fight. But to find some answers he was looking for.

Hellenora: I am fine, Alpha Zeus. You look fine as well. How come a man like you is fine? How could it

happen even after whatever you have done?

Hellenora asked Zeus who balled his fists to control his anger. Zeus took a deep breath to calm himself

down. He then went towards the couch that was set in front of the couch, Hellenora was sitting on.

Alpha Zeus: Look, Hellenora. I am not here to pick up a fight. I know you are angry at me. But right

now, I don't care about anything. I am here to ask you about the only way you know to kill Valtor.

Hearing Valtor's name, Hellenora dropped her sarcastic behavior and signalled Zeus to carry on. Zeus

nodded his head and comfortably sat on the couch.

Alpha Zeus: As I told you, I want to know how to kill Valtor. He is back and the only way to stop all the

destruction he is here for, is to kill him. And pa said only you know how to kill him. So tell me, what is

that way?

Zeus asked Hellenora and she raised a brow at him. She was pissed at him for everything he had

done. And she knew it was time to make him pay for his sins. She also knew, even if Valtor destroyed

Zeus' territory, she would kill Valtor later. Even Derek knew that. That was why he sent Zeus to


Hellenora: Hold on a second, Alpha Zeus. Why are you in a hurry?

Hellenora asked him in a calmed tone that made Zeus' blood boil in anger.

Alpha Zeus: You know if he gets his hands on Moon, even you will not be able to stop him. So how

about you start telling me everything you know.

This time Zeus was the one who used a sarcastic tone. But hearing his tone and his threatening words,

Hellenora could not help but laugh out loud. As it was nothing but a joke for her.

Hellenora: You and I both know. Not Valtor, not even your brother or them both together stand a chance

against me. My hatred is much bigger than the problem you are here to explain to me.

She replied once her laughter fits, subsided. Zeus understood the reason behind her sarcastic tone and

her carelessness. She was still pissed at him. He sighed and stood up. He knew he would not be able

to look into her eyes while apologising to her for his sins.

Alpha Zeus: I know why are you doing all that? Look, I am not also proud of whatever I had done in the

past. I am guilty and I am sorry. You just can not punish my family and an innocent, newly mated

couple for the crimes and sins I had committed in the past.

Zeus apologized to her in a low guilty tone. He was not lying. It was true. He was not pleased with the

fact that he had committed crimes that even the devil would be ashamed of his deeds. But he could not

change what was done. Of course Zeus wished to change it all but he knew there was no way to do so.

Hellenora also stood up from her couch in anger when she heard Zeus' meaningless apologies.

Hellenora: Just like that, huh! You think, you will apologise to me for everything you have done to an

innocent girl who was just seeking love, and I would forgive you for your sins. Not happening that easily

Alpha. You have to try harder to convince me to help you.

Hellenora replied to Zeus angrily. She folded her arms above her chest and waited for his reply.

Alpha Zeus: So what do you want? Do you want me to jump into the volcano? Or are you waiting for

me to skin myself alive and in front of my whole territory? Tell me what do you want from me? You

know very well, that I would do anything to save my baby brother and my family.

Zeus asked her angrily and she smirked. That was the very moment she had been waiting for. Ever

since Zeus had hurt that pure soul, Hellenora had been waiting for that day to come when Zeus would

do anything, Hellenora would ask him to do.

Hellenora: I have been waiting for this moment. Now we can discuss your punishment. I will tell you

everything and would give you a way to kill Valtor. But in return, you have to give up on everything you

have. You will be nothing but a lonely, scared and powerless wolf. So tell me Zeus, what would it be?

Your ego, or your family? You as Alpha, or your baby brother, Moon? The choice is yours. Don't worry, I

will give you some time to think, thoroughly. You have twenty four hours to think about it. If you have

made a decision, you can come over and we can have this deal sealed with our blood.

She asked him and Alpha Zeus kept staring at her with wide eyes and mouth agape. He was out of

words. He did not know what to do or say. He did not look at her. He stepped out of her cabin and

hopped into his car to go back home.


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